A Flighty Bird With Pussy Galore.

Recently nearest and dearest in her wisdom purchased a new birdcage for my sons birthday present. The old cage which housed 'Lucky' was considered too yukky for what was our pet Cockatiel until our son stole the (Female)birds affection. For six and a half years lucky has been incarcerated within a cage with a surface area of 450 sq ins, but the new cage is only 315 sq ins plus it has less height. I just have that feeling that the bird would have been much happier in its old shack - larger and more familiar than the new pristine white cage with less lateral movement.
I feel we humans have little idea when it comes to imagining the plight and stress of the upheaval it places on the bird. Ok so it wasn't a pretty cage, but the bird probably didn't give a hoot and I'll lay odds lucky isn't too happy in his new expensive abode, did I hear her squawk "Squeezy squeezy". Lucky whenever possible is allowed to fly around the interior of the house usually daily and for about an hour, I cannot tickle her neck any more when passing as the bars are too close.
Will this cause distress to the family members ? I doubt it, they have better things to do with their quiet moments, their thoughts pursuing fiscal outgoings of a wasteful nature, myself being the loser should they succeed.
Don't get me wrong , I do have a sense of morality and am sensitive enough to know that animals need affection as well as us homo sapiens, particularly domestic pets with an affinity to their keepers, dogs and cats in particular, meaning those in close contact within our homes can become like family members, but even this requires a heap of tolerance to the anti social habits of pets.
In my case, over the years I have been weaned myself away from domestic animals in the home, although in the past we have had a small dog and a cat wandering indoors, the hygiene thingy and inconvenience has been a put off.
Recently our prodigal son returned to the fold and feline pets have become the norm again, by him bringing three misc mogs with him. These three desexed felines are domesticated and have clean habits but are not allowed within our accom but his; yes, plus they have an enclosed garden with outside shelter, the are completely tolerant of each other, the larger of the three now follows me everywhere, I occasionally talk to it when no one is looking, "just not blokey to talk to a cat."
The most amusing situation I have observed is the visit of a extra large Puss who sidles up to the others like an old friend and all seem pleased on big mogs arrival; even to sharing the food without any dissention. but watching the big mog leave is really unusual after a while he affectionately rubs heads with the others the trots off to the gate followed by the others, like the hosts seeing him to the door.
The only other visitors these puddy tats have are two large magpies who steal their whiskettes.
The cats have worked out the Bacchus system, meaning the tray never empties and in any case a sensible cat would never argue with a magpie.
On the last but one visit by Big Mog, we removed his collar to check his residence, so he he lives up the road a bit, but he left without his collar. However, yesterday when he called we replaced the collar, this will surely confuse his owner.


Keshi said…
I dun like to see caged-birds. They r supposed to be flying ard free.

Vest said…
Keshi: Fortunately the bird was rescued from certain death, and it chooses to stay now with its rescuers, when released it returns to us, it would not survive in the wild, it is human orientated.xxx
Jim said…
u always find a way to use Pussy in your blop posts
Anonymous said…
lll take it off and put it on with his every visit
Vest said…
Jim: Your use of the Pussy word may have an underlying obscenity attached to it, in this instance and I refer to this post, it does not. just your.

One================== mind.

Its a shame your Pater didn't opt for a free transister radio, er er.
Anonymous said…
Vestie, that remark about the transistor radio refers to the 60's I presume when India doled out the tranny in exchange for a quick snip of one's testes, pity they didn't make it compulsory. Mike.
Jim said…
Jim said...
Only real flesh and blood can bring together the ultimate prize of human copulation, that lustful mind bending orgasm. "Ah-ah-Aah.

"Oh Yeah Baby."

Memories of a past age-so Beautiful. xxx.

VEST dream on
the old days have gone
the times have changed

move with the times
or die

12:32 PM
Jim said…
i wish there were no lower deck lawyers
Jim said…
Keshi said...
Jim why r ya asking Vesty to die?
Keshi said…
well thats good...as long as its not in a cage.

Vest said…
Jim: Why filch my post from Keshi's blog, I quote 'Only real flesh and blood------------------memories of a past age so beautiful.'

Vest grabs Jim over his knee and delivers six strokes of the cane across his bot. "Take that you horrid little rotter" How dare you be so rude to your betters, you little fart. Jim sobs his eyes out and Say's
"Sorry Sir".
Jay said…
I'm sure the bird sings its thanks.
Jim said…
but some times u make me laff

the good times of old u speak of
is really rotten times

this gen has got much more than what we have

we were ignorant
we had second hand knowledge

this gen has google search
we had only PLAYBOY and PENTHOUSE
and no frontal nudes
Anonymous said…
An 86 year old man walked into a crowded waiting
room and approached the desk.... The receptionist
said, "Yes sir, what are you seeing the Doctor for

"There's something wrong with my dick", he replied.

The receptionist became irritated and said, "You
shouldn't come into a crowded waiting room and say
things like that."

"Why not? You asked me what was wrong and I told
you," he said.

The receptionist replied; "Now you've caused
some embarrassment in this room full of people.
You should have said there is something wrong with
your ear or something, and discussed the problem
further with the doctor in private."

The man replied, "You shouldn't ask people questions
in a room full of strangers, if the answer could
embarrass anyone."

The man walked out, waited several minutes and
then re-entered.

The Receptionist smiled smugly and asked, "Yes?"

"There's something wrong with my ear", he stated.

The receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled,
knowing he had taken her advice.
"And what is wrong with your ear, Sir??"

"I can't piss out of it," he replied.

Have a nice day.

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