GOOD NEWS....THIS IS THE NEWS WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR......I Would like to hear that..the P M Gay..really?..Wow..or P K .. the LIZARD of OZ

Of course this is a matter of opinion, I would prefer to hear he was lost in the amazon jungle without hope of rescue.

Remember : Your Good News Wish must be sensational or controversial..... no lotto dreams.....Babies .....Weddings ..... or death wishes. VENT YOUR SPLEEN RIGHT HERE.... NOW!!


Anonymous said…
I am not the tony or tony t you said about..i'm tony w you insolting pommie turd and less of the jelly head you f*^#^@#* c*^%t.
I would like hear on the news that vest a pommie blogger caught his dick in a lectric washing ringer
Vest said…
The good news I would like to be told is, that Tony W will not appear ever again on this Site. His comment will be allowed to stay as an example of the filth we have no wish to read, his comment will be eventually removed.
Anonymous said…
Vest I would be pleased if Tony W were removed...'Jelly Head'Tony...great cliche.
My Really Good News would be that Shapelle Corby Has been released from jail... She is innocent poor more sympathy please your posts...cya C...x
hip said…
. . . and it would likely bust the wringer whereas Tony the Pony would likely have to stand in a milk crate and hope for wind assistance. Tony, I don't know vest from a pile of palmolive but a quick read around here would suggest that his politeness comes from his strength, his patience from discipline. Everything he says is in a special context, much of which involves a ship the size of a small town, the people in it and the massive resonsibility he took on. (The job no longer defines the man, he's free to plant a tree and watch it age day by day, and to "whinge" about anything he fancies. Oz needs more whingers, it's a pleasant change from the "bleating" my countrymen are becoming famous for.) But show some respect, if for no other reason than his armour was built when they still knew how.

Condolences Vest.
Go long into the day, mate, 'tis my wish.
Vest said…
Many thanks toh for your gratuitous compliment, a trip for me into Egoland.
Methinks you (TWO), are quite a nice pair of old Fogies too.
Anonymous said…
My good news would be. That there is to be very little political content in your posts and it will remain the same as now and left to the specialists in this field at troppo armadillo
Vest said…
Davo. You would appear to be a troppo freak, stay with them.
next time you wish to comment sign up. No more Anonymous calls accepted here.
Anonymous said…
Could be that ghastly Tony W is a mole for troppo.
Anonymous said…
Hi know anything aboutThe wobbly craze in the states and canada...I clicked on USA site 'THE ZOMBIE SLAYER' which had been visiting your blog 'Politicin aint what it should be 'and every where they are using the word Wobblies instead of Boobs and was said they walk around the shops with writing on there shirts 'I like having my wobblies sucked...and on guys I love sucking wobblies...thats all see ya loves ya x C
Vest said…
yes. I have heard, but whether it is all true or not remains to be seen. Apparently a few weirdo Australians have been pushing this 'Wobbly' cult, and explaining it is happening here around OZ.
I wasted a few hours yesterday reading these comments about WOBBLIES there were some good ones and sicko ones which raised the ire of the bible belt ladies.
The 'WOBBLY CULT' was spawned from JOHN LEONARD SPENCERS Book Waving goodbye to a thousand flies. Where the word 'Wobbly' describing ladies breasts was used frequently during his sex romps in ladies bedrooms.
JLS is known to me personally, he advertises on this site, that is all.
Vest said…
catherine; my son was at the Palm court Hotel in Corrimal last night, he will be there tonight also, Good luck!!

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