I am sorry to say this blog will soon have its final post, this post may be my last. I would like to say "Thank You" to all of you nice people with whom I have been in blog contact over the past sixteen years. Unfortunately, my health issues have become worse over the past two weeks, my mobility is at its lowest point; and I become dizzy after a couple of paces, I am using oxygen permanently. It feels like I am falling apart; I have Kidney - Heart - Lung and Bladder problems, plus many other add ons to stir the mix. I am still living? at home, where I have a comfortable environment and the necessary assistance,. I do not sleep well; probably due to loss of body activity. My eldest son Christopher will be the person to inform you of my final time on earth. I need to lay down for a while right now. My best wishes to you all. Vest Daily Gaggle, AKA. Leslie John Bowyer.
This Faux pas can only be described as another total cock up by the Howard Liberal Govt and a cost cutting excercise to boot by bean counting Canberra Bureaucrats,
and embarrassed draft dodging Chicken Hawk politicians
Continue this saga by reading the previous two posts and comments.
WWII was probably the most important war in the last 1000 years. It really did determine the fate of the world. I'm grateful for those who fought and won the war for the good guys, because that war had clear good guys and bad guys.
I have relatives in both parts of the world, Europe, and Asia, who were affected by that war. The Japanese were going around raping all the good-looking women they could find and brutally killing any man who would start up for their honor. I don't think I need to explain what the Nazis did.
Plus, of course I have relatives in the States as well. Although I don't think either the Japanese or the Germans would have wanted a guerilla war in the U.S., just imagine if Germany defeated Britain and the Japanese knocked us out of the war and kept Manchuria, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Australia. The world would have been a nightmare.
I'm forever grateful for the alliance of our great nations. None of us would have been able to do it alone.
So, that said, thanks Vest. Thank you for your service, and thanks to all the other Vets who fought in that war.
Watch this post for any further info on this matter.
I have written to the Sydney Daily Telegraph, Which has the largest circulation in New South Wales OZ. Which often publishes my gripes and whingeing letters, but still its great fun,It gives me something to get my teeth into when the weather is rough and I can't get the boat out to go fishing, Have a good day Mate, thanks for your comment.
I had a verbal encounter with a lady selling legacy badges, which supposedly assists old war vets(AUS Born type)"Dont they get enough without asking me for charity I cant get a gold card I replied. "You have to fight in a war sonny Jim; that's how you get one, you tight wad" "I'll try to remember I replied"
I have been feeling a bit crook lately, lack of sleep and excersize the main problem, and right side aches something shocking.
Had a bit of banter on the daily flute yesterday, which seems now I have been given the arse by PB, win some lose some, so flutey if you cant take criticism you had best go back to Highgate cemetery and complete your learning of the commo manifesto while you are having your periods bucko, and to quote your favourite word when you lose the plot blocklos.
You might tell brownie also that he should ask Helen, Boynton or Mandy where he can parchase huge baggy red flannel Bloomers with galvanized gussets.
vest will take a rest for a while. but I'll be back.
I still feel crook, the right side around the ribs is painful, I shall be seeing the Quack at 1030 am, this is when there should be a special God for us Nocangoists to appeal to for mercy.
Please all High and Mighty make me well and in return I shall not be rude again to your Prodigy Flutey.
Within 3 hours the best or worst will unfold, meanwhile I'll check the lotto.
A man in hospital screamed in pain when having his dislocated shoulder relocated.
The nurse told him that a 18 year old first time mother in the next ward never made a sound delivering a 15 pound baby.
"Try putting it back" he replied".
Australian Government. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Dear Mrxxxx (me of course)
On behalf of the Prime Minister, I would like to thank you for your correspondence received on 23 September 2005 enclosing your 60th anniversary of the end of WW2 war medallion.
The Prime Minister appreciates the time you have taken to convey your views to him. However, he regrets that due to the large volume of correspondence he receives, he is unable to respond to each item personally. Consequently, and to ensure that issues receive the attention they deserve, the Prime Minister has asked that correspondence be referred to his ministers for further consideration. I have referred your correspondence to the Minister assisting the Minister for Defence, the Hon De-Anne Kelly MP for attention, given that she is responsible for the developement of policy on the issuing of defence medals.
Again, thank you for taking the time to write to the prime minister.
Yours sincerely xxxxx
Ministerials Officer,,etc