STAN GRANT is back home and currently working for S B S.
Stan and his partner Tracey Holmes lost their jobs at Channel Seven in 2000 after their affair was made public, he Say's the difficulty in commercial TV is maintaining your integrity, that the 6-30 nightly current affairs slot does not have a lot to do with news value and content, it's more contrived and manipulated.
Stan is a proud Australian, and the indigenous Aussie Say's he is pleased after working for distinguished news service CNN in both Hong Kong and Beijing he is back here hosting an expanded version of SBS's World news Australia.
But what is bothering Stan is what he describes as a nasty streak that has seeped into our collective Character.
He noticed it while watching our Aussie cricketers beat the Poms (ENGLISH)in the recent Ashes series. (Stan you must not use that word, any more than I would demean your origins) He say's "There is an abrasive Australian-ness that wasn't there before, there is this chest-beating macho Australia and [it is evident in]how we are running the English cricket team out of town and smashing the Poms". Stan believes it is the grabbing of the Australian flag and imbuing it with a very aggressive sense of nationalism. it forces people who don't fit that particular stereotype to the margins.
I wonder if Stan has waved the OZ indigenous flag with similar fervour.
Welcome home Stan. VEST.


Vest said…
So there we have it from a real Aussie with influence, and so gratifying to hear this priceless tribute denigrating the mindless Aussie slobs (both team, commentators and spectators)vomiting their verbal garbage and Performing their inane gesticulations.
What will be the next attraction at the cricket, open fornication, wanking in public. exploding Muslims, or Christians being eaten by Wombats?
Keshi said…
I rem that couple and their very public affair. So he's back? COOL.

I agree that Aussies have bcum quite aggressive with national pride etc these days. While I call it quite un-Asutralian (I always saw Aus as a peaceful and tolerant nation) I dun blame em either...cos look at all the religious/racial mess Aus is in right now.

Vest said…
Thanks Keshi. Stan is an achiever, got there through his own efforts.

The list of atrocities perpetrated by the faith industry and its followers is endless, particularly the various Christian and Muslim sects world wide. This has created 95% of all wars and division within our human race. It does not need spelling out, the everyday incidences of faiths coupled with racial intolerance is the main source of our worlds problems.
S.M. Elliott said…
I have to admit I'd be more interested in Wombats than Cricket. Sports-related violence and hostility...what a waste of time and money! And in the world of pro sports it's everywhere. Take solace in the fact that it's not just OZ; in Canada the hockey puck-heads are just as abrasive and obnoxious, which of course taints the int'l image of us as peaceful, quiet, beer-swilling folks. Shame on the fans (and players) who can't keep their barbarism in check long enough to enjoy a game.
Vest said…
SME: Thank you for your comment , nice to hear from you.
It is pleasing to feel that the bipartisanship you have in Nth Am, has not become [entirely] biased. I enjoyed your opinion. please call again.
Anonymous said…
So what did you think of my new Boyfriend, isn't he gorgeous, and he's an only son and daddy is rich compared to my daddy, we are not going to the club tonight, get back to you later, kate, xxx luvs ya.
S.M. Elliott said…
I imagine it takes guts to stand up to cricket fans. ;)
Anonymous said…
While watching the cricket the other night my wife and I were discussing life and death.
I told her," just so you know, I never want to become vegetative, living dependent on some machine and relying on fluids from a bottle, so if that happens just pull the plug ok."

She promptly got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all my beer.

Some days I hate being married to a smart bitch.
Jim said…
Subject: I feared being alone............
>I feared being alone
>Until I learned to like
>I feared failure
>Until I realized that I only
>Fail when I don't try.
>I feared success
>Until I realized
>That I had to try
>In order to be happy
>With myself.
>I feared people's opinions
>Until I learned that
>People would have opinions
>About me anyway.
>I feared rejection
>Until I learned to
>Have faith in myself.
>I feared pain
>Until I learned that
>it's necessary
>For growth.
>I feared the truth
>Until I saw the
>Ugliness in lies.
>I feared life
>Until I experienced
>Its beauty .
>I feared death
>Until I realized that it's
>Not an end, but a beginning.
>I feared my destiny,
>Until I realized that
>I had the power to change
>My life.
>I feared hate
>Until I saw that it
>Was nothing more than
>I feared love
>Until it touched my heart,
>Making the darkness fade
>Into endless sunny days.
>I feared ridicule
>Until I learned how
>To laugh at myself.
>I feared growing old
>Until I realized that
>I gained wisdom every day.
>I feared the future
>Until I realized that
>Life just kept getting
>I feared the past
>Until I realized that
>It could no longer hurt me.
>I feared the dark
>Until I saw the beauty
>Of the starlight.
>I feared the light
>Until I learned that the
>Truth would give me
>I feared change,
>Until I saw that
>Even the most beautiful butterfly
>Had to undergo a metamorphosis
>Before it could fly.
Vest said…
Doth I perchance to dream of the incarnation of Saby the poet laureate of the Indian sub continent.
Gadzooks! me-thinks the old geezer is going soft or losing his marbles.
But a poem full of wisdom and pleasantry is one of rare occurrence from the pen of Saby.
Congratulations, I had no idea you possessed a rare talent.
Jim said…
is some one being nasty to u VEST ?

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