Mr KERRY PACKER (A GREAT AUSTRALIAN) And formerly Australia's wealthiest person, passed away on Monday Jan- 26. His demise is attributed to heart and kidney failure.
On a lighter note, many notable people have suggested that, Kerry, would have secured his future in advance. Kerry being a Fun person and someone who enjoyed life to the full, It is now expected that HEAVEN will soon be getting its first TV and Radio Networks, Plus Casino's and Slot machines, One Day 50 overs Cricket and Horse Racing.
The only way myself and many other people became involved with Kerry, was to contribute to his wealth.
Kerry I have been told was a great Philanthropist, although a few Billion would hardly put a dent into his balance.
I personally never came in contact with Kerry, however most people who did regarded him as a great person and a good guy.
Those intending to depart for higher places soon will have the surprise of their(New Life) Thanks to Kerry.
On a lighter note, many notable people have suggested that, Kerry, would have secured his future in advance. Kerry being a Fun person and someone who enjoyed life to the full, It is now expected that HEAVEN will soon be getting its first TV and Radio Networks, Plus Casino's and Slot machines, One Day 50 overs Cricket and Horse Racing.
The only way myself and many other people became involved with Kerry, was to contribute to his wealth.
Kerry I have been told was a great Philanthropist, although a few Billion would hardly put a dent into his balance.
I personally never came in contact with Kerry, however most people who did regarded him as a great person and a good guy.
Those intending to depart for higher places soon will have the surprise of their(New Life) Thanks to Kerry.
This bunch of undesirables commented on my site initially in a manner unacceptable, my "Shove off Drop dead reply" has irritated this bunch of no hopers to the extent that they wrote a post in my honour, which has resulted in my sales improving, which is due to the Stats increasing by aprox 1,400 per cent. Thanks morons keep it up.
From time to time we will be entertained with discrediting remarks about My personal self which no doubt some lesser people will enjoy. However, having a thick skin and a liking for extra income I can only say thanks chappies for your help, even though you are a bunch of no hopers. avag'day.
has K P made any arranging for us blokes who may be going (DOWN) instead of up? colin 72
One post had over 300 comments, all from just 3 people. These snotnosed brats are doing this at work. This proves how responsible and productive they are at their job.
Their main hobby, other than drinking, is to deliberately annoy people on their own blogs. I guess this is the modern equivalent of crank phone calls.
Hopefully they won't breed and pass on their defective genes. ;)
LOVED "The old village bike" comment. I don't think the kiddies are bright enough to get it though.
Say HI to Rose!
I shall not delete your last comment, but any suggestive remark from you in the future will get the chop Find something useful to do today, Thank you for your comment AVAG'DAY.
Your last comment deleted due to your sexual innuendo. The previous warning was your last, bye.
Yes Kerry Packer was a honorable person; can't recall him being involved with 'Dodgy Deals'.
KP was pocketing ONE $Million a day from investments. His string of personal companies amassed $393 Million in the past fin/year, he will be leaving behind a staggering estimate of $7 Billion. Yes you are correct in stating he was honorable, but I reckon you or I or most people for that matter would be quite happy with a one per cent share of K P's HONORABILITY, Have a good day , nice lady.
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