The Birth of the Atomic Age
Vest, Yours truly was nineteen years of age on that day sixty four years ago when the test bomb exploded in the New Mexico desert. I do not recall any joyful activity on my part and the day was as meaningless as the continual visits from the 'One way Ticketed Divine Wind' Japanese Air force planes to the British Pacific Fleet. Mind you Uncle Sam's Boys were constantly visited being they were soft targets compared to the Brits. Its true, over a period of six months the yanks lost over forty ships, the Brit fleet of 70 ships lost none. The 'A' Bombs were responsible for preventing a possible hundred fold more lives should the conventional warfare had continued to the bitter end. However unlike some poor souls I am still here with most of my faculties and still able to remember. For you Muzzles out there, July 16 ad 622, the Muslim calendar began. And at 2100hrs BST on July 16 1969, Apollo 11 took off for the Moon. Also on July 16 1966, Simply lucky to make it through,...