I Really feel Honoured, that you my Respected Friend, need me On Your Face Book
NO offence, but I decline your kind invitation to join Facebook. I've been "poked'' (relax, it's Facebook speak) six times in the past fortnight - sent an email invitation to be someone's "friend'' (Facebook speak again) - and while I admit to feeling warmly wanted and kind of popular, it's just that I'm yet to see the point. I have an email address that seems to work just fine. I also have a mobile phone. And anyone who doesn't have access to these two vital connection portals, well it's probably for good reason. To further throw open the lines of accessibility would surely mean having to filter unwanted and unwarranted attention and, frankly, who has the time? I say all that, but it doesn't mean I don't fear social exclusion, cutting myself off to the movement of the times akin to not reading The Da Vinci Code or Harry Potter. (Confession: I've read neither. But then if I was on Facebook, that'd be common knowledge...