Brighter days ahead seem more likely.

The visit to the doc yesterday confirmed my hopes, the day started miserably cold and wet, on leaving the Docs office the sun was shining and even if it were not I too felt much better than I have done for a few worrisome days. Today went well too and the sun shone all day for our not too comfortable trip on the train to Sydney(mainly coming back with school kids). Stepping out into George Street from central station I started humming the ding dong song, jeeze it reminded me of lunch hour on the streets of Wanchai and Kowloon, however the main purpose of the day was to visit a particular govt department to discuss a query affecting the progress of a future project. The Govt Bloke I must truthfully say seemed to be the most polite helpful non pushy bureaucrat I have come across ( Rosemary thought he was most handsome)Also I suggested before the interview we must at no point of the conversation touch our noses**. in the wash up we emerged sorry-I emerged 250 bucks lighter in the wallet but happy for the positive result. Fed govt you have an employee worth his weight in gold-even though it was my gold that saved the day. So project pp E 31 commencing July 18 and finalising Aug 31 is in preparation. Due to security problems any suggestions as to its identity may be emailed but not posted R not posted as a comment. I am having an early night after this busy day. Our 56th tomorrow, seems I shall be on the go again. Back later, have a wonderful weekend. Vest.

**Body language-suggests fibbing.


Anonymous said…
Well if he was good looking, then hes bound to be honest. Lol! Glad you had a good trip and outcome.
Vest said…
Ah Sweet Aggie saves the day again. What would I have done with a negative response, thanks,XXX.
lower deck lawyer said…
I believe I have solved the conundrum, I'll email the answer.
Vest said…
LDL: Correct clever dick.
frog said…
tell me wots going on? it dun make sense to me mate.
Christine said…
I think I know what it's about but what's with the code uncle Les????
Christine said…
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Vest said…
Christine: Renew aus pp for blighty date time period. ok X.

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