JULY 16. On this day............

Vest Say's.
622. On this day Mohammed begins his flight from Mecca to Medina, marking the start of the Islamic calendar.
Vest Say's. Should he have missed his flight the World today would not be in such a Pickle.

1945. The beginning of the Nuclear Age, When the first test Atom Bomb was exploded in New Mexico USA. Saved countless lives in WW2, probably mine too.

1969. At 2100hours GMT. The first Moon Shot By Apollo 11.

1926. At 2359 Friday July 16, Vest arrived in the years of the 'Depression'

Comment welcomed.


Anonymous said…
Ja nie jestem z prośbą do zawarcia małżeństwa do mnie
wystarczy odwiedzić mojego domu
Pobyt na obiad
i wczesnym rankiem kawę w łóżku

- Maria
PS: you will find Google translate on my main blog
Anonymous said…
On this day onwards
women feared for their daughters

on this day the chastity belt was invented
Vest said…
Anon Maria: Polish I guess, so if you have the resources to provide the text in English, not a bad Idea to use it to save time, Ok.
BTW thanks for the birthday wishes on the previous post.

Anon 2: More than likely.
tqmcintl said…
1945. The beginning of the Nuclear Age, When the first test Atom Bomb was exploded in New Mexico USA. Saved countless lives in WW2, probably mine too.

I wonder how the Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki will react to this
Anonymous said…
It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.

I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

Polish version: PrzyjacieluOriah Mountain Dreamer
Autor: MARIA o 12:36 4
Jim said…
there are only 2 guys I talk with these days on the net

u r not the prettier one
Vest said…
tqmcinti:The Japs may still be wondering but I am not. READ ON.

Our ship and crew sailed north to the conflict in company of a vast number of other warships On 28 February 1945. The period of three months involving operation ‘Iceberg’ which included eight weeks of continual contact with the enemy and lesser periods of involvement, near places like Okinawa the big one, on all fools day Easter Sunday, 1 April 1945, where American forces landed and other places with names like Ishigaki, Myako Shima and Sakashima Gunto.
In my precarious, unenviable action station on the air defence position, I could see Kamikazes galore. On many occasions, the ‘brown trousers’ seemed imminent, but I was convinced I was far too young to die; there were far too many more exciting things for me to achieve before that happened.
After leaving the operational area, we called in to the U.S. Navy Base at Guam in the Marianas. With us were our escorting destroyers, the HMS Troubridge, Tenacious, and Termagent. The crews enjoyed the shore recreational facilities and three cans of free beer. One or two beers were usually quite enough for me. Lying at anchor close by was flagship of the USN Pacific fleet, the USS Battleship Missouri. The crew of this great ship was quite surprised that our ship did not carry amenities like Coca Cola and ice cream, so the American fleet soon rectified this matter. The battleship HMS King George V became the first British warship to have an ice cream machine. Our ship then sailed for Sydney on 30 May and arrived on Tuesday 5 June for three weeks rest and recreation, during which time we replenished our stores and ammunition. The war was soon to end.
Of course, I have my own opinion regarding the use of the atomic bombs that decided the end of hostilities. During operation Iceberg – a period of about ten weeks starting 1 April – over a quarter of a million civilians and Japanese, American, and British servicemen lost their lives prior to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki destruction. It was sad that the innocent had to suffer for the immoralities of war.
The millions of us who survived the war owe our lives to the clear-sighted wisdom of the allied leaders in Washington and Whitehall, who understood the jungle of problems they faced and left the moralistic chuntering to those lost in the woods.
Our ship and others returned to the conflict up north around 28 June. Few people knew until much later that on 16 July (my 19th birthday) the first atomic test took place in the New Mexico Desert. Also on this same date, the British Pacific Fleet came under the direct control of the American Fleet Commander. I believe this was due to a logistical support problem, the details of which I am not privy to. A good guess would be that we Brits had sort of ‘run out of gas,’ as we were being refuelled at sea by American tankers.
I must mention here that the last British warship of Battleship class to fire an angry shot in wartime was HMS King George V at the end of hostilities 1945.
During the final days of the war against Japan, K G V was involved with other ships (mostly American) that were bombarding the enemy coast of Japan. On one particular night, one of our ‘B’ turret guns failed to load a shell (900 kilos) into the breach due to a mechanism malfunction. When the full charge was fired, it created the best fireworks display I had ever seen. Small pieces of burning cordite were distributed around the decks and paintwork. As I tried to remove some of the cordite from my overalls, I burned the anti-flash gloves I wore to prevent such burns. Later on our journey south to Sydney after the end of WW2, sailors were employed to patch up burned paintwork. The burns on the wooden upper decks were rubbed down with pumice blocks called ‘Holy Stones.’ The larger pumice blocks were referred to as ‘Bibles.’
Dotted around the upper decks were brass plates of various sizes, identifying important machinery and equipment that were used mainly during wartime activities. These brass plates were painted over several times during the war, which rendered them useless. By the time the ship had returned to Sydney and peacetime, they had all been cleaned and polished to their former glory. This occupied the time of otherwise idle sailors, thus making the inscriptions visible at a time when not needed.
HMS King George V was the second British ship to enter Tokyo harbour when WW2 was over. There was much dissension among the British Pacific Fleet ships when HMS Duke of York entered first, as it had only just arrived from Sydney with Admiral Fraser the Commander in Chief. He was affectionately known as ‘The Station Master of the Fleet Train’ (the logistical storekeeper.) His ship had been swinging around a buoy in Sydney for several months and had not fired an angry shot. When the ship arrived in the former war zone, some crewmembers on an Australian ship that was collecting mail by Jackstay transfer at sea from HMS Duke of York threw rotten potatoes when told they were improperly dressed to come alongside the Flagship. The Captain of the Aussie destroyer is said to have replied, “We have just left the King George V, the real flagship, sir.”
Anonymous said…
Hope you enjoy a special day Vest.
Anonymous said…
this is for LD Lawyer ...

