If you are a guy reading this its more than likely you will be disappointed, as it relates to the adventures of a Ginger Tom.
"Hi dad we have a visitor" said my son Chris, as I looked down there was this beautiful example of felinity staring back at me, it then jumped up on the bed and purred around me as I said nice pussy and those silly sayings one says to pussies. G Tom was very friendly and seemed to have the knack of persuading his human carers to get what he required. G tom stopped at the fridge, I then fed him with chopped meat, when he'd had enough it was back to the fridge, where he indicated it was milk he was after, soon after he trotted down the stairs- his twin engines swaying in the rear. It was still raining outside and had been more on than off for the past week, G Tom ignored the box with newspaper and went off to the kitchen to finish off his brekky, then suddenly made a bee-line for the front door. It had stopped raining.

Reminds me of the young studs out on a Friday night calling into Macca's for brekky and waiting for the weather to clear.


Vest said…
The above comment is from saby AKA STABYOU the ELEPHANT BOY, using another of his many aliases
Anonymous said…
Probably some dastardly foul Hindi incantation.
Angelique said…
Vest, Ginger Tom sounds like a good kitty that pretty much uses your pad to crash and treats the inhabitants as servants. Sounds like my brood of kitties but I wouldn't want them any other way but a thank you once in a while wouldn't hurt either. So when will I read more adventures of G Tom? I admit I have a soft spot for ginger kitties.
Twin engines, huh? By the way, Vest, how is it that you manage to attact such weirdos to your blog? :-P
Michele said…
Hey vest that sounds like my
neighbors cat.Everyone feeds
him and he is one fat cat.
Vest said…
Angelique:Hi P F, seems like a one off thing, although we enjoyed G Ts brief visit and the honour in choosing our 5 star accommodation, we have two birds who may have thought otherwise, we allow them to fly around the house and return to their cages in their own time.
T F C.
Notta W F: Attracting weirdos.
It is because of me being so disagreeable to some people who continually utter filth and nonsense, I prefer to speak out Rather than turn the other cheek.
There have been occasional faux pas, and the appropriate apology made, but not always politely received.
However, I would prefer not to look upon you as one of those weirdos, in fact you have a beautiful mind.
Aww Vest - that's one of the best compliments I've had this week - a weirdo with a beautiful mind. :-P
Vest said…
Notta: Mustastuffedup or somehow it was misinterpreted, it was not intended that I refer to you as being a weirdo, unless you have some undisclosed peculiar traits. Apologies.
Vest said…
Julia AKA Saby the untouchable and his Efluentcy Saby the uncleanable
has been deleted.
Anonymous said…
hahaaaa.. that was refreshing.....
saby has many aliases-but they aren't hard 2 figure out....
Vest - I was just giving you a bit of a hard time. If you're allowed, I can too. :-P
Vest said…
Notta W: Hi nice person, you may give me a bit of a hard time any time you wish,it doesnt happen to me terribly often these days.
Vest said…
Notta W: (Attracting weirdos to my blog) Surely you don't think all of them are weirdos, agreed there are some odd ones but in the main they come over as being as sane as you or myself and all with good intentions.

I am the NORTH POLE MR Nice Person
at the top.
The odd minority are the SOUTH
POLES at the ass end.

Unlike Poles Attract, is my answer
to your Q.
Vest said…
Ginger Tom lives three houses down the avenue, saw him in the front garden, I spoke to his owner about his bed and brekky thingy. his lady owner described G/Tom as a perfect but frightfully dominant pussy.

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