The Mile High Whore - Now sitting on a Goldmine

SHE has sold and re-told the story of her Ralph Fiennes conquest umpteen times - now former Qantas trolly dolly Lisa Robertson is using her "mile high" fame claim to promote a Sydney brothel.

Featuring the image of a jet and the message that "Lisa recommends the Mile High Club", the ads for Granville bordello The Site appeared in The Daily Telegraph's personal classified section this week.

While Robertson - who has admitted working as an escort in the past, as well as stints as a police woman - declined to comment, a spokeswoman from The Site said they would be employing the former hostie for "promotions and marketing" purposes but not as "a working lady".

"Lisa hasn't signed a contract yet, but she is aware that the ads are running," the spokeswoman said.

"We're trying to think outside the square in how we promote the business, and this has had a great response so far."

Earlier this year Roberson was at the centre of the worldwide scandal, having been sacked for her onboard tryst with star Fiennes.

RUMOURS about Lisa Robertson's troubled past have forced her to admit she worked at the brothel Stiletto because she was struggling to pay the rent when she worked part-time for Qanta

She said her decision to turn to prostitution was linked to her lifelong battle with mental illness, including suicidal tendencies and depression, which was exacerbated by her 14 years as an undercover police officer.

Ms Robertson 38 also admitted she took one shift at another brothel immediately after Qantas suspended her for having sex with movie star Fiennes in a business-class toilet on a flight from Darwin to Mumbai in late January.

"After I got (suspended) because of the Ralph Fiennes incident, I worked one night a week at The Gateway Club under the name of Skye,'' she said.

"I did one night's work because I couldn't pay the rent and I was too proud to ask anyone for money. I earned $800 that night and then, two days later, the story broke.

She was later sacked by Qantas after admitting the sexual encounter took place.
Ms Robertson's first experience of the sex industry took place when she was subcontracted by agency Jetconnect to work for Qantas in New Zealand in 2005.

"One day I got home (from a long-haul flight) and my phone's cut off, the electricity's cut off, the car battery's flat, I had all these bills to pay and no money to pay them,'' she said.

"When I was working undercover I had to pretend to be a prostitute so I found I could detach myself from the reality and treat it like a role. The mind is a very powerful thing and I thought if I could do undercover work I could do anything.''

She was earning just $NZ29,000 ($25,414) per year working on exhausting long-haul flights.

"It was a brothel called the Pelican Club and I went for an interview. It was the freakiest experience - sort of like a little experiment for me.

"I did the orientation and I was told what to do and what the service was and it didn't shock me; it was what I expected - I'm not stupid.

"There was no pressure, they were really good people and you didn't have to do anything you didn't want to.''

Working under the name Kendall, she earned between $NZ500 and $NZ600 per night - much less than she would come to earn later in Sydney.

Her first client in New Zealand was a wealthy businessman who paid her $NZ1000 to have dinner with him and later flew her to New York for several days.

Ms Robertson moved to Sydney last year and began working at Stiletto, the infamous Camperdown brothel owned by racing identity Eddie Hayson, where she also worked under the name Kendall earning up to $2000 a night.

However, she was eventually sacked after she was caught getting into a taxi with a client early one morning after work.

Ms Robertson said the professional problems she faced were often linked to her troubled personal

"There came a period of time that I decided to take my own life,'' she said.

"I took 200 pills and drank a couple of bottles of Dom Perignon - so I did it in style. My boyfriend at the time called me and I was incoherent. I remember cutting my arm and I remember my choice that night to die and I went to sleep dressed in the clothes I wanted to be buried in.

"I left notes to Mum and Dad, my brothers and my dog and my parrot, who are now both deceased. I was quite sure that my decision was the right one.''

She woke up in an Auckland hospital the next day and had her stomach pumped.

Her story spilling all will hit the stands in the near future, meanwhile; the income derived from her fleshpot goldmine will maintain her in good stead.


