Is the pregnant man Thomas Beatie a hoax for April Fool's Day? PREGNANT MAN: TRUTH OR HOAX? As the world's media descends on small town Bend to find out if the story of the pregnant man is true, the couple at the centre of it all have left town. Thomas Beatie, 34, and wife Nancy Roberts, 45, are believed to be on vacation in his home state of Hawaii. Back home in Bend, Oregon, population 75,000, the locals are bemused. The ruddy-cheeked residents enjoy ice fishing and kayaking. And until Thomas's five month pregnancy was revealed to a stunned world on Thursday, the biggest local story this week was the deputy sheriff shooting a vicious pit bull terrier. Thomas, born Tracy Lagondino, announced to gay magazine The Advocate, that he was expecting a girl, who was due in July. He said: "I will be my daughter's father and Nancy will be her mother. We will be a family." Thomas, who had his breasts removed 10 years ago but kept his ovaries and womb when he became a ma...