Patronage of the HALEKULANI Bowling Club, has in the past attracted persons of mature age in the main, and mature age memberships will continue to assist the club in its operations, while the elderly continue to retire in the area.
However, it seems the HALEKULANI Bowlo is intent on self destruction, and without the help of the present downturn in club finances; due to the excessive pokie tax imposed by our state Govt.
Mainly on a Friday evening, patronage is sometimes that poor in the entertainment (dance) area, that ten fingers are enough to count the audience.
There are many excuses for this sort of occurrence offered by the club management, but none that add up.
The main reason for this phenomenon is the reappearance of bands or artiste's who fail to impress their audiences time after time, so the punters become really pissed off and trot off to Doylo Rissole or the Budgie roundball Club, so at the the end of the nights booze up they spend more on the plonk as these clubs Who charge like wounded bulls compared to the HALEKULANI but, they go home having enjoyed their evening out.
Last nights entertainment,30-4-05 was a classic example the band "Well Swung" has performed here before; four or five times at least but their attendance figures are falling and most people brave enough to risk deafness in later years were younger loonies oblivious to the dangers who were mainly band followers. The noise factor was so intense that most punters were seated far away from the band as possible. the brash mind bending inane deafening crap spewed out left about twenty per cent of the original audience in attendance at around 10-30 pm. The band would be more suited to a Potfest venue in a Bogville rural paddock. I,like many other members, will not watch bilge like this.
Members on line: Watch this post for crap entertainment to be avoided occasionally.
However, it seems the HALEKULANI Bowlo is intent on self destruction, and without the help of the present downturn in club finances; due to the excessive pokie tax imposed by our state Govt.
Mainly on a Friday evening, patronage is sometimes that poor in the entertainment (dance) area, that ten fingers are enough to count the audience.
There are many excuses for this sort of occurrence offered by the club management, but none that add up.
The main reason for this phenomenon is the reappearance of bands or artiste's who fail to impress their audiences time after time, so the punters become really pissed off and trot off to Doylo Rissole or the Budgie roundball Club, so at the the end of the nights booze up they spend more on the plonk as these clubs Who charge like wounded bulls compared to the HALEKULANI but, they go home having enjoyed their evening out.
Last nights entertainment,30-4-05 was a classic example the band "Well Swung" has performed here before; four or five times at least but their attendance figures are falling and most people brave enough to risk deafness in later years were younger loonies oblivious to the dangers who were mainly band followers. The noise factor was so intense that most punters were seated far away from the band as possible. the brash mind bending inane deafening crap spewed out left about twenty per cent of the original audience in attendance at around 10-30 pm. The band would be more suited to a Potfest venue in a Bogville rural paddock. I,like many other members, will not watch bilge like this.
Members on line: Watch this post for crap entertainment to be avoided occasionally.
In my opinion the band you mentioned would provide great entertainment in the right place for the right people, meaning not wrinklies
note; It does help a performers image when they are well dressed and don't appear on stage wearing daggy clothing.
Good entertainment Frid 13 May, band (AM 2 PM) get an eight.five, as do (AFTER PARTY) with the same score, Sat 14-May.
Sat 21 May "The Mighty Belvederes", a bit noisy but will give them an EIGHT out of ten too.
Halekulani Bowlo:
'Rollergirl' Frid May 27, good stuff and a nine score.
'The Twist Tops' Sat May 28, attracted a large crowd of band following middle aged Bimbos and their sweat drenched water and free coffee drinking partners(does this help the club finances? I think not)
The band gets a nine, for those who like that stuff, not noisy but to lots of absent regular club members the constant beat which prevailed 95% of the time; produced a entertainment value of a Six point Five score. The drummer was in Cruise mode.
Sat May 4. The Digger Revelle Show.
Band 8.5, DR a 8.
Me and er indoors will most likely turn up Sat; and Sunday due to the so called Queens Birthday Monday 13th June, when Good Queen Bess of Oz will be; 79years-7weeks &3days old.
Sounds like the song in Alice in wonderland, "A VERY HAPPY UN BIRTHDAY TO YOU".
Fact: Aprox-56,000 Aussies born on the 21st of April; will share the Queens UN Birthday, unless you are excused boots like poor little Royal piker Harry, betcher he'll be in civvy street just as quick as his Bi sibling who just could not hack being a tough marine.
Was it the power of this blog or what.
Their replacement was 'After party 'Whom I gave an Eight point five.
presentation is every thing.
Friday June 17. 'Jam' ordinary tryers," try smiling more" probably will improve, should dress better.
Saturday June 18, 'Whiskey River' C W band, good performers; well dressed, should play more C W or less other music.
Club cocked up by not using the dance floor extension to accommodate the full house and further stuffed up by using part of the dance floor for a chair stowage, Not good enough Halekulani staff, the crowd was halved by 1030 pm. 'Whiskey River' get a Nine.
