Another incidence of Blatant Arrogance within the Faith Industry, The Holey Holy Story.

Brian Reade. England. 26:March.

Being a good lapsed Catholic my conscience guided me to mass on Easter Sunday.
I was hoping for a rousing sermon on the Resurrection that would finally see off my doubts, but instead I was ordered to lobby the government about the dangers of human embryo research.
The priest gave no explanation of his rationale, simply warning about it being against God's will.
Not once did he talk of the possible benefits to mankind or admit we may have our own views on this complex, scientific issue.
He simply assumed, as every other Catholic priest in the land was assuming, that when we walked through the church door we left our brains outside and agreed to blindly follow their every dictat.
I felt morally bullied.
And angered that the Catholic Church should demand all MPs be allowed to vote on a "conscience" issue while not allowing its own members the same right.
One of my biggest wishes is to see cancer death rates cut, and if passing this bill helps to do that then I'm with my government, not my church.
Especially a church that can bracket contraception with human embryo experiments, whose earthly leader believes homosexuality is sinful and whose Main Man in Westminster is so concerned about the sanctity of human life he welcomes Tony Blair as a convert while the streets of Iraq still flow with blood.
And a Church which decrees that human tissue must be treated with more respect than the animal variety - yet treats its own members like sheep.
Vest will be very busy this weekend. I shall be having my first haircut in eleven weeks, now the scars on my head feel less sensitive. After posting this nonsense, I shall assume the role of 'Cyril The Gay Hairdresser' when I colour Rosemary's hair.
Today I cut the Grassed areas of our palatial residence(I prefer not to call them lawns) 4,500sq ft.. It really is too much for me; but to get it done would cost the equivalent to 3 bottles of scotch.
I have my # one son who has a heart problem sitting smoking all day at his computer who is 28 years younger than I, just too too much to expect of him to recognise (start you bastard) our lawn mower. Our Gay #5 son Tim should be taking over the role of Cyril the gay hairdresser. I suppose there are other mugs like me out there being ripped off by family, parents never cease to to be servants. I must admit I do enjoy having them around, but there is little at the end of the day I have to thank them for.
Everyone have a happy weekend. Vest


Anonymous said…
it is the dictat of Pope Benedict
Anonymous said…
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Genetic manipulation, pollution top Vatican's 'new sins'

Philip Pullella, Reuters Published: Monday, March 10, 2008
FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP/Getty ImagesPope Benedict XVI waves at the faithful as he leaves Saint Lawrence in Piscibus church after celebrating a mass at the International Youth Centre in Rome March 9, 2008. Celebrating the Angelus Sunday ...

VATICAN CITY -- Thou shall not pollute the Earth. Thou shall beware genetic manipulation.
Modern times bring with them modern sins. So the Vatican has told the faithful that they should be aware of "new" sins such as causing environmental blight.
The guidance came at the weekend when Archbishop Gianfranco Girotti, the Vatican's number two man in the sometimes murky area of sins and penance, spoke of modern evils.
Asked what he believed were today's "new sins," he told the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano that the greatest danger zone for the modern soul was the largely uncharted world of bioethics.

"[Within bioethics] there are areas where we absolutely must denounce some violations of the fundamental rights of human nature through experiments and genetic manipulation whose outcome is difficult to predict and control," he said.

The Vatican opposes stem cell research that involves destruction of embryos and has warned against the prospect of human cloning.
Archbishop Girotti, in an interview headlined "New Forms of Social Sin," also listed "ecological" offences as modern evils.
In recent months, Pope Benedict has made several strong appeals for the protection of the environment, saying issues such as climate change had become gravely important for the entire human race.

Under Pope Benedict and his predecessor Pope John Paul II, the Vatican has become progressively "green."
It has installed photovoltaic cells on buildings to produce electricity and hosted a scientific conference to discuss the ramifications of global warming and climate change, widely blamed on human use of fossil fuels.
Archbishop Girotti, who is number two in the Vatican "Apostolic Penitentiary," which deals with matter of conscience, also listed drug trafficking and social and economic injustices as modern sins.

But Archbishop Girotti also bemoaned that fewer and fewer Catholics go to confession at all.
He pointed to a study by Milan's Catholic University that showed that up to 60% of Catholic faithful in Italy stopped going to confession.
In the sacrament of Penance, Catholics confess their sins to a priest who absolves them in God's name.
But the same study by the Catholic University showed that 30% of Italian Catholics believed that there was no need for a priest to be God's intermediary and 20% felt uncomfortable talking about their sins to another person.
Reuters © 2008
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More From the Web
Clash of holy weeks proves no hurdle for sporting IrishThe Guardian - Monday, March 10, 2008
Vatican Updates Thou-Shalt-Not ListNBC 4 Los Angeles (KNBC) - Monday, March 10, 2008
"Thou-shalt-not" list longer for Catholics nowABC 6 Philly (WPVI) - Monday, March 10, 2008
Catholic University Officials Remember...FOX 5 Washington (WTTG) - Monday, March 10, 2008
Vatican goes green, adds new sinsTimes of India - Monday, March 10, 2008
Buzzworthy: New sins for a new centurySeattle Post-Intelligencer - Monday, March 10, 2008
Andy's Seven AngelsBeliefnet - Monday, March 10, 2008
Recycle Or Go To Hell: Vatican Extends Its List Of Deadly SinsNBC 12 Montgomery (WSFA) - Monday, March 10, 2008
Social and economic injustice is a sin, says Catholic ChurchThe 13th Juror - Monday, March 10, 2008
Polluting Now A Sin For CatholicsCBS4 Denver Video - Monday, March 10, 2008
Vest said…
Two novice Nuns and Father Benjamin were picking wild flowers in the woods for the church alter.
Father Benjamin propositioned the nuns who both consented to have sex with the horny Father Benjamin.
On returning to the monastery, remorse set in and the nuns agreed to confess and say,BENNYDICKEDUS.
Anonymous said…
Ah, the Church of Hypocritters Anonymouse.
Does anyone out there care a hoot what Rome thinks?
Welcome to the future ... they are welcome to it.
Vesty ... a gay hairdresser? Want to come over and do mine later?
Anonymous said…
Anon 2nd comment.

