Lots of Happenings. No time to blog.

Not all together plain sailing over the past week or so , with visiting Gr/ Ch, birthdays. and to top it, I have had flu symptoms, also a comma attached it self to my web address which caused confusion for three days. I have not ventured forth to the outside world, and have been off the grog for ten days, which is surprising as we have had the hottest Oct day on record last Thurs and the last two days have been similar.
I shall be attending Hail or shine, the funeral of my friend and shipmate Tony Jackson, this coming Tues at 9AM Oct 9. there are now 11 of us left in Australia and about 30 in the UK. My name appears in alphabetical order at the top of the list, h'm, gets you thinking doesn't it.
Rosemary also has flu symptoms, that did not stop her having her hair done today.
The dog next door who usually eats all of our food scraps has gone 'Walk-about' His owner told me that he had no idea when he would return and suggested I bin it on Tues our garbage day, exciting isn't it.
Just can't wait for things to return to normal, See Ya.


Jim said…
u want Normal?
Normal is boring
Jim said…
funerals bring out the best in me

funerals tell me
life is short
and i shudnt be wasting my energies in petty peeves
and i shud put 24 hours of living in a day

i am loosing weight
i have a lump in my back that cud be cancer

the last time i visited my doc was for an HIV test

i wanted to be sure i was clean and i wudnt give it to my girl

i hate docs and medication
the human body is designed by God
and is self healing

antibodies and our immune syatem can fight disease

we dont need allopathy
i beleive in nature cure

i havent tested for diabetes and bp
but i feel fine both in body and mind

and i blog every day
mostly to connect with Keshi and my new friends on WUB and Krystyna
Jim said…
Anonymous said…
Hi Les
Didn't seeyou both Saturday night. Thought you might be at soccer club for the British Invasion. They were very good played songs from all the old british bands. Tony Remedios was there as a spectator.


Anonymous said…
Get well soon vesty, sorry to hear about your friends passing. xxxxx.
Vest said…
Feeling better, had a bad night, still not right(no remarks please).
8 AM start tomorrow for the funeral.
Will take it easy for a few days.

Graeme: have been a bit crook, sorry couldn't make it on Sat, sorry.

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