This is the sort of sicko message American bloggers are sending me for what reason heaven knows. However the swiftdsl has not been used on my site for nearly a year now. but it was suggested recently that it was the address to use by tshsmom to her sicko cronies to send derogatory messages to me personaly, being tshsmom is the only person I know who used swift dsl to mail me I returned the message.
----- Original Message -----
From: Cleveland
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 4:14 PM
Subject: Hot Australian News
SYDNEY, March 11, 2007 08:56pm (AEDT) - The Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard have survived a heart attack. Mr Howard, 67 years old, was at Kirribilli House in Sydney, his prime residence, when he was suddenly stricken. Mr Howard was taken to the Royal North Shore Hospital where the best surgeons of Australia are struggling for his life.
Click on the link below to get the latest information on the health of the Prime Minister:
The Australian - keeping the nation informed
The Hon John Winston Howard became in as Prime Minister of Australia on 11 March 1996, becoming the 25th person to occupy the office of Prime Minister since Federation. This followed the Coalition's decisive Federal election victory on 2 March 1996.
The Prime Minister is representing the Federal seat of Bennelong in the North-Western suburbs of Sydney and has been returned to the Parliament at every Federal election since 1974.
Mr Howard came to office as Prime Minister with extensive senior experience in both government and opposition. He was appointed Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs in 1975 at the age of 36 and subsequently worked as Minister for Special Trade Negotiations and as Treasurer of the Commonwealth for more than five years.
In September 1985 Mr Howard, as Deputy Leader, was elected by his colleagues as Leader of the Parliamentary Liberal Party and, therefore, Leader of the Opposition. He held this post until May 1989. He was returned to the leadership by unanimous vote of his colleagues on 30 January 1995. In the interim period between holding the leadership he served as Coalition spokesman for a number of senior portfolios.
Mr Howard was born in Sydney on 26 July 1939, attending school at Earlwood Primary and Canterbury Boys' High. He went on to the University of Sydney, graduated with a Bachelor of Laws in 1961 and was admitted as a Solicitor of the NSW Supreme Court in July 1962. Prior to his election to Parliament he was a partner in a Sydney firm of solicitors.
The Prime Minister has been active with the Liberal Party since the age of 18 when he joined the Young Liberal Movement and took part in student politics at university.
In addition to his life-long commitment to public service and the Liberal Party, Mr Howard is a keen follower of sport - especially cricket. He enjoys playing tennis and golf and follows the St George Rugby League football team.
Mr Howard married his wife Janette, a teacher by profession, on 4 April 1971. They have three children, Melanie, Tim and Richard. As Prime Minister Mr Howard divides his time between Sydney, where his family live at Kirribilli House, the Lodge in Canberra and, of course, his official commitments in other State capital cities, regional centres and the rest of Australia.