Anonymous said…
It would seem she has what it takes, but being referred to as a 'High class prostitute', no, that is really a contradiction in terms.
Anonymous said…
this is a sad story
why u telling it?

she has the right to privacy
what she did, i did too

if she wants to tell it
let her

we shudnt be judging her

i wud love to earn money as a gigolo
i love women especially mature women
read old for mature
Anonymous said…
i hate the word whore
in India we call them sex workers

its a profession
and a means of livelihood
like any other
Anonymous said…
the word prostitute dont refer to only sex workers

when u do a job u dont like
and u do it only for the money it brings

u r a prostitute too
Anonymous said…
u cant expect much from lower deck lawyers
Anonymous said…
whats bugging u guys ?
that she is a whore ?
or the fact that she makes more money than u ?
Vest said…
Jim or Saby or Anon, thanks for the comment, guessed it would be you, i'll get back to you in the morning , only just returned from the club.
Unknown said…
JDR suggested that I visit your blog. She seems to think that you and I have a “similar way of thinking.” I shall return.
Vest said…
Anon (1)Sad yes telling no, repeating yes, I am not her judge or her critic,- but it seems you are and by your admittance a latent male whore.

Anon (2) Just words, no difference.

Anon (3) "How dare you call me a whore - you wicked Strumpet. None of my former encounters with the fair gender had any fiscal involvement either way. It was not until matrimony that I discovered there were monetary obligations involved. Dead true mate.

Anon (4) A lower deck lawyer is said to be, a person of no rank but has all the answers.

Anon (5) It seems you would be more comfortable contracting Aids from a sex worker than that of a Whore.
Vest said…
Sometime's Saintly Nick.
Just popped over to your place, can't wait to hear more Kentucky home truths, sometimes referred to as jokes. I did notice you are exactly twenty years younger than the British Queen.
I'll pop back soon.
Anonymous said…
i succeeded

i got a bee up yours
who is Jim/Saby?
Anonymous said…
Devadasi is a religious practice in parts of southern India, including Andhra Pradesh, whereby parents marry a daughter to a deity or a temple.

The marriage usually occurs before the girl reaches puberty and requires the girl to become a sex and dance teacher to community members. Such girls are known as jogini. They are forbidden to enter into a real marriage.

Joginis are recognised by their copper bangles, the band they wear round their necks with a leather pendant and a long necklace with several pendants which have the image of Goddess Yellamma

Posted by Jim at 3:47 PM

Vest said…
Anon (1): I shall continue to assume you are either Saby or Jim due to the similarity of your comment DNA, or until you use your correct ID.

Jim: Ta for the info on Devadasi.
Your info serves no better purpose than to inform the free world of this distasteful male orientated crimminal abuse of the fair gender.
This offensive behaviour, the bullying of young female children into a life of prostitution from the tender age of ten years; can only be described as attrocious and would only be tolerated by those countries yet to emerge from the stone age.

This sort of activity does little good apart from bringing pleasure to the wealthy pedophiles of the Indian sub continent.
Anonymous said…
hi Vesty,Its a blessed shame about the ten year old kids forced into prostitution, I am aware that a few of my schoolie mates have turned into pro's. I get told about it from club mates that several are on drugs as well and one O D'd recently, saw your gc's the other day T and J real gorgeous girls (future super models) lucky Gps. See ya frid, luvs ya xxx
Anonymous said…
OK Vest
u win

about the paedophiles
Anonymous said…
i have few places to visit

i am not welcome by many bloogers
hence i visit u

dont misunderstand
i dont love u
Anonymous said…
Sickening and sad.
Keshi said…
Whatever she did for a LIVING is strictly her business. Isnt it?

Vest said…
Keshi: exposing as well as disclosing one's intimate sordid details to the public invites critisism.
Keshi, as you say its her business, and I'll agree with you on that point. However, if the lady? had not intended disclosure, the lady? would have kept her trap shut.
Reading the post carefully you will discover that, I did not pass judgement on this lady? she did it quite adequately all by her own tawdry self. H A N D. X.
Keshi said…
Vesty my comment was a general one...not just for u :)

yes I agree..she cud have just kept it private. Well now that the cat's outta the bag, everyone will ofcourse comment.

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x31m0p The best blog you have!
Anonymous said…
1Y3jnm write more, thanks.
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