Sat May 25: 3/4 full with mostly out of towners(aged boppers)same drumbeat,A reluctant nine by me, some people enjoyed them.
Those bloody chairs stacked on the dance floor again Fri & Sat. On Sat I had to move three times during the evening to avoid filthy stinking smokers. It is obvious management are not coping with the litter laws re cigarette butts strewn around the front steps of the club. Answer make it a non smoking area.
Sat July 2nd. Oscar & The Kamis. Crowd pleasers. 9-1/2.
At 9:30 pm 23 people, at 11pm only 9, at 1140 only myself and my wife.
The chairs are still on the dance floor.
Tonight; July 9 Sat, "AFTER PARTY". Should be good if the fans turn up. I gave them an Eight for their last performance.
I was reminded by a Halekulani bowlo Staffer; a middle-aged Bimbo type, that, I was only forming the opinion of an aged person, the average punter age last night would be over 60.
Many people have already explained, they will give "well swung" a miss on July 22, maybe the bang-clang younger Smoking loonies who happened along before may decide to give it a miss. If you are a patron on that night and already deaf and a non smoker too, it may be fun to watch the muted body linguistics.
There are other staff members other than middle management who need their noddles adjusted, particularly one who probably had the wrong head removed from his shoulders in Van Diemans land. Also there is not a shortage of dick heads among the patrons.
Note; 2 cans of Coke plus two Whiskies at the Halekulani cost $9-50, the same drinks at Doylo, Norah head, Soccer C, Toukley Rsl, Wyong RL, Wyong bowls and Wallarah Bay, cost between $10-30 and $11-20, at the Hale you can save as an indiviual for examp, $3-00 one
night, or $6-00 two nights per week or $312-00 per year, if you are a read pisshead the savings are enormous, ave a good day see you at the Halekulani.
Friday July 15 , "Roller Girl" Really great, All goodness, A Big Nine.
Saturday July 16(my birthday)
"The Fabulous Tee Jays" A Big Nine plus.
Dont forget it's LOONEY night Frid July 22 with well swung, I shall not be there.
P.S. Observez hors de vous l'Anglais, lie de Brett est sur le feu! hahaha
Fri July 22. well swung', get lost no comment.
Sat July 23 'Spruce Goose' not bad, gave them a 8.5.
LIZ r. in reply to your suggestive remarks. #@!*^#)#^% *&($%@#@#^%$# F&^%&^$)(*@#%$O#FF.
2 botts c/cola plus two whiskies a hefty $13-30, robbing basratds, compared to Halekulani's $8-50.
Saturday July 30, Every one's Favourite band, The 'FAB FOUR' The Australian answer to the Beatles.
Great Music and personal presentation, like or lump it I shall give them a Huge 'TEN'.
To the management of the 'Hale',
Bring back the Fab Four more often.
Satuday Aug 6, 'The Three B's', Top class entertainment,'A Ten'.
Satuday Aug 6, 'The Three B's', Top class entertainment,'A Ten'.
Available now for Aus/$26-00 includes post & packing.
Cheque/m/order To L.J.Bowyer, PO BOX 250, Budgewoi, NSW 2262 Australia.
Saturday 13th Aug,'Paul Robert Burton and the Shuffle'Different- fairly good- They get a NINE out of ten.
Music was in the lounge, so as to accommodate the the sexual orientated romps to music produced by a male review in the auditorium, which flopped with aprox 100 in attendance.
The music in the lounge was spoilt by the loud mouthed loonies yelling and screaming while watching the Thugby league brain dead over weight morons efforts to produce yet more Q/Ps travelling as human cabbages in wheelchairs.
The five piece band was not the band promulgated, but a heavy metal mob, 'Grand Theft Audio', their ear piercing 'Clang Bang' required one ear to be plugged to remain sane.
There was a lot of discontent shown by a non member of our club, who was a complete pain in the ass, the duty manager did his best to calm down this dick head.
This asshole 'A good Catholic married man' who had previously cracked a joke about a blow job and mentioned the 'S' word, became annoyed and pious on hearing the 'F' word mentioned by a person on our table in earshot of his lady friend, to which he received an apoligy.
This unctious married asshole who had booked in to a local motel; after a overnight romp in the sack. will no doubt be belting out "Hail Mary's" a-plenty to-day Sunday.
One thing is certain, I shall not be joining this blatant Hypocrite at his table again.
The duty manager gets a'TEN'
The Band an 'Eight'
The Asshole a 'ZERO'.
Sat Aug 27.'High school Reunion' Ok, ordinary. Just an 'eight'
Sunday Aug 28. ENGLAND WON - Australia didn't, hah hah hah.
Na na Nana Na, Na na Nana na.