Battleships, 40,000 ton 4. / 2, one French
Fleet Aicraft Carriers 5.
Escort Aircraft Carriers 12. / 16
Heavy & light Cruisers .
6 to 8,000 Tons 10, 2 NZ,1 Canadaian. / 13, 1 Dutch
Destroyers 40, 6 on loan to RAN. / 45, 1 dutch 2 French
The above ships formed the fighting force, except the 6 RAN destroyers on N A S Duties escorting Supply Ships and 'Bringing up the Mail' The "GOLD CARD MEN'
Frigates & Sloops 31./ 59, 5 R Indian Navy
Submarines 29. /14
Minesweepers 33./ 31, 15 R INDIAN NAVY
Landing ships - 21.
Maintenance/Repair ships 15. /21.
Fleet Oil Tankers 22.
Hospital Ships 6.
Ammunition & Store Ships 43.

TOTALS 245 Ships in all. 222 Ships in all.


Anonymous said…
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Vest said…
So there we have it, for all to see. there were aprox 245 ships with the British Pacific Fleet operating out of Sydney and east Australia, also 222 operating from ports west of Australia and in the Indian Ocean to the north.
I have a list of the names of all these ships, which can be extended to even the names and titles of their Commanding Officers (Captains).
Anyone requiring a list or lists in complete detail; email me for mailing arrangements. Or for any Queries relating to The activities of the BR Pac Fleet or East Ind Fleet, I have to hand a comprehensive journal of their activities, and a personal knowledgable hands on account of the visual scenario.
I am quite prepared to lock horns with the Prime Ministers 'Clarke Commitee'The Intelectual think tank of the Australian Federal Government over this issue but make it soon as it seem; due to unforseen health problems It will have to be taken on by a more capable person.
Vest said…
Your request for info, regarding the term 'N A S' in this Post, is answered here as your email address was a failure. 'No Angry Shot', also a Fred Collimore emailed (I dont know the Guy)and asked, was it 'Nano Australorp Semen', sorry fred too early in the morning for me work that one out. D for V.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
I'll leave that last comment for a while till the the old man sees it.
Vest - Wife and I are thinking of joining a Liberty Ship membership. I forgot her name, but had an Irish name. Liberty Ships were manned entirely by volunteers. They brought supplies to the Allies. None of these people made a dime and risked it all.

The ship we're thinking of joining is the last of her kind, fully restored and goes on cruises. They saved her from the mothball fleet and restored her to full running order. O'Brien, ah, that's the name.

Anyways, for about $150/year, you can be a member of the ship and that money goes to keeping the ship going. It enables a member to get discounts on the cruises. You'd love it. 1940s music + 1940s dancing. All food supplied. We met the good folks who worked on restoring her and they had fascinating stories to tell. I had no idea that as early as the 1880s, all that engineering technology for the Liberty Ships already existed.

By the last few years of the war, America was producing a ship a day. Our industries were something to be proud of. Every American was heavilly behind the war effort and there was so much cohesion.

I would have loved to live during those days. Today, it's hard to meet someone proud of their country. Plus, I meet a lot of people who are disrespectful to Veterans. That drives me nuts.

Love the 1940s swing. In high school, I was thinking of doing it competitively. It's a wonderful dance, and it's starting to come back in America big time. It would be so much fun cruising on a Liberty Ship, dancing with the Mrs. to a big band.
Vest said…
Thanks for the info ZS, It would be doubtful that I would get around to Cruising as you put it, my past service in the Brit Royal Navy has fulfilled all of my seagoing needs and expectations.
However, click on google, and look for, 'Liberty Ship Flying Enterprise'Capt Kurt Carlsen'. Brit Navy Tug 'TURMOIL' from Devonport. took Fl/Enterprise in tow. But Fly/Ent sank 400 miles off Falmouth Eng, in 1951, I believe,great story. vest daily gaggle.
Vest - I had no idea. Zirconium, huh? Thanks for the links. You know me, I'm a history buff, so I love stuff like that.

Have you ever heard of the Port Chicago Naval accident? It was the worst military accident in American history and some claim it may have been a nuclear accident. I highly doubt it though, because I grew up near what used to be Port Chicago. The town itself was destroyed and only the name Port Chicago Highway remains.

The cancer rates around what used to be Port Chicago reflect the cancer rates for the rest of the country, so nothing's out of the ordinary. But Hiroshima's cancer rates were significantly higher than other cities in Japan.

Here's a good article on Port Chicago.
tshsmom said…
I'd never heard of Liberty ships, ZS. That's fascinating! The only volunteer sailors I'd heard about were at Dunkirk.
I've always liked 40s music too. I LOVE the Andrews Sisters!
Anonymous said…
vesty,tshsmom and Z S. Click on Google "OPERATION ICEBERG for the day by day account of the USA & British Fleets activities during There ten week non stop deck chair and coca cola sunshine pacific cruise
Vest said…
Very clever Graham, you forgot the icecream beer Hula Girls and debauchery, oh and the Quoits and deck hockey. The Sun was where we looked into, to welcome its Sons from the land of the Rising Sun who were dying to meet us; as they hurried down to be given an unexpected warm welcome. After about ten weeks of indulgence and hilarity the sons of the rising son got pissed off as they were losing all of their balls and said "It aint fair" and shoved off home taking their bats with them, promising to return for another game later.
Vest said…
Just back from the soccer club, and my tinnitus is going like the clappers after sitting 20 feet away the Richard Clapton mob, didn't have a ticket but, I told the door bloke we were the band leaders parents, " No problem said he".
Anonymous said…
5B4OaI write more, thanks.

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