According to the department of foriegn affars, up to 25,000 Australians of Lebanese descent who hold Lebanese passports as well as Australian passports , live permanently or semi permanently in Lebanon.
The latest Middle East crises has flushed out a new class of duel nationality super snivelers who believe mere possession of an Australian passport guarantees them security in their 'Other Homeland'.
At citizen ceremonies these Lebanese migrants are informed they have the same rights and privileges as any other Australians(Which technically is a blatent lie told by successive Australian Govts) I refer to the medical gold card not available to British Vets who fought in the defence of Australia, myself being one)
These Aussies of Lebanese descent also have discovered the flaw in their citizenship status.
However, while this bunch of insufferable ingrates whinge and whine because of their present misfortune ; being stranded in Lebanon during the recent flare up of hostillities, it leaves me with little sympathy for them.
In most cases these duel Aus/Leb cits have for all intents and purposes left Australia for good and returned to their roots(their homeland) after securing their aged social security pension- superannuation and other retirement funds. so to live among their own kind but with a higher status and income, very clever you might say, and no skin off the Australian Govts nose, until now, when all they want is to be aussies once more, (Until the shooting stops)
I say leave these freeloading whingeing assholes in the rat holes the chose to live in after they discarded Australia as their new home, or at the least make them pay for their rescue and the privilege of becoming an aussie once more. Vest Daily gaggle.


Jim said…
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Anonymous said…
Very brief but straight to the point...very good old feller.
I heard on the G V Most of them have lapsed passports.
Jim said…
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Jim said…
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Vest said…
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Vest said…
It would seem that the northern hemisphere heat waves are affecting bloggers in those affected areas. In a complete reversal of conditions as in piddling down with rain(which we need) plus cold winds from antarctica is keeping me indoors and cosy.
The mystery six hitter from India has been at his disdainful best as can be seen by many deletions.
I have received an E mail from Islamabad Pakistan that a person has been depatched to Mumbai India to deal with this Saby problem, something to do with religious blasphemy. I have replied that, it was his or their organisations prerogative to deal with the problem the way they seem fit, although I do not condone capital measures, I also believe a more sensible solution needs to be discussed. they have replied that an operative has her instructions to expedite her orders as instructed. so far I have not replied.
Anonymous said…
Hi vestie- maybe the paki tart will remove his testimonials and he can then sing soprano with his Sitar
Anonymous said…
Not funny you old arsehole my parents are retired in the lebanon and coming to go back to aussieland
Anonymous said…
vest. Sound advice. Ignore all future communications from those persons in Islamabad, do not become involved. wish you well.
Simon, Canberra.
Jim said…
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Michele said…
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Anonymous said…
vestie be careful, I am concerned for you, it now seems to be gathering motion and developing into a international political thing, can't the government destroy that sabyrat.(((Cuddles))) X.
Jim said…
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Vest said…
Allam: All which I have recently stated has now started to ring true. It is estimated it will cost the Aus tax payer in excess of $25 million to get these people back to Australia again. Only a handful are people on vacation the remainder are bludgers parasites and people who could not give a rats arse for their adopted country whom they bled dry and scarpered to live as wealthy lebanese among their own people. The foriegn minister (billy bunter)has got it right at last, those people with lapsed passports will be paying for their repatriation, before they step ashore in Australia again. I say throw the bludgers back in.
As for you Allam, try to be a little more polite to your elders and superiors, and while your about get stuffed.
Jim said…
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Jim said…
This post woll be removed by the blog administrator

so why post ?
Vest said…
I agree, (so why post)?

There are people who are late starters and those with attention difficuties syndrome some with high sexual expedition needs, and some with little regard for the feelings of others recognisable at an early age when pulling the wings from flies and grabbing the largest slice of the cake and deaf to the appeals of the oppressed and downtrodden. Well the world has uncovered an asshole who fits the description of all of these human frailties, this sad little small minded person is none other than SABY the arch blog terrorist, pictured above.
Vest said…
wot no saby today, I actually recieved an E mail that saby was not with us any more like a R I P Sort of thingy.
Well thats the good news, anyone have any bad news?
Anonymous said…
vest I believe you have destroyed Saby or someguy has
Good luck

saby had to go might av self destructed

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