Reply received from tshsmom......... Plus [Vests remarks in brackets]. ----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:53 AM Subject: Fw: Fw: Hot Australian News from Cleveland > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Concerned Mom" <>> To: <>> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 6:27 AM> Subject: RE: Fw: Hot Australian News from Cleveland> > >> 1) I have NEVER posted your email on my blog. [ Liar]. 2) I haven't emailed you ANYTHING for at least 6 months. Previous to that, the only time I've emailed you was in reply to messages you sent me. My messages were ALWAYS civil! 3) I have no clue who "Cleveland" is and have NEVER conversed with this person in any way. [Fibber]. 4) I have advised my friends to ignore you, which as far as I know, they are doing. [No they are not, you encouraged them to harrass me, and I have it on record]. 5) Why do you consider the attached message sick? It's a boring article on your Prime Minister, who I have absolutely no interest in. [The E mail was sourced from the USA, indicating the Aus PM was ill and in a life threatening situation, That is really sick]. 6) In addition, I have NEVER accused you of being Saby. In fact I have proved to several people, via email, that you AREN'T Saby. [But you used it as a pretence to attack me when I discovered your underlying evil traits]. 7) I have also ALWAYS respected your view on gun control. I defy you to find ANY rude comment, on ANY blog, from me in that regard! [That is an absolute whizz banging Fib, in any case comments are easily deleted]. 8)The ONLY thing I have EVER accused you of, is leaving rude comments about my friends on MY blog. You can't very well deny my accusation, can you? [Technically, politically or rudely disarming remarks ,Yes, of course, but never obscene; and unlike the filthy obscenities encountered in your blog comments]. Why don't you GET A LIFE, and find blogfriends that you have things in common with. Me and my friends obviously bore you to tears, so kindly quit reading our blogs! [ love that bit, 'Me and my friends'-shows your selfishness!].[ At 81 I would love a few more years, thanks for your generous offer.>>>>>From: <>>>>To: <>>>>Subject: Fw: Hot Australian News from Cleveland>>>Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 18:32:06 +1100>>>>>>Hot Australian News>>>----- Original Message ----->>>From: Cleveland>>>To:>>>Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 4:14 PM hi sicko returning to sender, you have instructed your followers to use this address in a comment on your tshsmom blog which I copied, and as such that I do not receive messages on swiftdsl anymore, I am returning your sick message, being it is sourced from you or your sicko cronies, have a nice day you sicko. Subject: Hot Australian News SYDNEY, March 11, 2007 08:56pm (AEDT) - The Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard have survived a heart attack. Mr Howard, 67 years old, was at Kirribilli House in Sydney, his prime residence, when he was ..........etc. Dear oh dear, I used to believe the USA was a civilized country, evidently not.


Vest said…
A few previous comments from yank sicko's.
Gardenia said...
checked this dude's blog - He seems to be a well adjusted person with a high IQ, maybe in our haste we have failed to recognise this while pushing the America is always right policy.

2/26/2007 12:57 PM
tshsmom said...
OK, "festering mob", what's our plan of attack? heehee

2/26/2007 1:46 PM
tweetey29 said...
Plan of attack. Lets see here. We could always start with posting his home address and all of us sending him letters. LOL..
I really dont know about that though. Lets see what everyone else has to say about it first. Tweets.

2/26/2007 2:44 PM
Vest said…
Here are a few more extracts from other posts, the really bad ones were deleted.
2/25/2007 12:02 PM
tshsmom said...
he's To clever for me I'll have to go to australia and shoot this un american upstart. how dare he think he is superior us god f*^ng fearing Americans

2/25/2007 12:08 PM
greatwhitebear said...
Aw come on, post some personal info, like addresses. i know a couple of aussies who would gladly make his life miserable for a couple of Cooper's Lager

2/25/2007 2:59 PM
tshsmom said...
GWB, if he doesn't fuck off, I WILL be posting his address and phone number, among other things. Tell your friends that I'll buy the beer!

tshsmom said...
DON'T fuck with me VEST, or I will be forced to post in-depth personal information on you!!Er, Er to YOU,

Mon Feb 26, 03:38:00 PM EST
Vest said…
tshsmom is a sweet 51 year old bag lady who drinks rum & coke and smokes cheap imported Chinese cheroots, while screaming obscenities to her detractors, she is no doubt the bane of my blog life and a complete pain in the bum to those who are not her feeble minded followers.
PS, She is also a gun toting christian.
Vest said…
And finally another from that sweet old hobnail booted Redneck, garage building bag lady.tshsmom

L J Bxxxxx; aka John Leonard Spencer, author of Waving Goodbye to a Thousand Flies; aka Vest,

IP Address
Residence: Budgewold, NSW, AU.
[The above info has been altered by vest].
tshsmom said...
DON'T fuck with me Leslie, or I will be forced to post in-depth personal information on you!!
Er, Er to YOU, Thicko!!
posted by tshsmom @ 10:12 AM.

Sadly tshsmom, no-one would want to fornicate with you; you with the charm of a Robbers Dog.
Anonymous said…
Hi Mr Vest. I will be working at the polling booths Sat 24. Pin on a piece of paper with a V on it, for recognition, must talk to you.
Anonymous said…
Hi vesty, who is your date on sat, is Amy the one you introduced to greg?. Hope you are well by now, will see you at the hally on fri.
I notice its the same old bunch of no hopers bothering you again.
Vest said…
Amy. Ok.

