
Showing posts from 2010

Food scraps (Leftovers) to be banned from House hold Garbage collections

Food scraps (Leftovers) to be banned from House hold Garbage collections.  Most councils within NSW Australia have adequate systems for waste removal from households and businesses. The main problem is abuse of the system by uncaring persons with an out of sight out of mind mentality. The head line on page 5 in my favourite daily newspaper (Delivered daily to my door) Thurs Dec 23 2010, reads. Ban on bin food scraps: It goes on to say,. Food could be banned from household rubbish bins or residents might be charged extra to remove it under proposals to deal with the state's growing mountains of garbage. For full details google Sydney Daily Telegraph for info. For those people who are not already dealing with this problem and wish to deal with the matter of disposing the putrescibles  themselves, these few hints may solve your problems as well as helping the environment and if you have a garden; help with cost cutting. Of course it is your choice whatever you do. Ite...

Australian Rules at sea, Hello Sailor, Kiss my hardy.

Royal Australian Navy Press Release Gillard Government Announce 21st Century "Politically Correct" Type 45 Destroyer. Press Release to coincide with the introduction of the new Type 45 Destroyers. Details have been released regarding Australia introduction of the next generation of fighting ships. The Royal Australian Navy is proud of the cutting edge capability of the fleet of Type 45 destroyers. Costing $750 million, they have been designed to meet the needs of the 21st century; in addition to state of the art technology, weaponry, and guidance systems, the ships will comply with the very latest employment, equality, health & safety and human rights legislation They will be able to remain at sea for several months and positively bristle with facilities. For instance, the new user friendly crow's nest comes equipped with wheelchair access. Live ammunition has been replaced with paintballs to reduce the risk of anyone getting hu...

Female Weather (changeable) And the 'Last Post' before Yuletide.

It's Chilly outside, a wind blowing force 6 from the antarctic. Three days ago blistering hot, also two days ago Sydney had flooding and a Hailstorm, last night we had an extra bed cover, previous night the fan was on overtime. Escaping the unseasonal Global warming  thingy in Britain right now are the the 'WAGS', the English test cricketers nearest and dearests whose arrival may have provided the catalyst for their lovers Limp finish after being on top for two days. This may be the last post until after Xmas, two days prior being taken up for medical thingies, and a bit of tidying up before our yuletide guests arrive.It is the Time of the Year to sit back and enjoy what life has to offer. However, I would like to thank all of you who have been gracious enough to visit my blog site over the years, regardless of content it has been a rewarding time for me. Christmas time for me is a period where I take stock and count my blessings although in my case the imaginat...

The Ghosts of Christmas Past, or is Christmas at war with us?

As I walk around the shops today, and here's what I saw: tinsel, Santa's, conifers. Here's what I heard: Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, a melancholy song about a deer with a coke habit. Here's what I didn't see: anyone complaining. However, as this blogger points out, some people are still convinced there is a war on Christmas If truth be told, Christmas is at war with us. From Thanksgiving to Boxing Day, there is no escape from the barrage of mulled wine, elves and people leaving office parties wearing their trousers back to front. As for the shopping duties entailed, well, "Christmas shopping: the conversion of one's indifference to people into active hatred , Cliff Richard and Christmas: a painful combination One aspect of Christmas I'd gladly have a war with: the music - anything featuring an expression of seasonal cheer or sleigh bells or robin redbreasts or swaddling clothes, I recommend total destruct...

Are there intelligent people watching "The Grand Old Oprah 'Down Under' Show?

The plump dusky mediator for all things irrational and flagrantly absurd currently being pursued by name droppers and attention getter's, has created multiple malady's among people who were born with a brain, many cases of diarrhea and vomiting have been reported from local medico's who they say became involuntary involved with the loony Oprah Circus Released from the bondage of her gold plated 'I'm always right existence,Oprah shows delight to be among things real, but as one blogger put it, "I am sorry the Koala didn't pee on her for the complete authentic Australian experience. Tell me is there something I am missing, during her musings as a television latter day messiah/know all, the shouting and screaming never lets up and little compromise is ever achieved among the contesting loonies, Oprah's bi-partisan jurisdiction proving to be totally ineffective. So it would seem ; any Nong Head can appear to be assertive even when achieving nothing am...

