Randy Faith Industry Leader, dabbles in double standards. Mick bishop one short of Muslim Quota..
Asuncion: Paraguay. President Fernando Lugo asked for forgiveness Friday for a paternity scandal in which three women claim the former Roman Catholic bishop fathered their children. Reading to reporters from a written statement, Lugo acknowledged "personal errors" and portrayed himself as a "father who is prepared to share his love and care." But Lugo, who has acknowledged fathering a 2-year-old boy born to a former parishioner, did not recognize the two children involved in two other paternity claims. "I am a human being,( He should mention this to the Pope , a former Fascist Hitler youth member) and therefore nothing is foreign to me," Lugo said. "Asking forgiveness for these circumstances, I want to stress that my version will always be the truth." A senator from a party currently aligned with Lugo's urged the president to resign. "Your past guaranteed a high level of credibility that would straighten out the nation's path," ...