At midday today I noticed the Ants in the garden had gone to earth, now those little creatures are aware of the warning signs, when a droplet of water on the concrete turns to steam they are long gone.
A HEATWAVE will sweep the state during the next three days, With temperatures soaring above 35 CEL Sydney NSW OZ will experience a min of 33CEL today.
In our garden today; in the beautiful beachside resort of Budgewoi, noted for its indulgent pleasure loving population, the temp had reached 42 Cel, no wonder the ants shoved off smartly.
A Total Fire Ban has been imposed for the whole of New South Wales.
A single hot day is not unusual but to get three days of extremely hot temps is a bit out of the ordinary, it would have probably only happened a few times on record.

Water Restrictions Effective from October 1 2006.
NO outdoor water use if using town water- including topping up of Pools, watering gardens, washing vehicles,washing pathways.
Vehicle windows can be washed with a bucket and cloth.
Everyone who is connected to town water must try to keep their water use to less than 150 litres (40 U/S galls) per day.

This may mean taking shorter showers, reusing your greywater,washing clothes full load only. minimise toilet flushing, there are many ways to save here, ask your local council for tips.

We MUST prevent our dam levels from falling below 10 percent.

REBATES are available:
$200.00 for a new water efficient washing machine.
Or up to $1,000.00 for a rainwater Tank.
For more details about rebates on other water saving devices contact;

Gosford Council on 4325 8222 Or Wyong Council on 4350 5555.

ANY breaches of these restrictions can result in a $200.00 fine for an individual and a $2,200.00 fine for a corporation.


Anonymous said…
Any moment now I expect to see a BRITA water filter advert to pop up.
Vest said…
I suppose the more pursuant persons adhering to the letter of the law will be the most Odorous.
Anonymous said…
Hello vest, or should I say "gud-day"..followed you here from a cranky yankee blog, like your sense of humour..must be your sound British roots, do yanks ever laugh? liked the pig thing, I checked it out,you must be a vegetarian
Vest said…
Other: You may say whatever you wish minus 4lw's. Feel free to insult lawyers and politicians but not other bloggers.
Your assumption that I am a vegan is misplaced, although I do wince and have terrible pangs of guilt when crunching on a tasty piece of Crackling, "Sorry Babe, but it is your destiny" LA LA LALA LA- LALA LA LA.
Miranda said…
Poor little ants!
I can't decide if that's a worse way to go than being poisoned or not.
Anonymous said…
We are in for similar across the ditch here too. Already been some major fires in our dry, dusty South and we haven't even got to high summer yet. Water restrictions in place already.
Vest said…
Are you clicking on to the Daily Telegraph web site for the extra news from Oz.

Anonymous said…
hi vesty -- how did you get on with the hot weather over 40 d cel and now its down to 16 right where we are -- guys moaning about it being hot -- tell me about it I work in a bakery-- zed has really done well with his life-- and has turned out to be a good guy -- we talk about you a lot -- we must have another party soon we all luvs ya
Anonymous said…
hi there Mr vesty, Sir. hows that for being nice to you...gordon and me suggest you strip off thr siding and innards of you shed us helping you and fix it bigger than before as a party room..my boss can get the material cheap . ill email the phone number and you talk to him.. zed & sharon
Vest said…
Zed, Sharon, and Gordon.I had a phone discussion with Zeds boss,or more to it I explained that another disruption in my deminishing years was out of the question. Other reasons to disqualify the proposal were as follows.
Limited use, hardly justifiable.
We are enjoying a good relationship with our neighbours(non sexual)who are not deaf, and are not too keen on noise.
I enjoy the present 'Rural' look of the shed which improves the ambience of the back garden.
Economically unjustifiable when the club has every facility for our needs. To say the least,it would generate an on going mini Minesota type construction site agenda requiring the promulgation of how work was proceeding what materials were being used and the color of the paint,and Believe the blog world is not ready for another shed building experience.
Anonymous said…
very funny u r the smart ass vesty....har har har sum lady not like dat in america
Vest said…
I am sat here having lunch a hot dog & mustard and crispy wholemeal bread roll(That's 'Babe' meat) and you show up once more to stir the Can.
Well jim, saby or whoever, recently I get the feeling of being ostracised by certain persons who have assumed I am responsible for some niggardly remarks on their b/sites anonomously, some email has indicated this to me,. However, not being at fault it is my wish to point this out to those rude persons with their tongues in their ass.
No one can be as calculatedly rude as us British, which amazes Americans, who do not understand studied insult and can only offer obscene abuse as a substitute.
Should this drag me further down the social ladder! no worries, I know the way back.

ps, would someone comment on the water crisis.
Anonymous said…
vest most of those persons you are in communicado with are a total waste of time and effort,I know you better than most people; my wife even more so. My advice as a learned friend is to seek another less time wasting outlet to serve out your years, dont ask me how I know but eight hours per day is too much. I unbeknown to you have commented on this website quite often, Have fun really retire.BD
Vest said…
Bd: pinned you down to two people, one too obvious and more likely,and the other I am not sticking my neck out until I can find a plausible answer. Get back later on this.
Vest said…
Had a pleasant day today visiting old friends, left 7am - 200klms got back 4pm another 200 klmsmust Rest an hour then off for an evenings entertainment, nothing to reply to see you tomorrow about 9 am.
Jeannie said…
Every summer we go on water rationing here because of our population being greater than the safe water supply. We aren't given specific per person limits but can't water grass or wash cars etc.
Vest said…
bd ; I have no idea who you are,I have no more time to keep guessing. reveal or goodbye.
Vest said…
Jeanie: I am J L S, My pen name, a spencer it seems is an OZ name for a singlet, undershirt or a vest, a kind of contrived order of things, a bit confusing, may I say hello again as we have met before. had problems attempting to comment on your blog earlier. will call soon.
Anonymous said…
AKR3xH write more, thanks.

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