Nixon Tapes — He Disses Jews, Blacks, Italians, Irish......

Nixon Tapes — He Disses Jews, Blacks, Italians, Irish The latest batch of tapes from the Watergate era reveal that President Richard Nixon thought Jews were aggressive and obnoxious, the Irish were mean drunks, and Italians did not have their heads “screwed on tight.” The remarks, including others about blacks and Russian Jews, were contained in 265 hours of tape recordings released by the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, The New York Times reported. Nixon made the remarks to his secretary and top aides just 16 months before resigning as president, according to the Times. During one session, Nixon stresses that he is not prejudiced but adds, “I’ve just recognized that, you know, all people have certain traits.” Nixon continues: “Virtually every Irish I’ve known gets mean when he drinks. Particularly the real Irish. "The Italians, of course, those people don’t have their heads screwed on tight. "The Jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious p...

Summer at last and why are sporting Australians bad losers?

The blistering sunny days are here at last, "Oh for some rain" but not in the former drought areas where  there is flooding. The famine and flood theory works well in the land of OZ. Warnie, the former spotty faced wanker now semi retired red ball twister and ex druggo, reformed smoker, plus divorcee and sex mechanic - is back to his boudoir sex romping with yet another ageing married celeb. Little wonder his sporting interests have taken a back seat, ageing maybe but  Liz H has plenty more to offer than his former scrubbers, mind you his lucrative cricket deals in India may become forfeit should the Billionaire Indian husband of  Liz H object to  the cuckoo in his love nest . The problem with OZ cricket at the moment, is simply a lack of Top Class players, but a plethora of  lesser players of equal talent. The selectors nightmare is simply having to pick a team from a bunch of losers. The cry "Bring back Warnie" will fall on deaf ears simply b...


A MERRY CHRISTMAS  AND A  HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE. An insult to Mothers! Or would you prefer to have been born Backwards?  A re-run. An Insult to Mothers - Who Don't Claim Perfection I do wonder at the mentality of some people:"Our 7-month-old gr/gr daughter is bonding with her nanny so strongly that at night she cries for her. This is really upsetting her parents as they spend a lot of time with their daughter -- they give her breakfast, bathe her, and play with her for one to two hours every day. They are worried that she's more attached to her nanny than she is to her parents. What should I do? they are both asking me "The obvious answer is to stop living the Special K lifestyle, and give your daughter some attention and then she might realise that you are her mother or father and not some stranger who pops in and out of her life. But we live in an age of post-Feminism, in which women need to be men to prove they are women - or some su...

Post 721. Welcome to the Australian Summer ?

Yes it is the official start to our summer down under when the Sun tracks high above and scorches the skin off your back if you are daft enough to check it out. However, the Gods have stuffed up with the weather pattern and as I write our street is -er Avenue is looking more like Chalgrove brook plus an outdoor temp of 17deg with teeming rain as a bonus. So taking a break from writing scores of  Christmas cards and my Neurological  affliction in quiet mode  I shall try to explain my absence over the past four weeks. The long awaited opportunity to see a neurologist on Nov 15 was thwarted by by my unexpected hospitalisation on 'Guy Fawkes Day' Nov 5th, I shall now see the the neurologist on Dec  8. My sixteen day sojourn in Gosford hospital was caused because of Kidney failure, and after five attempts to get a line through my veins to my left kidney, I had several hours of dialysis treatment and other investigative treatment,. Fortunately my kidney recover...

Vest the Latter Day Lazuras Will probably return tomorrow.

