"Waving Goodbye To A Thousand Flies". Trafford publishing.

Make sure your book is represented at the publishing event of the season! ISBN 1-4120-3384-5
Dear John Leonard Spencer AKA L J B ...vest[dailygaggle]
Publishing a book is a satisfying experience that can be financially rewarding, but this requires you to assume a lot of responsibilities traditionally managed by a trade publisher. In today’s competitive market, simply publishing a book and hoping for the best is not enough.
No one can purchase a book if they don't know it exists. Trafford's unique blend of promotional services is designed to help you create a dynamic and engaging platform to market your book.
In the February issue of the Trafford Times, we introduced our newly expanded Co-operative Advertising Program—an affordable and convenient opportunity to promote your title in well-known publications such as the New York Times, ForeWord, and Utne by combining resources with other authors (for more information, please visit our Publication and Beyond page.)
With the approach of BookExpo America (BEA) 2007, Trafford has an exciting new opportunity to generate buzz for your book.
Book Expo America
The largest industry trade show in North America—BEA—is scheduled to take place from May 31 to June 3 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City, and Trafford has room for your book on the shelves of the New Title Showcase program. If you published using a Best Seller or Color Book Deluxe Package, and your book has been active for a minimum of one month, then you are eligible to participate. The BEA combines a huge selection of English titles with special industry and author events and superb educational content to create a dynamic environment for networking, sourcing, and relationship building. BEA is one of the leading venues where literary rights are bought and sold. Nearly 2000 publishers will attend, making this an exclusive opportunity.
New Title Showcase
For authors who missed the opportunity to attend the book fair, the New Title Showcase (NTS) represents a unique opportunity to showcase your work in a highly visible and well-trafficked area. Literally thousands of people will view this special exhibit, including booksellers, publishers, distributors, agents, reviewers, librarians, and educators. Last year, over 6000 catalogs containing the title, publishing company, and key contact information of books displayed in the New Title Showcase were distributed. As an added bonus, titles exhibited in the New Title Showcase will be placed in an online searchable database of exhibited titles for one year.
The cost for placing your book in the New Title showcase is $197.00. A copy of your book will automatically be placed in the New Title Showcase.
Registering for the Bookexpo America's New Title Showcase
Space for participating in this program is limited to only 32 titles in a exclusively designed section, so please be sure to book soon. For more information about placing your book in the New Title Showcase, please contact Nita Naidoo at our office located in Victoria, BC at 1-888-232-4444.
Your Success, Our Success
We look forward to make your book a part of this exciting event. Let your book be surrounded by this dynamic collection of book lovers, which is sure to create a positive buzz for your book.
Sincerely,H. Gordon Hooker, CEOTrafford Publishing


Vest said…
Well I can tell you now they are not getting my $190.00, equal to about 90 book royalties. Its doing fine at present, especially with an added boost from a few disgruntled Nth Am blogging loonies-Ta Fellas keep up the good work, Remember the Keyword is CHARITY.
Anonymous said…
ims said...
I took my time to reading excerpts from the book 'Waving Goodbye To a Thousand Flies' Though I have not finished reading all the parts that remain to be read, I paused at this paragraph of the said part.

Part of the part in question is the last part of the first paragraph that being underpaid naval personal. (which I have underlined below) should read: underpaid naval personnel (being Group of people willing to obey orders)

I shall consider it (in view of other parts being proper) that the writing referenced above is small accident or a result of a memory lapse.
HMS King George V, a large battleship that was commissioned on 1 October 1940, weighed more than 35,000 tons. It was armed with 10 x 14-inch guns, 16 x 5.25-inch guns, 8 x 8-barrel two pounder pompoms, several 40mm-bofors and 20mm-close range, plus a crew of approximately 1,800 grossly underpaid naval personal.

I saw King George V for the first time while it was undergoing a refit in Gladstone Graving Dock in Bootle, Liverpool. It looked smaller than I thought it would be. Its upper deck was about level with the road surface. The whole ship was a hive of activity, with power lines, pipes, and miscellaneous equipment cluttering both upper and lower decks. There were many navy blokes in uniform or overalls, as well as miscellaneously dressed dockyard mateys moving at a slower pace.

I shall now continue to enjoy reading the other parts, that I have only partly read, and as a gift for one's literary talent, and accepting some "literary criticism" along the way, has prompted me to offer you this attachment; especially after reading about the Dunny Seats, which incidentally I have forwarded to three others. The attachment I offer you was sent to me some seven years ago by my Brother-In-Law; a former Army Pathologist, whose own messages and stories are equally warped, perhaps all military people have this propensity towards the unbalanced. Maybe that level of insanity actually kept us sane, when the bullets were flying past, and we said "well, hell; That one missed me" even if it was only by two feet. (What's that in metric,?)

Cheers. (Written naturally in Navy for the benefit of Navy Vest)
Vest said…
ims: Ok Andrew, just read and stop picking, and why, did you use spellcheck? surely 'You' would never had noticed the cock up by the Canadian editor otherwise, dimmo er er. knock knock.
BTW; losing ones marbles may have affected your pathological pathologist American Bro-in-law, however, be assured that, my faculties are in top order at age 81. Also please don't send any more info on Pauline Hanson this is creating a sleep disorder thingy for me.
Right now I have flu symptoms, runny snitch sore throat headache and a loose stool, I swear someone is sticking pins into an effigy of me. Oi !! tshsmom in sticks-ville Minnesota in unclesamland, you pack it in do you hear me? she's into that witch craft stuff, silly old Moo.
Anonymous said…
ims. The book is written in his own style. If you and others consider that it should be transcribed into clinically pure Grammar it would fail to portray its intended meaning. I like his down to earth way of portraying his own particular situations.
Vest said…
Thank you 'Saby' for your E mailed Easter greeting. Nice to hear you are still in the land of the living.
Saby and many others like him in India, have become recluse and in mourning over the loss of their Nations cricket team to lowly placed Bangladesh, there were many suicides too.
Anonymous said…
I'm about half way through... I am enjoying it just for what it is.

Anonymous said…
I refer to Zydeco fish and his vitriolic attack on you after you requested him not to use unqualified remarks about your personal life, ZF is probably bored stiff holed up in his stuffy library with his Jeckyl and Hyde identity, quite a nasty little begger at times. I have W G B on order, I promise not to be critical. bye :)
Anonymous said…
i wish u all the success with the book

any chance it will make the Booker Prize?

have no fears
success is not the yard stick of a good book

its commercial promotions et al
many authors have got fame posthumously

perhaps u will too
but dont be in an awful hurry to die

i am for football (soccer)
i dont give a damn to cricket
Vest said…
Anon- er maybe jim or saby. which is more than likely, thank you for your comment. Your suggestion that it would be more marketable posthumously does have its merits, but be assured I am not in a real hurry to boost sales in that type of format.
Having not heard from you since Bangladesh wiped the floor with India, I was concerned you may have committed Hari Kari with your fellow Lemming like Cricket lovers.
BTW It has been decided that you may continue your allotted life span: provided your blog behaviour does not get any worse than it is at present.
Have a nice day.

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