Pussy galore again, Or Fat Cat makes friends with our mogs simply to steal food.

I recall the post Oct 18 the visiting Moggie, (Cat). We removed the cats collar and then replaced it when it returned, then removed it on the next visit. This has happened seven times. the owner has replaced the collar twice and these collars have gone through the same routine, in all about eleven switches, when the cat returns the current collar will be swapped and the one with my blogsite details etched on it sent home with the cat, if the owner gripes or fails to see the funny side of this, the owner will be sent a Cat food bill.


Anonymous said…
i dont see the point in doing this, really dont like cats that much.
Vest said…
Anony mouse; Dont like cats eh. I'll guess you are just a Love Rat with a penchant for Pussy.
Anonymous said…
that annony mouse was not me

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