My absence was caused by a collapsed Kate & Sydney on Thursday 4th inst. Am still feeling fairly crook and weak as a can of virgins water, thank you those who sent emails and kept me awake in my hospital bed by your well wishing phone calls. Any how I am back, love you all, Vest

"All Over Red Rover" The MELL BUNN Cup and the Math Question.

A mild weather wise yesterday brought out the loonies from over the back fence alias another Barry Dogs head Melbourne Cup gathering all mouthing off while  swilling their charred barbecued steaks and sangers down with copious amounts of home brew or moonshine. I am not sorry the greedy trainer with the trademark eyebrows failed in his attempt to win his 13TH Cup, instead from what I can gather a yank horse was the bolter with a Frog  coxswain at the tiller..Any way who cares, apart from the employers who will be deluged with sickies today. I am a fortunate person who only uses a Debit Card  with no indebtedness, unlike the  persons in over sized homes on Struggle Street today slugged with higher interest rates in order to boost the $12 million per ann salary of the CEO of the Commonwealth Bank. It's a shame the old style bank robberies have gone out of fashion. secretly I was always disappointed when the swashbuckling robbers got caught, now the hype has gone and...

Local stuff. Fishy business, and I must be missing the point.

Not a bad weekend, pleasant normal spring weather, feeling a little better I was enticed to the club for a few hours, watched a show which we had seen before; "The Kamis " a New Zealand group, which attracts a following of itinerant, or over stayers from the land of the great White Cloud, I'm talking  about Maoris, If you have never seen a Maori in the flesh you must think 'Big', The stern of a Battleship comes to mind, I have been informed it is hereditary and created generations back through eating 'Long Pig.'. Although where we live on the Central Coast is free from the restrictions imposed on fisher-persons in the Sydney Harbour areas, we  are offered so called fresh fish  in the shops which has an onerous background and in my opinion worse than that restricted by Govt regulations. People are still eating fish caught west of the harbour bridge, despite continuing concerns about highly toxic cancer - causing chemicals. Commercial fishing was banned a ...

Slimming Scam .Plus The Big Race and the Head again.

Having a lot of activities recently like moving my legs - gardening and shopping with nearest and dearest, together with a new exercise regime and  cutting down on or avoiding altogether certain foodstuffs, I have reduced my weight by about three kilos over a period of three weeks, those behind the times like the USA approx 6LBS 6 OZ. I am absolutely certain that the slimming mixture taken twice daily had nothing whatsoever to do with all this lard disappearing, so I returned  the said slimming mixture for a refund and have not fallen for a Peter Foster Type Balin Tea Scam. This slimming crap mob that  advertise on National Television, will be sent an appropriate letter on receipt of my refund. The current dilemma with my cranium and its weird carrying on has now entered the acceptance stage with little hope of answers for at least another seventeen days. The weather for the past couple of days has been normal if there ...

Post 714. Not so global Warming today, plus Health and Family.

Its tiddling down.has been for past two days, the Topsy turvy weather patterns continue making out door scheduling unpredictable. Seven weeks back a sunny 32 Cel and that was winter, indoors at the moment it Say's 17Cel;  but  outside I'm not sure more than likely cooler with a s/w wind a-blowing fiercely, I shall not bother to check it out. Cockies (farmers) are still griping about water allocations from the river systems in inland NSW although the drought of three years has been official declared over with joyful aplomb from those benefiting, but sadly some of these people are going from famine to floods with more rain yet to come,several weirs across each river would stall the maximum of the river water entering coastal deltas, "too costly"say some and not needed at the present time say others, life is a gamble on the land and a way of life for some, the hardy. Friday the intermittent throbbing in my the right side of my fore head became unreal plus with tightnes...

Post No 713. "England Expects" and remembering ABERFAN,Plus HMAS Australia.

