Having More Pussy Than You Need Can Be Fun.

Vest said...
Went to club last night with er indoors, sat with Johnnie Walker listening to bang clang band,lots of young chicks and roosters jockeying for a trundle in the nest box, but mostly old boilers like us. Lost forty bucks on keno and pokies went back to the igloo turned up the heat then sat with Jack Daniels watching the 20-20 and the barmy army cheer on the poms to a nine wicket win over the black caps with three overs to spare.
Out of bed at 9:20am to shoo off a group of seven day wonders, was scolded by the neighbours for using the F word. Went back to bed, two mins later 'ring-ring' avon lady calls; er indoors is out shopping, the anti ageing creams and lotions cost me $49-50,,, a tub of lard would have been cheaper and could be more effective. Married 55 years next Friday. love is an enduring thing. VEST.
1045:am doorbell again. Lady and Gent inform us that they are the owners of 'Barney' who live a .5 kl distance away in a different street, and so the saga of the large pussy unfolds at last.
In the beginning(not Genesis) our #5 son was temporarily accommodated (11Months) with us , bringing with him three desexed cats. When we were not feeding them they were destroying my garden beds. My affinity to cats and dogs is limited to tolerance and returning any affection when shown. However, it came to pass that, about six months before our son and moggies moved out, a huge cat, who we now know is named 'Barney' became a regular caller to our residence and was a popular visitor, our sons pussies became very friendly with Barney and it was amusing to notice how well they got on together even to the point of sharing food and nuzzling each other. Barney had a red collar which we removed to search for his identity, for fun we replaced it with a white flea collar, two days later we put the red collar back on Barney then the collar was removed later on and a blue collar put on. this swapping continued until I attached a note in a small plastic bottle to Barney's collar when he continued calling long after the other cats had left. It is five days since Barney called last, but his grateful owners are happy to know he will be well cared for on his travels afield.


Anonymous said…
the anti ageing creams and lotions cost me $49-50,,,

tell Rm
I love u
just the way u r
Anonymous said…
Married 55 years next Friday. love is an enduring thing. VEST.

Anonymous said…
when u croak
May I court Rm?
Anonymous said…
sat with Johnnie Walker listening to bang clang band,lots of young chicks and roosters

u left Rm alone?
Anonymous said…
I prefer old pussy
my first time was with an old pussy, Doris
Anonymous said…
LOL @tittie ??
Vest said…
Anon,1: They were for her not me you twit.
Anonymous said…
cor blimey mate wot have you got traveling in yor strides,ding dong. shlong ?
Anonymous said…
Its good to know Vest will look afterv a stray pussy
Anonymous said…
U can babysit my mrs old pussy anytime mate in fact you can keep it..Where...do you cum from you old fart.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the Wedding Anniversary Vest. I'm glad you are kind to puss cats ...
Anonymous said…
step toe
Vest said…
This comment was also posted on the Zombieslayer blog, which related to a war & political issue.

comment number 16 by: vest
June 14th, 2008 at 5:04 pm

Armaments and other supplies sent mainly by British arctic convoys to Russia during WW2, Curbed the the advancing German army on the eastern front. Without this happening the Russians would have been overwhelmed.
Although I was fortunate to miss this episode of WW2, the first ship I served on; The Battleship HMS King George V, and other RN Ships had previously been involved on many occasions escorting merchant vessels to ports in Russia; such as Leningrad and Murmansk. Many lives were lost in these freezing waters from the sinking of many of these ships over several years by German submarines. However, the biggest ‘Crunch’ came when The’King George V rammed and sank the tribal class destroyer HMS Punjabi in poor visibility (This was during the early days of Radar)Only about twenty British sailors survived the freezing waters together with the ships cat named ‘Punjabi’, That lucky pussy lived a long and indulgent life aboard the K G V before being retired ashore.
So hoping this story has a happy ending for all pussy lovers out there. ta ta for now, have a pleasant day. Vest.

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Welcome back vest


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Anonymous said…
Did you ever stroke and fondle that pussy on your ship mr vest.
Jim said…
HMS Punjabi ??
manned by Indians from Punjab ?
Davoh said…
Am pleased that you managed to get a collar on the pussy .. heh.
Vest said…
Wally: Cast my eyes on the puddy tat only, there were approx 1,800 other crew members to deal with the fondling etc.

Jim: There were several tribal class desroyers in service during WW2.Punjabi, Ashanti, Zambesi, Nizam, Napier, Norman and Nester, to name a few.
Like wise Colony class Cruisers named Bermuda,Jamaica,Trinidad, Nigeria, Kenya. Also the Mauritius and Ceylon the two that I served on. Jim. These ships were manned by British and Commonwealth crews.

