CANADA..Cruelty resumes..Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, Ignores plight of the Big Red Kangaroo.

THE person who could save Tyson the red kangaroo from his restricted enclosure, at a disgusting roadside zoo, has wiped his hands of the imprisoned Roo.
Ontario premier Dalton Mcguinty, a renowned native wildlife lover, has apparently refused to extend the same compassion to exotic species.
While Mr Mcguinty freed Bam Bam; a native deer from shocking conditions at a roadside zoo similar to Tysons prison, he does not seem interested in the Australian Roo's plight and refused a Sydney news papers request for an interview.
"Unfortunately an interview with the premier isn't possible at this time" his media officer said.
This is not surprising as he was in all probability out chasing the famous Paddy Mcguinty's goat, Or with a few of his Canuck Cronies beating the living shit out of a few thousand Baby Harp Seals; another exotic species perhaps? - in my opinion only in the sense of the fur coats they provide for exotic well heeled Homo Sapiens.
Are not humans of differing shapes and shades and other animal species exotic when we compare them to ourselves, or has Canada emerged as a fore-runner in assuming that a animal species discrimination now exists in Canada.
Ok Boo Boo; this means you too, while you are Touring Canada, White Bears sit at the front of the Bus, Yankee Brown Bears sit at the back of the bus.

Its really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.
Have a Lovely Day. VEST DAILY GAGGLE.


Anonymous said…
Hi vesty, if you are Pom and I am a Wop and non indigenous to Australia would it mean we are exotic?its a rotten shame about that poor old roo but it probably happenns eveywhere in canada.luvs ya kate xx
Anonymous said…
Hi vesty, if you are Pom and I am a Wop and non indigenous to Australia would it mean we are exotic?its a rotten shame about that poor old roo but it probably happenns eveywhere in canada.luvs ya kate xx
RE run of previous unclear
1 Comment - Show Original Post
Anonymous said…
man bad
animal good

yet we call animals beasts
the real beast is man
Anonymous said…
Mr vest I am saying with much conviction even when you are not a fellow of religion you will enter the kingdom of heaven on the grounds of higher moral thoughts and deeds, more so than bogus religious fellows, do not change your style you are admired very much. VJS. New Delhi.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of cruelty to kangaroos...have you heard about the scum over here who is shooting roos with a crossbow? There was footage on the news tonight of one of them that had to get put down today. The poor thing had an arrow straight through it's neck. Scum.
Vest said…
Hello lovely kate, I dont believe I would come under the exotic label for one moment, ah but you that is so true. x

Anon (1)You Jane -me Tarzan

Anon (2) I dont recall many tributes of this nature but I suppose it rewards my ego if little else. However, I am in no hurry to pop off yet. despite my age being at least 15 years less than people I consider to be old. There is so much more love to be experienced and so much good wine to consume in the days of my future which are becoming fewer.

Thank you all for calling.

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