NSW Vatican Bishop Pell Mells into Contradiction.

Is anyone else bemused by the OZ faith industry leader Archbishop George Pell's chunterings about climate change?
This ecclesiastic crackpot was at it again on sunday, using his newspaper column to repeat his assertion that he's yet to see any scientific evidence that our planet is becoming hotter.
Pell like others of his flock of sheep are entitled to their opinions, however, given the nature of his day job, it's kind of hilarious to see this exalted faith industry leader demanding the most rigorous evidential standards for something which most non christian scientists support. It certainly jars with the other creationist stuff that he's prepared to accept - the immaculate conception, for starters, the water into - wine party trick J C used to pull, or the amazing recovery of that Lazarus bloke who, after an extended bout of death, roared back to life to live to a ripe old age.
If you admire S-Can stirrers and contrarians, Pell is one geezer you will admire, particularly for his gaffe's while whipping himself into a lather over gay marriage and abortion.
Pell is a Faith Industry ( Vatican branch) company man simply toeing the line, hardly surprising.
But a scientist he ain't, and if he is prepared to frame his entire being around a collection of cockeyed beliefs, all of which would produce much laughter out of a year 9 science class. He has no right to be a credible player in any scientific debate. Full Stop.

The faith industry(Catholic branch) has gone bonkers over a nine year old child having her twin foetus removed, the childs stepfather has not been excommunicated from the catholic church but the the child and her mother plus the whole medical team got the chop from the popeists. "Good on them I say", it will be a relief from having to follow another male dominated calling masterminded by unmarried pedophiles.

It is unchallenged knowledge that global average temperature has not increased since 1998.This corresponds to a 9-year period prior to 1998 during which,the level of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,did increase by almost 5%copy the link and paste it into your browser From: GlobalWarmingFraudwww.youtube.com/watch?v=5B3EoiU3zKA or search you tube for
Glenn Beck: The Great Global Warming Swindle.


tqmcintl said…
tell us about kissing

POPES dont kiss
I think
Jimmy said…
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Anonymous said…
you kiss his RING silly.
Anonymous said…
Climate change isn't so much about the planet "warming" up - but about how this contributes to climate extremes around the world. I would have thought anyone living in Oz would have clicked on pretty quick to what it means given the floods in the North this last season and the fires in the South. Extreme weather conditions at both ends sort of demonstrates it quite well I would have thought.
He needs to read "Climate Change for Dummies."
Vest said…
The faith industry(Catholic branch) has gone bonkers over a nine year old child having her twin foetus removed, the childs stepfather has not been excommunicated from the catholic church but the the child and her mother plus the whole medical team got the chop from the popeists. "Good on them I say", it will be a relief from having to follow another male dominated calling masterminded by unmarried pedophiles.
Jimmy said…
Religion is Commercial with vested interests

God is not
Jesus, a jew was anti-religion

He criticized vehemently the rituals of the Jews
and He was crucified

u will not be killed Vest
u will be hung
by your balls

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