Some Sadness, Joyful Gatherings Sanity Intact.....

....Well it is up to now, it is expected we'll have lunch early, then a nod in the afternoon then visit the club about 6pm for the new year festivities.
The past two weeks have been a mixed bag of visits by friends and rellies with more in the offing. the number of greeting cards received has slumped to an all time low; which means fewer to be sent next year, assuming I'm around to send them.
Two weeks back, our youngest son 40 had a tiff with his friend 'B' 27 of many years who then . invited a new friend to fill the vacuum. 'B' was woken by the fuzz on the blower, who informed 'B' that his car had been wrapped around a tree and the occupant was in possession of his wallet and I D and had been hospitalized and in intensive care. 'B' had been the registered owner of the late model Commodore; given to him as a present from his mother (A senior head of dept at a NSW Prison) - a few weeks previously. 'B' visited us the following day to impart the news, who after I questioned him ; informed me, that the sodding car was not insured, I then informed 'B' he was a complete idiot, 'B' replied " mother is sending up another new car tomorrow as a replacement, so that I can visit her at Christmas, I then asked 'B ' if he had visited his new friend (lover) in the hospital, "No" he said-"He died two days ago".
Son 40 now has a new friend 26, an actor and script writer. although I am not into that sort of stuff , secretly Rosemary and I think he is quite good looking.
Over a period of a few weeks I have won the club Sunday trivia quiz three times at three attempts, being a Brit and knowing more than the locals about Strayer really gets them pissed off.
It seems that our #1 son the D J will come to the club tonight also #5 son and new actor friend too. Should raise a few eyebrows. I shall comment on the nights proceedings providing they have any worth.



Anonymous said…
we live in an enlightened age, we must leave the old behind as you are giving up on the christian teachings so you must realize there is another gender too.
Jim said…
its 11 am here
not invited to any parties

nowhere to go
but midnight mass alone

i dont have any real friends in the real world

but i have plenty in cyber

rosemary and vest
keshi and noushy

K and K
the old and the new

miranda and susan
looney and margie

karen and michele
and PUGS

and Rosemary
Jim said…
Jim said...
its 11 am here
not invited to any parties

nowhere to go
but midnight mass alone

i dont have any real friends in the real world

but i have plenty in cyber

rosemary and vest
keshi and noushy

K and K
the old and the new

miranda and susan
looney and margie

karen and michele
and PUGS

and Krystyna
and Rosemary

I have a lott more
I am getting old
my memory cells have deteriorated

9:45 AM

Jim said...
Jesus told me
my prayers will be answered

(u will never guess what I prayed for Vest)
Vest said…
Anon: Thank you for the procreation lesson.

Jim: I am deeply concerned about your lack of real friends in this world, although sometimes it can be an unwanted blessing if your friends become impoverished.
Rosemary and I are pleased to be included within your circle of friends and wish to reciprocate with you but not necessarily with some of your known weird associates.

Our new year thingy at the club went well, not so squeezy this year due to the lack of smokers allowing more elbow room.
However, my headache is persistent after those dozen 'J Ws'.
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year to you and yours Vest. All the best for 2008.
Vest said…
Aggie: A Happy New Year to you 'Nice Lady'. xxx.
Anonymous said…
ちょっと待ってください。 [url=]バイアグラ[/url] バイアグラ

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