A lawyer died and arrived at the pearly gates. To his dismay, there were thousands of people ahead of him in line to see St. Peter. To his surprise, St. Peter left his desk at the gate and came down the long line to where the lawyer was, and greeted him warmly.
Then St. Peter and one of his assistants took the lawyer by the hands and guided him up to the front of the line, and into a comfortable chair by his desk.

The lawyer said, "I don't mind all this attention, but what makes me so special?"

St. Peter replied, "Well, I've added up all the hours for which you billed your clients, and by my calculation you must be about 193 years old!"
Anonymous said…
– over a quarter of a million civilians and Japanese, American, and British servicemen lost their lives prior to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki destruction. It was sad that the innocent had to suffer for the immoralities of war.

collateral damage, right?
same theory was applied to IRAQ
tqmcintl said…
the US of A is a rogue state
they wont sign or they will violate international agreements

Kyoto Protocol, etc.,
bombing IRAQ without UN sanction

the whole damn World has gone metric

but they still use inches to measure their dick
Anonymous said…
Hi grandpa.
Sorry i didn't email you yesterday, i couldn't go on Computer.

Anyway, hope you had a good B-Day, From Bianca and me, Dylan.

You be nice to grandma ok? Stay healthy.

Love from Dylan & Bianca
Vest said…
Aggie: thanks , you are so sweet, xxx.

Maria: will call back to your B/site soon.

tqmcinti: USA, a rogue state.
Yes I believe you may be correct.

"The laws of morality mostly benefit those able to field the heaviest artillery".

Hi Bianca & Dylan: Thanks, call again.
BTW. RE Your 3rd para, sounded sinister, You must be aware I am always nice to Grandma, Dylan..big Hug. Bianca, xxxxxxxxx.
Anonymous said…
No. I will not be nice to nice to grandma

How cud u guys forget !
Maria came all the way from Poland to wish me
krystyna said…
First Annonymous is NOT from Maria and NOT Maria.
Somebody is unfair.
Vest said…
Krystyna; Unfortunately it does become confusing with a constant plethora of anon callers, Here is a big kiss from me to keep you happy, X.
Anonymous said…
didn't have planes in 622 vesty you old fibber.
Vest said…
Wally: Dont you remember? they used 'Magic Carpets' in 622.

A bizarre old biddy blogger in Rainer Minnesota who goes by tshsmoan flies a Supercharged Broomstick after dark.

Wally if you flapped your big ears fast enough you would fly too.
Anonymous said…

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