Horny Aphrodisiac Oysters a Hard sell, say's drug company.

A NSW oyster farmer has been feeding his crop Viagra to make the ultimate aphrodisiac - but now the drug's maker is threatening to take him to court.

George May began lacing his oysters with the anti-impotence drug in a bid to sell them to overseas customers.

Marketing them as Viagra Oysters, he says the process not only boosts the aphrodisiac qualities of the shellfish but there is also a potential Asian market of up to $300 million.

The unusual additive has, however, landed the farmer in hot water with pharmaceutical company Phizer and state food authorities.

Food Safety NSW says Mr May's conduct is illegal and breaches the NSW shellfish program under the food act.

Pfizer has also threatened to take legal action because Viagra Oysters is a trademark violation.

Mr May, who has patented the process, is adamant he will continue harvesting the oysters and transferring them to tanks full of crushed Viagra because there is an overseas market.

"We realise we will not be able to sell them in Australia but we haven't been told we can't harvest them here despite a number of conversations with the food authority," Mr May said.

"Other countries have different regulations so we will be selling overseas.

"I'm happy to change the name but they are going to have a real David and Goliath battle if they want me to stop."

The 59-year-old came up with the idea because of the threat of impotence after having prostate cancer surgery this year.

"It really works, it's sex in a can," he said.

He has already produced 10,000 oysters, which he eats and gives away to friends.

But food authorities and health groups are concerned, saying the drug is contaminating the oysters.

"There are tight regulations on oysters in NSW so they are safe. They can't add Viagra to oysters - it is not allowed, it's up to doctors to prescribe Viagra," a Food Safety NSW spokesman said.

"Even giving it away is illegal as it is a form of marketing to induce a sale."

A Pfizer spokesman said the global company was not happy about its product being used that way. He added a lawsuit was an option.

Stiff upper lip ... oyster farmer George May is determined to continue making his product.


Anonymous said…
the things man will do to just get a raise
Anonymous said…
Having a feed of these little beastie's is bound to oyst yer pecker.
Anonymous said…
Quite a hard act to follow, this feller has a right to feel stiffed, lets hope someone cums up with a solution. Mike.
Vest said…
The world is their oyster. According to Google; Viagra Oyster is one of the most hit on news stories since 9/11.
Anonymous said…
hi vest old mate..fair while since i called.. good posts- a lot to read.. dont think i will want any orny hoysters, mine's free standing.. i bet your thinking about getting some, yours must be wilting a bit now, dont forget 7/7/07,see ya then.

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