Question Time And let's have the Truth.

21 October 2007

A place to question everything...and everybody.

(1) What's the most memorable thing you did when you were a teenager that you didn't tell your parents about? Would you tell them now?

(2) Rules you had to follow.
What rules did your mother and father have that you thought were crazy when you were growing up? Do you still think they are crazy?

(3) A successful relationship
Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship? What makes a relationship successful?

(4) Swearing on the job.
Recent research shows swearing at work boosts workplace morale and strengthen team spirit. Do you agree? How do you feel about swearing?

(5) If you could live anywhere other than the country you live in now, where would it be and why?

(6) Your Most Prized Possession?
What is your most prized possession? Why is it so important to you?

(7) Your favourite way to communicate
What is your preferred method of communication ? (i.e. email, in person) and why?

(8) Which are you better at, and why:Listening or speaking, Which do you prefer?

(9) Some interesting finds:In a survey earlier this year, 64 percent of computer owners say they spend more time with their computer than with their significant other.

Meanwhile, 84 percent said they were more dependent on their computer than they were three years ago.
What about you? Do you spend more time with your computer than your significant other? Are you more dependent on your computer than ever before?
Tagging. Aggie, Keshi,Amy,Jay, Sme, Jim, jdsrose.
(1) Skinny dipping in the brook and having my first Bonk at 15 with an 18 year old young lady. Part 2, not possible.

(2) Honesty and religious fads. I'll go for the honesty factor.

(3) I certainly have, Er in doors and I have been in a relationship since Oct 21 1951 and have been married since June 20 1953. Wouldn't swap her for Quids, listen to your partner, Compromise, tell her/him you love her both when waking and sleeping. Lucky me.

(4) Swearing on the job shows loss of 'Cool' man, and bad leadership. Yes I do swear during difficult-frustrating times - unfortunately.

(5) "Oh to be in England" But only between April 1 and August 31.

(6) My most prized possession is my Sanity.

(7) My preferred method of communication is by telephone then E mail and personal letter.

(8) I am much better at listening and dissecting truth from fiction.

(9) I spend most of my computer time when my nearest and dearest is engaged in a self engaging pursuit like washing cleaning or watching TV Soapies , Or as it is right now while at the club raffle with girlie friends. Rosemary has arrived home just two minutes ago, She won a 'Tempo silverline pressure cooker' what ever that is .

Yes I am more dependent on my computer than three years ago.
21 October 2007 'Trafalgar Day'


Anonymous said…
Jim has left a new comment on your post

(2) Rules you had to follow.
i hated all rules

What rules did your mother and father have that you thought were crazy when you were growing up? Do you still think they are crazy?

reciting the family rosary every day
we stopped the tradition now

(3) A successful relationship

Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship? What makes a relationship successful?

loving one another
(4) Swearing on the job.

Recent research shows swearing at work boosts workplace morale and strengthen team spirit. Do you agree? How do you feel about swearing?

swearing is honest
every one dhud swear when u feel like it
dont repress

(5) If you could live anywhere other than the country you live in now, where would it be and why?

CA, Mary lives there now
(6) Your Most Prized Possession

What is your most prized possession? Why is it so important to you?
my PC net connected
cant live without my net friends
i have no real friends in the real world

(7) Your favourite way to communicate

What is your preferred method of communication ? (i.e. email, in person) and why?

email it is free and non obtrusive unlike fone and messenger

(8) Which are you better at, and why:
Listening or speaking, Which do you prefer?

(9) Some interesting finds:
In a survey earlier this year, 64 percent of computer owners say they spend more time with their computer than with their significant other.

TRUE for me too

Meanwhile, 84 percent said they were more dependent on their computer than they were three years ago.

What about you? Do you spend more time with your computer than your significant other? Are you more dependent on your computer than ever before?

