Convicts Marketing, Some Rain and a bleeding Proboscis

HAVING a convicted criminal call you in your home sounds a little bit unsettling — particularly if they’re still serving time when they do it. And if prisoner number 31047 tried to sell you some raffle tickets for a worthy charity you might be forgiven for being a tad cynical.
And yet there’s every chance you may have already received such a call and - if you’re a generous sort - maybe even made a donation, all without ever knowing you were talking to a criminal. It’s also possible that your kids go to school in a demountable classroom put together by convicts in Cessnock or drink milk processed by prisoners at Emu Plains.
It might be strange to think about it but prison labour is used in a whole bunch of industries across the state and so, one might say, why not telemarketing? The blunt truth is this: No one wants criminals re offending when they get out of jail; they are much less likely to re offend if they have a job; they are much more likely to get a job if they have training and experience on the inside.
And with the appropriate restrictions and supervision there shouldn't be any security issue - certainly no more so than a random stranger in Bangalore having your credit card number.
So, as strange as it sounds, this initiative might be worth giving a go. Let’s face it - it’s not like being called by a telemarketer could get any worse.

This evening is much cooler than the preceding five days of oppressive heat, my flu symptoms are fast disappearing, however, my sinus cavity has cleared - my breathing great but not before a bout of snorting and a rush of blood from my proboscis, which fortunately has now abated(I knew you all wanted to 'nose' that). It is known that a trickle precedes a flood, while attending to the nose bleed, thunder and lightning and the welcome precipitation arrived, although it has stopped now it is the first rain in twenty four days. I do hope the cockies inland get their share too.
As predicted nearest and dearest caught the bug too, Rosemary is experiencing peak flu misery but hopefully the downturn will commence by tomorrow.
It will be a stay at home weekend, but with a visit from (P S), Tim will be calling to collect his daughters; beautiful Tamara and Jacinta for a week in Muswelbrook NSW, during the school hols, I personally would opt for the flu or a spate of temporary deafness.
I am still receiving five times more email than comments on my blog, despite plus more than sixty visits per day. Most bloggers find it rewarding to have someone comment on what they have taken the time and energy to write about, although personal messages (Family) sits are sometimes better kept deadly secret and sent via email.
Having looked outside the rain continues to fall quite heavy too which will give our hard pressed reservoirs a much needed top up. Much advice about how to shower what shower heads to use and how long to shower gets me riled, being it is raining and we are getting more water I shall take a four minute shower so there you have it.

Thank you Christine and Malcolm for The pics and video's from England during our recent visit. It is fortunate to have such great family oriented relatives.
And to all friends and family members enjoy the forthcoming long weekend (OZ). Back later Vest.


Jimmy said…
DIAGO uncle called it a day
- October 2, 2009

He was 102
Vest said…
Jimmy: I recall sending him a card on his 100th Birthday.
A great Knock declaring his innings closed on 102.
My condolences to you and your family. VEST
frank cook said…
In deference to The Royal Commission for Political Correctness, it was announced today that the local climate in the UK should no longer be referred to as .....''English Weather..'

Rather than offend a sizable portion of the population, it will now be referred to as 'Muslim Weather.' In other words - 'partly Sunni, but mostly Shi'ite
Anonymous said…
Glad you are feeling better Vest. I don't do much blogging these days, so sorry I'm not about to comment more. I hope Rosemary gets well soon too! Cheers.
Vest said…
Aggie: Like a breath of fresh air,
or a ray of sunshine which follows the gloom, the scent of the flowers, and the warmth of the room - like a comment from Aggie 'tis never too soon. Vest Ad 2009.
Christine, M said…
How to Tell the Sex of a Fly


This is the cleanest E-mail joke
I've come across in a long while!

A woman walked into the kitchen to find her
Husband standing around with a fly swatter

"What are you doing?"
She asked.

"Hunting Flies"
He responded.

"Oh. ! Killing any?"
She asked.

"Yep, 3 males, 2 Females," he replied.

Intrigued, she asked.
"How can you tell them apart?"

He responded,
"3 were on a beer can,

2 were on the phone.

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