Vest Remembers Sydney Australia Tues June 5 1945
According to my ancient illegally kept WW2 journal, the 38,000 ton British Battleship The HMS King George V arrived in Sydney on Tuesday June 5 1945(same calendar year as 07)& berthed at No 6 Wooloomooloo for a three week rest from the operation 'Iceberg' conflict near Japan, plus repairs and replenishment and rest &recreation for our crew, I had served nearly two years of wartime activity on the HMS King George V up and until then and I was not yet 19 years old, but I was thankful to be alive.
Vest Daily Gaggle.
Vest Daily Gaggle.
and served 2 years in the Navy
lucky to be alive
correct me if i am wrong VEST
but the Navy and the Air Force dont take many casualties in War
its the front line soldiers in the Army who take all the beating
just like in Iraq
the Air Force bombed IRAQ
but the boys who landed in IRAQ are coming home in body bags
2,Thank you,
3,Army, 29.2%
Airforce (Air Crew) 43.6%
" Groundstaff 3.3%
Royal Navy 19.4%
WW2 fatalities percentage ratio.
Although all three services had oportunities to get bombed, shelled or shot, it would seem the Navy had other options too, try one of these.
1,Scalded to death in the boiler room.
2,blown to smithereens.
3 choked to death by smoke inhalation.
4,Asphyxiated in a sealed compartment when ship sinks.
6,swallowing fuel oil on the water surface , when abandoning ship.
7,Freezing to death in (1 minute)in arctic waters.
8,Starving to death on a life raft.
9,Or just being eaten by sharks.
If by chance your ship stays afloat and your body is among the miscellaneous body parts that are strewn around; whenever possible your head is designated as the body and all parts are sewn in one or several canvas hammocks depending how many dead there can be found. A weight is placed near the feet or where they should be and at the prescribed time you slide down a plank to davy jones locker.
Should you be a Royal Marine, the weight when possible is placed on the Right Foot so when he arrives at the bottom he can step off smartly with his left foot.
Body bags, A sign of the times.
Am looking at his time in Sydney when he was organising supplies for sailors waiting to return to Blighty. My son now lives in Oz (S.Highlands) so I'm transcribing
the diary for him - a labour of love.
If you do get this message it would be great to find out more about that time he spent on KGV.
My late Dad was also on KIng George V in the Pacific in 1945 - in charge of supplies at Sydney. Name Ted Walker, but also known as Sid. Petty Officer - trained in radar.
I'm transcribing his (also illegally kept) WW2 diary for my son, who now lives in S.Highlands, NSW. It would be great to swap info, if you get this message.
All the best,
Suggest you pass on a proper contact arrangement, IE an email address for starters, then I can respond.
More info required.
BTW, is your name spelt with a en or an ? M or F.