AUSTRALIA'S WORST ONE DAY CRICKET LOSS IN HISTORY. Rock Bottom, How low can the AUS Bludgers go?

A comment I received recently, suggested the English cricketers although under rated, were never tested during the recent debacle when defeating New Zealand and Australia. What a shame that the England team preparations for the World Cup have been damaged by having to play opposition that is so easy to beat, namely New Zealand and Australia.
I wholeheartedly go along with this jibe, made in retaliation to the on and off field derision by the Australian team and cynical nose in the air "We are unbeatable" press coverage by the bigoted Australian press towards the under strength and under rated England cricket team.
The jibes and sledging gave strength to to the England team, and with a lot luck and pluck, Plucked the opposition leaving them losing face.
I Quote:
Its not the size of the dog in the fight.
Its the size of the fight in the dog.

Today we hear of Australia's worst loss in O D I Cricket history.
Australia, 148 runs from 49 overs plus the loss of 10 wickets.

N.Zealand, 149 runs from 27 overs, scored the winning runs in half the time without loss of wickets.

I expect 'Piggy Muldoon's ' bones will will be rattling with laughter.

Congratulations to the men from the land of the 'Long White Cloud', Vest Daily Gaggle.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
wot no mention of the Pom and Kiwi words! but wots this Aus bludger taunt, isn't that offensive,:(
Vest said…
yeah mate, sure is offensive, ennit.
Vest said…
and gets up your nose a fair bit too dunnit bazza
Anonymous said…
u r an ass
i dont see my comments

wat u did with dem>
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
yeah mate, sure is offensive, ennit.

Jim said…

Vest said…
Happy 14th Birthday, To Dylan John my #1 Grandson. Mail on the way. G P.
Anonymous said…
J9XGYQ The best blog you have!
Anonymous said…
pT6Xky write more, thanks.

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