YES on both counts

Posted by Jim to at Sunday, 21 October 2007 09:23:00 PM EST
Anonymous said…
(1) What's the most memorable thing you did when you were a teenager that you didn't tell your parents about? Would you tell them now?

i kissed a boy in the barn
i mean on the lips in the barn

(2) Rules you had to follow.
What rules did your mother and father have that you thought were crazy when you were growing up? Do you still think they are crazy?

the taboo on pre marital kissing

(3) A successful relationship
Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship? What makes a relationship successful?

i dunno
will u tell me pleaseee

(4) Swearing on the job.
Recent research shows swearing at work boosts workplace morale and strengthen team spirit. Do you agree? How do you feel about swearing?

i swear all the time
i say FO

(5) If you could live anywhere other than the country you live in now, where would it be and why?

i love india
saby lives there

(6) Your Most Prized Possession?
What is your most prized possession? Why is it so important to you?

my comp
i connect to my friends and lovers on the net

(7) Your favourite way to communicate
What is your preferred method of communication ? (i.e. email, in person) and why?

i can say any shit i want and guys lissen

(8) Which are you better at, and why:Listening or speaking, Which do you prefer?
talking crap

(Yes I am more dependent on my computer than three years ago.
i cant remember when i had no comp)

Vest said…
Saby; Purporting to be Keshi is punishable offence you 'Orrible little Rotter'.
Semen 3rd class Saby Dasouza is tied to the mast, and receives 100 lashes from the wicked capt vest.
Anonymous said…
1. Sneaking out to the pictures on a Saturday to meet boys.
2. I bent all the rules, so I don't remember any in particular ... I jst adapted them to suit myself.
3. Some family relationships are successful for me.
4. I love to swear, but I try not to "on the job." Children present.
5. England ... I love it.
6. My cat Sophie.
7. email - I hate the telephone. People talk for hours about nothing. Email gets kept to the point.
8. Listening ... but I'm less tolerant with age. Stick to the point please.
9. Yep - esp as my significant other right now is my Cat!
10. Yes ... I'm way more dependant on my PC now than ever before.
Keshi said…
**84 percent said they were more dependent on their computer than they were three years ago.

we r all tech slaves :)

Lord Sedgwick said…
(1) What's the most memorable thing you did when you were a teenager that you didn't tell your parents about? Would you tell them now?

Shooting them because they were stickybeaks.

Not much, and only over a ouija board with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

(2) Rules you had to follow.
What rules did your mother and father have that you thought were crazy when you were growing up? Do you still think they are crazy?

Sacrificing a village virgin before our nightly supper of gourmet bread and dripping.

Yes, still crazy after all these years - but more still than crazy.

(3) A successful relationship
Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship? What makes a relationship successful?

Yes, and it starts each morning with the greeting "mirror, mirror on the wall ..."

(4) Swearing on the job.
Recent research shows swearing at work boosts workplace morale and strengthen team spirit. Do you agree? How do you feel about swearing?

None of your *&%%##@+%$*& business, sunshine!

(5) If you could live anywhere other than the country you live in now, where would it be and why?

Burkina Faso on account of it has a lovely exotic name (somewhere that sounds like a place where Errol Flynn might have parked his loins - or other body parts) ... and I believe that it doesn't have extradition treaty with Australia

(6) Your Most Prized Possession?
What is your most prized possession? Why is it so important to you?

My prized possessions are manifold. My brilliance, my incomparable intelligence and my overarching modesty.

(7) Your favourite way to communicate
What is your preferred method of communication ?

Barely comprehensible grunts ... punctuated with farts and belches.

(8) Which are you better at, and why: Listening or speaking, Which do you prefer?

Sitting back here with me Acme ear trumpet and a mouth full of marbles (prized tombolas at that ), I'd need to have a bit more time to think about that'n.

(9) Some interesting finds:In a survey earlier this year, 64 percent of computer owners say they spend more time with their computer than with their significant other.

I'm a tart at heart, I two-time both the laptop and the desktop - the significant other doesn't get a look in.(Well, she's not a voyeur so she wouldn't would she?)
Anonymous said…
Lost mine at sixteen, like a bubble, one prick all gone.
2, My mum & dad thought I was an angel.
3,Having a successful relationship now with Greg.
4, I have horny thoughts but I rarely swear.
5, Dont know, I just love Australia.
6,My man.
8,I prefer to listen then you learn more.
9,I am not a blogger really only call on two blogs. I spend more time with my lovely man, the gorgeous hunk.
Vest said…
Lord Sedgwick: Have a reply to your email stuck in limbo awaiting receipt of your addy.
Anonymous said…
xteVtq write more, thanks.

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