SPARE A THOUGHT FOR LITTLE SOPHIE.. Who was Hit by a car in Sydney

After my seven hour repose from four something this morning,I was confronted with more bad news.If anyone reading this who has a malady of sorts which could be worse than that of Little Sophie's; Bless you too.
It would be best for you to read about this yourselves. Type into Google, 'SOPHIE DELEZIO HIT BY CAR IN SYDNEY'. This will give you the complete story, PLEASE READ IT
and simply say that you have read it.


Anonymous said…
The tears are not drying
Anonymous said…
I'm tearfull too
Anonymous said…
I feel so much for that loving little girl.
Anonymous said…
Praying hasn't helped her much in the past: but kindness, affection and a good bunch of medical people have and will continue to do so. Good luck little darling, we are always here for you.
Vest said…
Thank you, to those people who took the time to call.
Vest said…
The latest news on Sophie is she will be kept in a medically induced Coma for two more weeks to assist the healing process.
BwcaBrownie said…
The news of this tragedy made me weep for that cheery little girl, and I also feel sorry for the man after thinking about the location of the crossing. It may not have been all his fault that the Carer and The Pusher were not clearly visible.

Still (as at 22/5) NOBODY has mentioned The Carer.
I know I would never sail out onto a crossing without first studying all the oncoming traffic.
Poor little Sophie - her mother will never trust her to anybody else's care again. I hope she gets well soon.

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