Quiz Question. What was the name of the WW2 US Navy ship which later in its travels was sunk by a British Navy Submarine.

Clue; it was named twice.

Thanks Aggie for your congrats X.

Davo: Collaring pussy at my time of life would be frowned upon by er indoors.
Jim said…
U.S. Merchant Ships Sunk or Damaged in World War II

According to the War Shipping Administration, the U.S. Merchant Marine suffered the highest rate of casualties of any service in World War II. Officially, a total of 1,554 ships were sunk due to war conditions, including 733 ships of over 1,000 gross tons. Hundreds of other ships were damaged by torpedoes, shelling, bombs, kamikazes, mines, etc. Foreign flag ships, especially those with Naval Armed Guard on board as well as ships belonging to U.S. territories such as the Philippines, are included in this list.

The following lists are continually under construction, because no official complete list is available. Our present total is 1,768 ships sunk, damaged, captured or detained.

We appreciate your additions and corrections.

The listings include:

Name of Ship by full name including initials [Charles W. Eliot is found under "C"]
Location of incident:
Alaska 48 ships
Approach Med (Atlantic Ocean near Gibraltar) 29 ships
Caribbean 180 ships
Eastcoast (Atlantic coast of U.S.) 175 ships
Gulf of Mexico 46 ships
Indian-Red Sea (Indian Ocean - Red Sea) 49 ships
Med-Black Sea (Mediterranean and Black Sea) 251 ships
Murmansk Run 85 ships
Normandy 69 ships
NE Atlantic (Northeast Atlantic includes ports in Great Britain, Belgium, etc.) 155 ships
Jim said…
Vest said…
Jim: You are off course, I am saying a Naval ship sunk singularly, captains name was Hector Bonzo.
It hads 5 triple 6"gun turretts also 4twin 5" aa Guns, want more?.

I put this Q on a USA blog too.
Anonymous said…
It turns out that older men chasing younger women contributes to human longevity and the survival of the species, according to new findings by researchers at Stanford and the University of California-Santa Barbara.

Evolutionary theory says that individuals should die of old age when their reproductive lives are complete, generally by age 55 in humans, according to demographer Cedric Puleston, a doctoral candidate in biological sciences at Stanford. But the fatherhood of a small number of older men is enough to postpone the date with death because natural selection fights life-shortening mutations until the species is finished reproducing.

"Rod Stewart and David Letterman having babies in their 50s and 60s provide no benefit for their personal survival, but the pattern [of reproducing at a later age] has an effect on the population as a whole,"

Puleston said. "It's advantageous to the species if these people stick around. By increasing the survival of men you have a spillover effect on women because men pass their genes to children of both sexes."

"Why Men Matter: Mating Patterns Drive Evolution of Human Lifespan," was published Aug. 29 in the online journal Public Library of Science ONE. Shripad Tuljapurkar, the Morrison Professor of Population Studies at Stanford; Puleston; and Michael Gurven, an assistant professor of anthropology at UCSB, co-authored the study in an effort to understand why humans don't die when female reproduction ends.

Human ability to scale the so-called "wall of death"—surviving beyond the reproductive years—has been a center of scientific controversy for more than 50 years, Puleston said. "The central question is: Why should a species that stops reproducing by some age stick around afterward?"

he said. "Evolutionary theory predicts that, over time, harmful mutations that decrease survival will arise in the population and will remain invisible to natural selection after reproduction ends."

However, in hunter-gatherer societies, which likely represent early human demographic conditions and mating patterns, one-third of people live beyond 55 years, past the reproductive lifespan for women.

Furthermore, life expectancy in today's industrialized countries is 75 to 85 years, with mortality increasing gradually, not abruptly, following female menopause.

Grandmother hypothesis

In 1966, William Hamilton, a British evolutionary biologist, worked out the mathematics describing the "wall of death." Since then, the most popular explanation for why humans don't die by age 55 has been termed the "grandmother hypothesis," which suggests that women enhance the survival of their children and grandchildren by living long enough to care for them and "increasing the success of their genes,"

Puleston said. However, Hamilton's work has been difficult to express as a mathematical and genetic argument explaining why people live into old age.

Unlike previous research on human reproduction, this study—for the first time—includes data on males, a tweak that allowed the researchers to begin answering the "wall of death" question by matching it to human mortality patterns. According to Puleston, earlier studies looked only at women, because scientists can reproduce good datasets for humans entirely based on information related to female fertility and survival rates.

"People don't like to do two-sex models because [it's difficult] to look at how [men and women] pair up," he said. "But men's fertility is contingent on women's fertility—you have to figure out how they match up.

