Splitting The Human Race. Your choice the Ruling Class. Or an Ugly Morlock.. A Re Run But interesting.

THE human race will one day split into two separate species, an attractive, intelligent ruling elite and an underclass of dim-witted, ugly goblin-like creatures. It has already begun

100,000 years into the future, sexual selection could mean that two distinct breeds of human will have developed. The human race will have reached its physical peak by the year 3000. After they reach their peak around the year 3000 humans will begin to regress. These humans will be between 6ft and 7ft tall and they will live up to 120 years.

"Physical features will be driven by indicators of health, youth and fertility that men and women have evolved to look for in potential mates," suggesting that advances in cosmetic surgery and other body modifying techniques will effectively homogenise our appearance.

Men will have symmetrical facial features, deeper voices and bigger penises, That will make a few of you want to live longer.

Women will all have glossy hair, smooth hairless skin, large eyes and pert breasts.

Racial differences will be a thing of the past as interbreeding -( this is not the type of inter breeding among relatives in Tasmania known to produce offspring with twin heads)- produces a single coffee-coloured skin tone. Some people I know have achieved this already.

The future for our descendants isn't all long life, perfect bodies and chiselled features.

While humans will reach their peak in 1000 years' time, 10,000 years later our reliance on technology will have begun to dramatically change our appearance.

Medicine will weaken our immune system and we will begin to appear more child-like.

The future of man will be a story of the good, the bad and the ugly.
While science and technology have the potential to create an ideal habitat for humanity over the next millennium, there is the possibility of a monumental genetic hangover over the subsequent millennia due to an over-reliance on technology reducing our natural capacity to resist disease, or our evolved ability to get along with each other. After that, things could get ugly, with the possible emergence of genetic 'haves' and 'have-nots'. And the workforce a major race of ugly mishapen hunch backed Gnomes

This theory may strike a chord with readers who have read H G Wells' classic novel The Time Machine, in particular his descriptions of the Eloi and the Morlock races.

In the 1895 book, the human race has evolved into two distinct species, the highly intelligent and wealthy Eloi and the frightening, animalistic Morlock who are destined to work underground to keep the Eloi happy. I reckon Wally would make a great morlock.

At Wednesday, 31 October 2007 12:31:00 PM AEDT, Jim said...
u gotta see this

go here http://imnutsincaps.blogspot.com/2007/10/vest.html

At Wednesday, 31 October 2007 1:46:00 PM AEDT, Jim said...
Sounds good
but i hope u r not talking about Aryan supremacy

like HITLER did

At Wednesday, 31 October 2007 6:24:00 PM AEDT, Vest said...
Jim: Hardly Aryan, as most of the elete will be double milk chocolate types with light to dark brown hair.
The morlocks will consist of Afro's, Arabs and all members or followers of the global Faith Industries particularly the dissident Muslim sects. During the first elite inquisition washup, Sons of Nippon plus their cousins between the 38th parallel will be 'Outed'. Then with an eye to the future, native islanders in a broad sweep up and across from Kiwi land to bangladesh. So keep your nose clean Jim, you may be next.
All pure supposition, no one living will ever know. No worries mate. CGAS.

At Wednesday, 31 October 2007 10:57:00 PM AEDT, amy...swansea said...
I guess no one will want to become a morlock. Poor wally, you wanting him to be a morlock, he could be offended. But we could turn Jim into a subservient Morlock and give him a severe beating when he becomes stroppy, ah , I feel better now thinking of that.

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 9:09:00 AM AEDT, Jim said...

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 9:12:00 AM AEDT, Jim said...
u r talking 100,000 years into the future,

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 9:15:00 AM AEDT, Jim said...
cosmetic surgery and other body modifying techniques will effectively homogenise our appearance.

its gonna be a very drab World if all women look like Amy

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 9:18:00 AM AEDT, Jim said...
Men will have bigger penises,

That will surely make me want to live forever

and Amy will want that too.

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 9:19:00 AM AEDT, Jim said...
Women will all have glossy hair, smooth hairless skin, large eyes and pert breasts.

and what Pussy type?

