FIRST OF ALL WE CELEBBRATE THE QUEENS BIRTHDAY on the WRONG DAY. The second Monday in June. The Queens birthday is actually the 21st day in April.
SECONDLY THE BRITISH REMEMBER THE FALLEN IN WAR on the nearest sunday to the eleventh day of November. Is this in order to eliminate the workforce from indulging in yet another public holiday on REMEMBRANCE DAY. NOV 11
YESTERDAY Wednesday 29 June 2005. THE BRITISH STARTED THE 200th ANNIVERSARY OF THE (Sea) BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR CELEBRATIONS. ( Admiral Horatio Nelson and the HM SHIP of the line HMS VICTORY, currently preserved in dry dock in Portsmouth England and aged about 240 years, being the main attraction, together with a large contingent of British Commonwealth and visiting foreign Warships). The problem is, myself not being dimwitted as their Lords and Commissioners of the Admiralty(M O D: NAVY) seem to be, would like to point out that, the BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR WAS FOUGHT ON; THE TWENTY FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER 1805. Incidently; it was on a MONDAY, not on a Wednesday.
Admiral Horatio Nelsons Flag signal at the yard arm read(I believe this is close to being correct)
"TODAY ENGLAND EXPECTS THAT EVERY MAN WILL DO HIS DUTY" . Admiral Horatio Nelson died during the course of the battle.
SECONDLY THE BRITISH REMEMBER THE FALLEN IN WAR on the nearest sunday to the eleventh day of November. Is this in order to eliminate the workforce from indulging in yet another public holiday on REMEMBRANCE DAY. NOV 11
YESTERDAY Wednesday 29 June 2005. THE BRITISH STARTED THE 200th ANNIVERSARY OF THE (Sea) BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR CELEBRATIONS. ( Admiral Horatio Nelson and the HM SHIP of the line HMS VICTORY, currently preserved in dry dock in Portsmouth England and aged about 240 years, being the main attraction, together with a large contingent of British Commonwealth and visiting foreign Warships). The problem is, myself not being dimwitted as their Lords and Commissioners of the Admiralty(M O D: NAVY) seem to be, would like to point out that, the BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR WAS FOUGHT ON; THE TWENTY FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER 1805. Incidently; it was on a MONDAY, not on a Wednesday.
Admiral Horatio Nelsons Flag signal at the yard arm read(I believe this is close to being correct)
"TODAY ENGLAND EXPECTS THAT EVERY MAN WILL DO HIS DUTY" . Admiral Horatio Nelson died during the course of the battle.
One peculier Australian invention; although not yet a public holiday thingy, is, would you believe 'CHRISTMAS IN JULY', thought to be the brain-child of a homesick ex patriot Englsh looney. Mind you, Xmas here in Oz is usually a pretty warm 30deg plus cel, today here on the eastern seaboard it is wind and rain and 60deg cel. Enjoy your northern summer.
B T W. Easter Monday is a holiday in Australia.
In addition to our national holidays, there are two other days I refuse to work on - my birthday, and Mrs. Zombieslayer's and my anniversary.
We have Christmas in July here, too. It's mostly a marketing scheme where the stores will have sales.
Comment 2 on this post should read: 60deg Fah or 16deg Cel, not as stated 60deg Cel.
In contrast to yesterday, we have a light wind coming from the south east, temp 65 Fah or 18 Cel, clear skies and a beautiful sunrise; here on the beautiful central coast of N S W in OZ 'The lucky Country'
I occasionally have my critics; mostly from the Northern Hemisphere countries, the rule of thumb is simple, the opposite wind temp applies in 'that' other hemisphere.
Like trying to explain to landlubbers that, a Neap tide is the lowest high and highest low and that a Spring tide is the highest high and the lowest low ????
By the way, thanks for visiting my blog. I feel like I could write a book about my life, but alas, I am not famous. :-P