Kate. 1, Yes it is.
2. Yes I am.
3. Yes I will.
4. Yes they are.
Must rush, I am watching a movie on my new tellly at 8-30 Luvs ya, x a
Anonymous said…
If laura say's Fucking on another persons blog it s none of your fucking business you old cunt, it was your anon comment wasn't it ?
Vest said…
Bewildering isn't it, now the question is; how do I qualify for that heap of abuse and who is the stirrer?.
The sender may be the person mentioned in the first comment on this post, quite a turnaround if you ask me, but on whose site was the supposed statement made, any offers?
Anonymous said…
----- Original Message -----
From: saby dsouza
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: For the man who has everything !!

man lives not by sex alone
i have difficulty in getting it up

how is it like when u r 80 vest?
Subject: FW: For the man who has everything !! I assume that would be one with two dicks!

u gotta give a little
take a little
and have the blues a little

dats the story of
the glory of

The fish are biting.
Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing.
Vest said…
Saby. nice to receive a fairly clean message from you, Hurrah!!
Saby, today is the 75th anniversary of the opening of the SYDNEY Harbour Bridge, and like myself it may be getting a trifle rusty but is still being put to good use despite the decline in the flow of traffic, due to the new traffic tunnels.
Saby it seems you are having problems with your testimonials, maybe you need a replacement Ball-cock for your cistern, a friendly health professional might help you with a catheter.
Poor fellow Saby can't get it up,
I Feel so sorry for you. "Snigger snigger.
La Cremiere said…
Wow-Ho??? What happened here? Third world war should not be between US and OZ, well, I would not have imagined.

Either way thanks for visiting my blog. I'll check on you again.
Vest said…
La Cremiere: This haranguing has been in effect for the past year, most men have backed off commenting on some of the blogs mentioned, Myself being the wrong gender, age group and non Nth American, I have copped lots of stick and unqualified accusations when protesting; particularly to their gun laws and their habit of using unsavoury language. The bibliography of this crossing of swords is too extensive to recreate in a few words. Thank you La Cremiere for calling.
Anonymous said…
Vest , you are at liberty to deal with this problem as you so wish, but take my advice as this has gotten out of hand, totally ignore these silly people, they are not representative of every day normal Americans, Good luck Mate.
Anonymous said…
Vest, there can be little doubt now that TSHSMOM is a very sick in the head person, she appears to be constantly needing advice which draws those barmy people to her blog but in the back of her mind all it is she is seeking is praise and recognition, she is also a person too unstable in the head to be entrusted with a weapon such as a gun.
That is good advice from Frank.
Vest said…
Comments from known friends and associates may be sent by email until further notice, these if suitable will be pasted into the comment thread of your choice if requested. Most of you have already been informed by E mail the reason for this decision.
La Cremiere said…
Geez that anonymous one is rude. It takes up too much space on the page to read the updates.

Anyway, I had a similar hate-blogging when I once commented that it was sad to need guns. I really meant it, not as in pathetic (although...) but as in, it's cool to be safe and not need guns.
Vest said…
la cremiere: The post has attracted a few loonies, it is to be expected I suppose, but I am certain I know the culprit. The problem is retribution only invites more sillyness, then again I suppose; somebody has to have the last word. if not, every argument could be opposed by another and we'd never be done with it. Thank you la cremiere for your comment, please call again.
Vest said…
Comment sent to and posted on the tshsmom and ZF Blogs in North America.

Good morning poetry lovers, it's a beautiful 18f; Autumn (Fall)day here on the central coast of NSW OZStrayer, clear skies, the expected noon temp hovering around 72F in the ancient uncle samland temp scale. And how is the spring weather in your neck of the woods have the crocuses and snowdrops found their way through the perma frost?
Please allow me to wish you all a pleasant Easter, pray hard for world peace etc; especially on the blog front, and have lots of choco images. ta for now your best friend vest.
ps. How can I not be a nice person???? xoxox

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