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 9:22:00 AM AEDT, Jim said...
interbreeding -
- produces a single coffee-coloured skin tone.

i hate sickly milky white of the british


At Thursday, 1 November 2007 9:24:00 AM AEDT, Jim said...
our reliance on technology will have begun to dramatically change our appearance.

its already happening
i have skinny legs and belly from sitting on the telly and my PC

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 9:26:00 AM AEDT, Jim said...
Medicine will weaken our immune system and we will begin to appear more child-like.

its already happened
foreignners in india cannot survive without bottled water

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 9:29:00 AM AEDT, Jim said...
Heyyyyy VEST

this is a great work
on the lines of FUTURE SHOCK
and the THIRD WAVE

u need to write another book soon
this book i will surely buy

if u post pics of Amy
bare ass

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 10:08:00 AM AEDT, Jim said...

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 1:31:00 PM AEDT, Anonymous said...
I spose you fink yourself as king of the eloi, you old git, see i can be rude too - bum holes too you sport

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 1:40:00 PM AEDT, Vest said...
Thanks for the old git Wally.

At Thursday, 1 November 2007 8:42:00 PM AEDT, el kazzafi said...
مدونة جميلة ما شاء الله

تعلم الربح من مدونتك مع جوجل ادسنس
تعلم الربح من جوجل ادسنس

شرح تفصيلي لكل من يريد ان يربح من مدونته عن طريق شركة جوجل العملاقة


مدونة الراجل دا بيقول كلام زي الفل
نكت ولقطات فيديو كوميدية وصور مضحكة على مدونة اشطات
نكت , صور ولقطات كوميدية

مدونة نجوم اف ام
اسمع نجوم اف ام مباشرة وتعرف على المذيعين وشاهد صورهم واعرف ايميلات البرامج
Nogoom FM نجوم اف ام


السلام عليكم
برجاء زيارتي ووضع اللينك عندكم :

مدونة اجلوكو
مدونة اجلوكو..بها ترفيه كالبث المباشر لنجوم اف ام وروتانا سينما ..وبها ايضا تعلم الربح من مدونتك مع اجلوكو وجوجل ادسنس
agloco,تعلم الربح من جوجل ادسنس, تطوير المدونات, نجوم اف ام

مدونة الراجل دا بيقول كلام زي الفل
نكت ولقطات فيديو كوميدية وصور مضحكة على مدونة اشطات
نكت , صور ولقطات كوميدية

مدونة نجوم اف ام
اسمع نجوم اف ام مباشرة وتعرف على المذيعين وشاهد صورهم واعرف ايميلات البرامج
Nogoom FM نجوم اف ام

مدونة الرمد
كل شئ عن الرمد وعلم العيون..السكر والعيون..الليزك...فيديو عملية الليزك...للطلبة وللاطباء وللمرضى

مدونة احلى كلام
شعر واجمل القصائد الرومانسية عن الحب

احلى كلام

ممكن نعمل باك لينك لبعض؟

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At Thursday, 1 November 2007 11:17:00 PM AEDT, Vest said...
Jim: This where I need assistance, not sure what the lingo is to translate, bit confusing , anyhow I'm off to bed had enough for one day.

At Friday, 2 November 2007 10:04:00 AM AEDT, Mel Avila Alarilla said...
Hi Vest,
Sounds like science fiction. I don't know, I don't think that far ahead in the future, and I'm not concerned with that. Interesting post though. Smile. Have a nice and peaceful day.

At Monday, 28 December 2009 2:31:00 AM AEDT, Anonymous said...
Opulently I assent to but I dream the list inform should acquire more info then it has.

At Monday, 28 December 2009 10:30:00 AM AEDT, Vest said...
Anonymous you must be English. You spell THAN as THEN - the way upper crust English persons would pronounce THAN.

Post a Comment.



Jimmy said…
Happy New Year all u freaks
love u all
Jimmy said…
long live this gang of oldies

not meaning u Aggie
but when u mix with oldies such as Vest, u too develop symptoms
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year to you and Rosemary Vest ... may 2010 be full of blessings and prosperity and good health for you both.
Jimmy said…
a New Year 2010 chat follows
WALLY. said…
Short legged greeks and macedonions with big bums would make great morloks also el porto/mumbai cits like jimmy the wanker.
Vest said…
Wally: We must desist from childish name calling, even though Jimmy is a Wanker.
Vest said…
Jimmy: Your recent lengthy comment will be posted should you edit or rephrase some of its content likely to offend those with an eccleslastical upbringing.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Vest said…
Jimmy: It is someone flogging pornos by the look of it, so it will be deleted, OK.

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