A four year old child is abducted after escaping from custody

IT happened at the time when our family were living at Seven Hills; in the Western suburbs of Sydney NSW Australia.
A brisk twenty minute walk would take us to the rail station, which at the time was adjacent to the Seven Hills road controlled rail crossing, and a further five minutes walk would take us to the kindergarten where our baby boy of four years of age was protected while we the child's parents were working. We would drop the child off at the kindy from our car and on completion of our employment return to the kindy to pick him up.
On this particular occasion we called at the kindy I waited in the car while my wife went to pick up our child, minutes later they arrived at the car seemingly distressed, I wasn't sure what the problem was until we returned home and that was when our neighbour gave us the full account of the days proceedings.
Our neighbour stated that, she noticed our son in the front garden at 1pm and assumed that we had returned from work, then at 1-15pm or about; a car pulled up outside our house and a man got out of the car - picked up the boy and sped off, finding that we were not at home the neighbour called the police.
The police investigated the situation and eventually discovered that it was the the Kindy owners that had taken our child back to the Kindy from where he absconded, the police estimated it was about at least two hours earlier, estimating the child travelling that distance dawdling most of the way would have taken more than one hour to arrive home.
The following day I called at the Kindy where I received a serve of abuse for involving the police. I informed them that if they returned my advance payment in full I would then close the matter, so it ended there- but I would have liked to have
busted his face there and then.
One day later:
A representative from the NSW Railway authority called on us. He explained that our son had pressed the emergency button at the level crossing At 10-15 am on that particular day he escaped from custody, in doing so he had effectively prevented the progress of the 'Southern Aurora' a fast train heading to the outback. on being questioned at the time of the incident, our baby boy of nearly five tender years was able to give his address to to the rail authority, although the number he gave was dodgy.
The rail Rep then explained we could be held responsible for our sons actions. i explained That, our son was legally in the care of the said kindergarten at the time of the incident I suggested he should deal with them over the matter.
So in the washup it seems our baby boy was allowed to wander the streets for at least Three Hours. I rang a talk back radio station about it, they said just change to another kindergarten, I replied yep that would be about right. FINI
Vest Daily Gaggle.


Anonymous said…
Smart kid-escapes from custody-gives false info- fools police and authorities,and only four years old.Your a good tutor mr vest.
Anonymous said…
it had to be a Vest kid
Anonymous said…
A 5 year old wandering the streets by himself for three hours on his own is so wrong on so many levels, it is appauling. I must say Vest, you have a much more mile temper than I. I would have been out for blood. Now I know that it may not have been the best idea, but I am certain that I would have felt better for it.

Keshi said…
thats just plain ridiculous..I cant imagine a 4yr old being in that situation!

Anonymous said…
I told Keshi all about u

go here http://keshigirl.blogspot.com/2007/05/seeking-sabbatical.html
Anonymous said…
so that would be 'T' the father of your beautiful Granddaughters Tamara and Jacinta, by golly those kids are gorgeous, Luvs ya x
Anonymous said…
look i was fine , i even crossed the road (now a 6 lane highway) and got a wagon wheel cause i was hungry, i got anoyed with the preschool because they wouldnt let me finish my christmas card off, so i left hehe, i still dont know what all the fuss was about
Anonymous said…
myRyBn You have a talant! Write more!
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