We care about reproduction because that is a currency by which force of selection is counted. If we have not accounted for the entire pattern of reproduction, we may be missing something that's important to evolution."
Men and longevity

In the paper, the researchers analyzed "a general two-sex model to show that selection favors survival for as long as men reproduce." The scientists presented a "range of data showing that males much older than 50 years have substantial realized fertility through matings with younger females, a pattern that was likely typical among early humans." As a result, Puleston said, older male fertility helps to select against damaging cell mutations in humans who have passed the age of female menopause, consequently eliminating the "wall of death."

"Our analysis shows that old-age male fertility allows evolution to breach Hamilton's wall of death and predicts a gradual rise in mortality after the age of female menopause without relying on 'grandmother' effects or economic optimality," the researchers say in the paper.

The scientists compiled longevity and fertility data from two hunter-gatherer groups, the Dobe !Kung of the Kalahari and the Ache of Paraguay, one of the most isolated populations in the world. They also looked at the forager-farmer Yanomamo of Brazil and Venezuela, and the Tsimane, an indigenous group in Bolivia. "They're living a lifestyle that our ancestors lived and their fertility patterns are probably most consistent with our ancestors," Puleston said about the four groups. The study also looked at several farming villages in Gambia and, for comparison, a group of modern Canadians.

In the less developed, traditional societies, males were as much as 5-to-15 years older than their female partners. In the United States and Europe, the age spread was about two years. "It's a universal pattern that in typical marriages men are older than women," Puleston said. "The age gaps vary by culture, but in every group we looked at men start [being sexually reproductive] later. At the end of reproduction, male fertility rates taper off gradually, as opposed to the fairly sharp decline in female fertility by menopause."

Despite small differences based on marriage traditions, all women and most men in the six groups stopped having children by their 50s, the researchers found. But some men, particularly high-status males, continued to reproduce into their 70s. The paper noted that the age gap is most pronounced in societies that favor polygyny, where a man takes several wives, and in gerontocracies, where older men monopolize access to reproductive women. The authors also cite genetic and anthropological evidence that early humans were probably polygynous as well.

Older male fertility also exists in societies supporting serial monogamy, because men are more likely to remarry than women. "For these reasons, we argue that realized male fertility was substantial at ages well past female menopause for much of human history and the result is reflected in the mortality patterns of modern populations," the authors say. "We conclude that deleterious mutations acting after the age of female menopause are selected against … solely as a result of the matings between older males and younger females."

According to Puleston, the "grandmother hypothesis" may be true, but the real pattern of male fertility extends beyond this explanation. "The key question is: Does the population have a greater growth rate if men are reproducing at a later age? The answer is 'yes.' The age of last reproduction gets pushed into the 60s and 70s if you add men to the analysis. Hamilton's approach was right, but in a species where males and females have different reproductive patterns, you need a two-sex model. You can't correctly estimate the force of selection if you leave men out of the picture. As a man myself, it's gratifying to know that men do matter."

Grants from the U.S. National Institute on Aging supported this study.

http://news-service.stanford.edu Read more on this article...

Posted by Pithaly at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: old men chasing young women
Anonymous said…
The ARA General Belgrano was an Argentine Navy cruiser sunk in a controversial incident during the Falklands War with the loss of 323 lives. Losses from Belgrano totalled just over half of Argentine deaths in the Falklands conflict.

It is the only ship ever to have been sunk by a nuclear-powered submarine as a hostile act and only the second sunk by any type of submarine as a hostile act since the end of the Second World War. The name had earlier been used for a 7,069-ton armoured cruiser completed in 1899.

General history
Vest said…
The ARA General Belgrano, Commanded by its capitano Hector Bonzohad was formerly the USS Phoenix Laid down 1935 and laid up in 1946 then sold to the Argentine Govt in 1951.Its so called controversial sinking by anti British supporters mainly the castanet clangers, the trumpet blowing Spaniards and bull stabbing picadors, plus the mighty US of A (Another mob of serial invaders, like KOREA,VIETNAM,GRENADA and IRAQ etc)
Were a bit miffed when told that landing an invasion force of fouteen thousand troops in the British possession of the falkland islands was an act of war. So the outcome came about that the Brits sent them packing with a small contingent of a few hundred military and limited Air power.
(And a nuclear SUB)This was done with the minimum of fuss by the British; a former traditional enemy of the Spanish Greaseo's and their weak kneed descendants.
Oh and the sinking of The destroyer H M S Sheffield and part destruction of sister ship Glamorgan by Argie controlled french nato Excocet Missiles was ok'd by the Argentine govt.
The outcome in the washup proved the Argies when it came to facing their adversaries on equal terms, they could only be described as a bunch of gutless Wimps.
Anonymous said…
"Its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog"

-or should this comment be on your next post?.

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