Could it be that a genetic manipulater in eyes of the Roman Church is none other than a celibate masturbating priest.
It is an established fact that, a higher ratio of sexual deviation exists within the Catholic priesthood than the general public.
Coarsely speaking for the lay person meaning Wankers and Bum chasers....Mike.
Anonymous said…
why are all hair dressers gay?
Anonymous said…
if u reply to each comment here
your stats wud be better
Vest said…
Oh dear sweet Aggie, I wouldst if I couldst, but that big puddle is too large to jump.X.
I am left to ponder that, the greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.

Anon: Gay hairdressers, I dunno mate, Its a charade I play with er indoors when I colour her hair. Why! are you a gay hairdresser?

Previous anon: I am Unconcerned about stats. I am more concerned about your ANONYMITY.

L D L: yep those priests run parralel in the stats with pedophile Scout masters.
Anonymous said…
the Vatican is more powerful than Billy Graham Aggie
Anonymous said…
Sinners risk burning in hell unless absolved through confession and penitence

Recent survey finds 60 percent of Italian Catholics don't go to confession

ROME, Italy (AP) -- A Vatican official has listed drugs, pollution and genetic manipulations as well as social and economic injustices as new areas of sinful behavior.

The Vatican has updated the list of mortal sins to relate to the age of globalization.

Monsignor Gianfranco Girotti said in an interview published on Sunday by the Vatican's daily newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, that known sins increasingly manifest themselves as behavior that damages society as a whole.

Girotti, who heads the Apostolic Penitentiary, a Vatican body that issues decisions on matters of conscience and grants absolutions told the paper that whilst sin used to concern the individual mostly, today it had a mainly a social resonance, due to the phenomenon of globalization.

Catholic teaching distinguishes between lesser, so-called venial sins, and mortal sins.

When asked to list the new areas of sinful behavior, Girotti denounced "certain violations of the fundamental rights of human nature through experiments, genetic manipulations."

He also mentioned drugs, which weaken the mind and obscure intelligence; pollution; as well as the widening social and economic differences between the rich and the poor that "cause an unbearable social injustice."

Girotti said the Catholic Church continued to be concerned by other sinful acts, including abortion and pedophilia.

He said Church authorities had reacted with rigorous measures to child abuse scandals within the clergy, but he also claimed that the issue had been excessively emphasized by the media.

His comments came at the end of a week-long Vatican conference on confession.

A recent survey said that 60 percent of Italian Catholics do not go to confession.
Traditionally the Catholic church has had a list of seven deadly sins, that of lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride established by Pope Gregory the Great in the 6th century.

The terms entered the popular vocabulary after the publication of Dante's "Divine Comedy."
The deadly sins are in contrast with venial sins - relatively minor sins that can be forgiven.

A person that commits a mortal sin risks burning in hell unless absolved through confession and penitence.

Now the Vatican says it is time to modernize the list to fit a global world.

On hearing the Girotti's suggestion, some priests thought it was a good idea.

Father Antonio Pelayo, a Spanish priest and Vatican expert noted that it is time for both sinners and confessors to get over their obsession with sex and think about other ways humans hurt each other in the world in which they live.

"There are many other sins that are perhaps much more grave that don't have anything to do with sex - that have to do with life, that have to do with the environment, that have to do with justice," he told AP Television.

Father Greg Apparcel, a local priest said that the Pope may have been talking About this aspect of sin as a response to the recent "Italian confession" survey.
Apparcel also hinted that the announcement may have a wider agenda ahead of the Holy Father's trip to the United States and his speech to the United Nations.
"There is some sound going around that perhaps he is going to speak about ecology and environment, and if he does, this is kind of preparation for that," he said.

Vest said…
It is about time the prophets of doom were bought to book. The whole population of the world is seeing the light shining through the dark ages of fear repression, hatred and ignorance. It is entirely up to the individual to depart from this unnecessary stress, most people deep down would ignore the archaic nonsense of the global faith industry if they were not in some way victimised by repressive governments under the influence of inane religeous despots, holding down well paid jobs as keepers of their particular stupid faith within their country.

If you need inspiration without complication, stick to 'Fairy Tales' They are less intrusive and fun to read. In most of the plots there is the truth and kindness factor which is predominent. The stories end when a happy reader learns that, 'Everyone lives happily ever after'

There is never any mention of people burning in hell.

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