Ill timed Annoying Television Advertising
My Family sit down to dinner-tea -whatever around 5-6pm. To keep talk to the minimum we watch free to air news on the TV- Puctuated by irritating adverts which neither amuse or hold our attention. Our Favourite Disgusting mealtime advert is about the Smelly yellow diseased large toenail which opens up along with its accompanying chatter about smelly fungi and microbes. The equal favourite, is the Pensioners Insurance lady, who gabbles on like a Spanish-fishwife, without coming up for air. Or what is your favourite advert that has you sending missiles flying at the telly.
Yes we do have heaps of USA origin claptrap adverts here,It's part of the deal we have with our free to air programns.
Foxtel gives us here in Sydney a large choice of re-runs.
Incidently, I read in a local tabloid recently that, an American tourist described his visit to Sydney Australia as like being in the twilight zone. Again thanks for your reply.
When I first set up camp in Aus, I searched in a fishing mag for that fish referred to as a Brim, without luck. I am now bi-lingual.
I know that the new face of AAMI gets paid 100 000 a year or for 3 or 4 days work and a promise not to do any other work.
she's works just like me
Have a pleasant day.
I suggest you put your hand up for the job of E M's speech writer, should Victorians become saddled with E M as a polly.