OUR Three fostered Moggies left by #5 son for us to provide for and dig up our plants in the garden, are a fussy lot. The night before last their food was ignored, so last night we left them scraps on a dish in the garden; which was also ignored by the cats but not the early bird seeking the early worm.
As a result, two Pigeons and possibly three Mynah birds and a unidentifiable wee marsupial thingy fell in conflict with these feline killers. No Rats or Mice delivered to the door, otherwise someone may have given the following recipes a bit of a go, as a dummy run so to speak; should we fall on hard times. Well!! one never knows.

Rat & Mice Recipes For Hard Times?

Rat And Mouse Recipe

Mice aren't that bad. Especially not with chillies and tortillas! It's all how you look at them. When the big crash0 hits, you're going to drool for any extra mice running around your house.

RECIPE FOR "Enchiladas El Mouse-o EN EL HOUSE-O"

6 corn tortillas 6 mice parboiled, stripped, boned, chopped, seasoned. 2-3 large red dried chillies soaked in water 5 min. l chopped green onion, cilantro for decorating. oil/onions. salt pepper to taste,

Make regular enchilada sauce by grinding the soaked chillies in the pot liquor, and straining well to separate the chillie skin from the chillies red meat. Then, fry onions, throw sauce in for l minute. Set aside.

Heat tortillas on a greased skillet, drop into sauce until covered, pull out, then fill the sopping wet tortilla with about 2 tbsps. mouse burger, roll. Set rolls in a dish, line all six up. Pour remaining sauce on top. Decorate with any old cheese, l chopped green onion. Bake l5 min at 350.

Shepherd's PIE

Not every shepherd can dice a lamb every time his belly rumbles. So many have learned to make do with DICED FIELD MICE.

Take 4 potatoes, boil, mash, season, add cream, mash some more, line 8" pie shell with them.

Boil six medium sized mice. Rats are OK if you know what they've been eating. No Buick upholstery or graveyards.

If the rodents are the right size, you should have a cup of rat meat (depending if you've cleaned the carcasses well enough.) Season with salt, pepper, cayenne, add l cup blanched, chopped almonds, l cup cracker crumbs, l egg, (reserve l tsp for topping) making a burger. OPTIONAL: bell pepper, onions, cilantro, parsley, thyme, oregano, l can creamed corn, l can of those crunchy Chinese things, water chestnuts, chopped olives, a dash of cat sup or tomato sauce.

Fill the pie. Cover with more potatoes. Use egg/cream to wipe down pie so it toasts brownish in oven.

Remember, a rabbit is just a big rodent. The taste of the flesh is identical. Ask any concentration camp visitor.

TIP: when cooking rodents, pre-soaking up to 5 hours helps take away that pesky rodent flavor. AND the longer you cook it, with the other ingredients, the better the meat tastes.

Bon App'etit, Vest Daily Gaggle.


Anonymous said…
I hope I won't ever need recipes for hard times ... but if I do, then these will be top of my list. Seeing as how my moggy makes regular contributions to her upkeep via mice, rats and birdies. YUM (not)!!!
Anonymous said…
The good news is since, I do not want you to miss out on this valuable opportunity because you lack the few dollars necessary (this would be ridiculous seeing as this is such an important astrological event which will not take place again for a very long time to come) I am going to reduce your participation to $45 instead of $60.

From my point of view this will not change a lot as I will still offer you exactly the same reading Saby. I will implicate myself in exactly the same way that I have always done and in the way I counted on doing. Once again the amount I ask has no great importance for me, it is entirely symbolic and it is simply a participation on your behalf. Of course, it is clear that this amount must remain symbolic and I can never go any lower than $45. As a matter of fact I don't think that any professional astrologer worth their talent would ask for this insignificant fee for a reading which will be over 60 pages in length. However I told you when we first entered into contact Saby,

I felt a very strong connection will you from the beginning and human relationships are very important to me, much more important than money.

And I want you to realize above all Saby that you must not miss out on this exceptional moment of chance which will be offered to you.
Jimmy said…




Vest said…
Aggie: Its strange but we haven't seen any evidence of rats or mice around our house, yet.x.
Anonymous said…
Rajan had finally buyer got a buyer for his appartment
He got the earnest money
and was expecting the balance payment now

meanwhile he told his brother in law he wud pay back the 400K he owed him
hence his bro in law borrowed 400K from a money lender at 5% interest per month
a cool 40K per month
Rajan has no job
He had resigned from his old job

Rajan is in deep shit bcoz the buyer backed out as real estate prices have crashed

He will get a heart attack soon or commit suicide

Bad scene
Anonymous said…
not me
its Rajan

the bloke is hungry
Vest said…
Ist anon: Please explain the significance of your comment, it makes little sense to me apart from you are about to be ripped off by a charlatan. I cannot allow bilge like this to clutter the comment thread, Ok. No explain then off it goes.
Jimmy said…
Mumbai: The world's coming to rock India. Former US vice president AI Gore and the organisers of the Live Earth series of music concerts have announced that the next edi Hon of the mega event will be held in Mlimbai on December 7 at the Andheri Sports Complex. '

Nobellaurcalo Rajendra Pachaui, director Shl'khar Kapur and actor itabh Bachcllnn announced their upport for tholniliative which uses e power of 0\(1 world's celebrity musicians to draw III lention to the cli'inate crisis cnllHt1C1 by global warm'ng. A record I wo III ilion people around he world watclwd the first series on :July 7, 2007. rocker Jon Bon ovi will perform the Mumbai show.

ROCK THE WORLD: Madonna at the Live Earth concert in london last year

Earth founder Kevin Wall said the proceeds would go to fund R K Pachauri's Light A Billion Lives project which aims to put a solar lantern in a billion homes.While Bachchan said he was suffi-
ciently alarmed by Pachauri's doomsday prediction to speak up for climate conservation, Kapur noted that his favourite rivers and forests in Mussourie had become brown and barren over time.

The star moment came when AI Gore hooked up via a video link from the US.

Admitting that his own country was perhaps the largest polluter in the world, he cautioned Indians against falling prey to similar trends in consumerism.

"It is undesirable for a country to promote and subsidise dirty fuels like kerosene, paraffin and coal when it could use cheaper and better alternatives like electricity," he said. "India is clearly emerging as a world leader in many ways, and it could show the path to other countries by converting to healthier energy resources."

~ 'Concert will educate Indians', P 8

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