PLEASE feel free to comment, get it off your chest before the year runs out, about anything you wish to say. NO DELETIONS UNLESS THEY ARE OBSCENE.

VEST: I would like to say hello to my OLD shipmates of the HMS King George V assoc in the U/K to whom I will send a new JLS pen to replace their misplaced one ; should they comment here. We of the assoc in Australia have recently returned from a hilarious holiday in Coffs Harbour, going wild and enjoying life to the full, (Read your news letter)My beautiful Lady and myself are sailing down to Tasmania mid Jan, those of you who haven't yet lost their marbles will remember our ship going there Jan-8-46, and the great reception we had from the locals.
Reading your news letters really has me wondering what your domestic lives entail, as your assoc annual meanderings appear to be in need of a vitality boost, your several minor adventures were mostly centred around boring venues; unctious church services and retiring to your beds at 9PM, "How Frightfully Exciting". It also seems that, our Assoc in the UK is lacking in leadership, or is it that the 'Lord of the Manor come Village Squire Kow Towing Syndrome' is still prevalant among you. "I say, you old English chappies" "Do you have to have a senior officer not of our ships company to lead you". BTW if the rude old Chancre bosun I spoke to over a year ago is still around, please would you say "Thank you" for the 'J L Spencer book you asked for free gratis that I sent you. In the washup I feel you old guys in the U/K need a push in the right direction, but never mind; not long to go now; pray hard, I reccomend you click on to , For your next annual vacation. (just kidding) vest,


Vest said…
Author Ben Romero, thanks mate for your new book,'Chicken Chisme: The Fine Art Of Gossiping', which arrived today.
Ben has written several books of which I am a proud owner of them all. Most of Bens books have that 'Hispanic Flavor'. Ben lives in California USA, Ben is married with a loving family.
Contact Ben At.
Anonymous said…
something has happened to my my mate vest- he asked me while his trouble and strife was out spending the usal xmas fortune to help to fix up this bloody great tree in his lounge room, he told me his wife usually does it, but wants to surprise her- has the silly old bugger gone soft
Vest said…
Thanks Dave for the exposure of my softer side, what would a hard nut of your calibre know about Christmas apart that J/C was one of your Mob that you ostracised. My unusual activities, are due to a reappraisal of the Christmas Spirit thingy and I have decided that, having four 10 to 12 aged grandchildren who are visiting this coming weekend, my 'Humbug' attitude would be out order, my darling was surprised when she saw the tree and did the final touches and asked if I would be doing the Santa thing too, I replied "no",
"Surely once a year isn't too much" say's she.
"Depends on what I think you mean" I replied.
Merry Christmas! What do I have to say in 2005 that must be said in 2005? Hmm...

Nothing really, other than our Egg Nog will have a lot of Rum, and I'll be making Rumballs. will post the recipe on my blog if I remember.

I'm tired of politics, that's why I haven't been posting politics recently.

Bah, screw it. here's the recipe right here.

1 stick of butter
1 16 oz package of powdered sugar
1 box of baking chocolate
1 stick of paraffin wax
nuts of your choice (we used walnuts last time)

Take the nuts and soak them in rum overnight. Then melt the stick of butter and mix it really well with powdered sugar and the nuts. Roll them into balls and put them in the fridge overnight. On the third day, melt the wax and the chocolate in a double boiler. Dip the balls in the chocolate mix. You'd want to put two or three coats of chocolate on the balls.

Vest said…
Hi Zom, Nice recipe, I would like to use this recipe on most of my unfavoured male politicians,
soaking their nuts overnight in vinegar instead of rum to start off and watch their faces contort and their lips unfold in truthful voice that, it hurts profoundly echoing the pleads of long suffering constituents as I dip their nuts in boiling chocolate.
Vest said…
'Learning The Hard Way'

I used to think I was poor. Then they told me I wasn't poor, I was needy. They told me it was self-defeating to think of my self as needy, I was deprived. Then they told me under-privileged was over used, I was disadvantaged.
I still could do with a few extra dimes, (Couldn't we all).
But I have a great vocabulary.

But that has gone before, I am no longer poor.
'Knock Knock'
Are there beggars at my door? vest.
Anonymous said…
hi vesty mate i just got back from the leagues Club-lot of Med guys in a punch up with the locals- police and ambulance called- great stuff- mindful as you might say of the old days. read about it tomorrow. dead tired see ya
Vest said…
Dave steer clear of that club, its renowned for violence, and the grog is not cheap, although the crumpet is if you are really hard pressed, a couple of months back two 18 stone Samoan bouncers were hospitalised after a rascist punch up. see you on Sat, our sons David and Tim will visiting with their Children,(4) remember its Christmas, I have already told them that a strange looking uncle Dave From izzyland will be visiting too,so dig deep for pressies skinflint. see ya mate vest.
Anonymous said…
ZRndCP write more, thanks.
Jimmy said…
it will be EASTER soon, u ass
Vest said…
Jimmy it is you that is the gormless ass. Read the post again dunderhead.
Anonymous said…
Hey Vest. Glad to see you are still kicking butt from afar. I am well but recovering from gallbladder surgery (ouch) - I am not keeping up my blog, but do make an appearance from time to time on Facebook if you ever join it. If you do, let me know and I'll give you the details to find me. Hope you and Rosemary are keeping very well and happy. Bless you both.
Vest said…
Aggie: Absolutely delighted to hear from you again, I was harbouring thoughts you were lost forever, thank you for your kind comment.
Rosemary and I wish you a speedy recovery from your recent surgery.

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