Many are the blogs that have collapsed in a state of confusion, due to the muddle fuddling agitation created by Mr Fartmouth Saby Dasouza, sewer operative and gutter cleaner from Mumbai(Bombay)India.
Saby, Who at present has 38 blog sites in India catering mainly for the minds of Deviates, Perverts, pedophiles and misc other Bumholes who glorify and wallow in filth, has plagued my blogsite for the past five months. Although I have low tolerance for downright filth, some of saby's (Nice guy comments) were allowed to remain.
Recently two blogsite owners have contacted me, after having changed the identification of their sites, all due to this Saby person, I shall consider such a drastic move to be an option should Saby the blog terrorist continue to harass.

As from today July 17 06, All comments from Saby and his Known aliases and backers will be deleted regardless of contents


Anonymous said…
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Michele said…
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Pugs said…
Well I take my hat off to you vest..
No one can say that you didn't try and give saby a chance to put things to rights.
I'm afraid I would have done it sooner rather than later.
Bridget Jones said…
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Anonymous said…
Good on ya mate! Take one out of the esky for me.
Jim said…
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Anonymous said…
saby is definately INTERNET WITH ATTITUDE!!! He can B a Major Azz, but a tiny part of me feels sorry 4 someone who goes thru life miserable and making everyone else miserable!

Dirty Bunny said…
Don't you just loathe people who feel they always need to ruin a good thing? Thanks for visiting my site.
Jim said…
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Jim said…
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Jim said…
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Jim said…
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Michele said…
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Vest said…
Thanks everyone for the support.
All of the deletions are from STABYOU the elephant boy.
Jim said…
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Jim said…
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Vest said…
It may also be assumed micheles blog on JAZZ COFFEE is nothing more than a platform for plagiarism filth and hatred, this person infiltrated my blog by pretence, I now find her most unworthy as a communicable person.
Please michele get help for yourself
It is my wish that you get well soon, Y Sincerely vest.
Anonymous said…
Please delete from here....
- 6
spaghetti alla carbonara
Jimmy said…
who are the two babes Vest?

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