"England expects this day that every man will do his duty", was the signal hoisted at the yard arm of Admiral Horatio Nelsons Flag ship the HMS Victory ,commanded by Capt Hardy on the forenoon of Monday 21st of October 1805. Although certain standards of fair play in naval warfare were  expected this wasn't the case on this particular occasion, Inspections  of 'Victory's guns corroborate the fact that Grape Shot (balls on a chain) were a no no but were used during this battle against a superior number of French and Spanish ships and to add to the discomfort of the enemy upper deck gun crews and others were the bags of gravel (stones) fired by the forward guns of Nelsons fleet of ships. Can you imagine the destructive influence of a spread forty feet wide of several hundred large chunks of stone. If anyone was to blame for any infringement of the rules it would have been the orchestrator of the so called  dirty tricks Naughty Horatio Nelson  who was una...

Oh You've GOT To Be Kidding Me: Four Ecuadorian Miners Trapped Underground

Well they say it happens in threes,.After the O'Higgin-Land disaster with 33 miners rescued, we now have another four Miners trapped on the same Continent, Of course those who know everything will dream up the theory that the forthcoming rescue bid will be a piece of piss compared to the last exercise albeit the differing geographical site. No doubt the know how from recent experience can be put to the task for the rescue of these under privileged and under rewarded blokes, working in poor conditions to feather the nests of the Fat Cats. Let us wish them a safe return to their families. However, you can be sure it will not be long before the next disaster, So don't put the rescue gear in the back of the shed yet. This just in: Four miners are trapped 500 feet down a collapsed mine  in Portovelo, in Ecuador's southwest coastal province of El Oro. The miners are believed to be alive because they were located in an area far enough away from the collapse, though ...

Waiting in Limbo.

This is all due to the present problem I am having, although I am not in extreme pain, the occasional sharpness of the short stabbing pains are more than a nuisance, my right temple as I write throbs intermittently. Although there seems to be no change from yesterday's symptoms, I slept well without waking last night without any help from pills and avoiding sleep during the day and retiring around 1230 am after falling asleep in front of the telly.  I have eaten a healthy breakfast and have walked around the garden, the wind chill factor is fairly severe to us bona fides ( Temp 15 deg) at 1030 am, courtesy of a 50 knot southerly from Antarctica, two days ago the Midday temp was 32 deg. Before overheating the phone for hours on Thursday, searching for a Neurologist who wasn't too busy, beloved and I attended the funeral of a close friend, I then had a sneak preview of an adjacent plot (Paid up by yours truly) looking down where I stood I said, "See you lat...

Saturday, October 9, 2010 Dont cuss VEST, he BRITISH.

Saturday, October 9, 2010Dont cuss VEST, he BRITISH Race row: Aussie cops joke about Indian’s electrocution MEA Summons Oz Envoy To Protest Bias Against Indians TIMES NEWS NETWORK By Jimmy.D G special report from Delhi New Delhi: After a New Zealand TV anchor rattled Indians earlier this week, the attention is now back to Australia. A day after the Australian media reported that two policemen in Victoria exchanged emails that were racially offensive to Indians, the foreign office issued yet another strongly worded protest. Australian high commissioner Peter Varghese was called in to the MEA on Saturday and a demarche issued to him. MEA spokesperson Vishnu Prakash said, “It was conveyed to him that such an entrenched bias among sections of law enforcers towards the Indian community is a matter of serious concern. Such behaviour had no place in any society.” He added, “It was hoped that the Australian authorities would take necessary measures to address concerns regarding the...

Seems those short cut Indians do have a sense of humour.

Posted by Jimmy. Our D G correspondent in Delhi 1) BREAKING NEWS: Suresh Kamadi just tried to hang himself in the CWG stadium. But the ceiling collapsed 2) The truth behind bulk sms banning is to stop kalmadi jokes and not Ayodhya 3) Look at the brighter side; the more countries pull out, the higher India is ranked in the final medal's tally. 4) Terrorists set to skip CWG 2010 citing unlivable conditions and fear for their safety. 5) Q: How many contractors are required to change a light bulb in Delhi CWG stadium? A: 1 Million. (1 to change bulb and rest 999,999 to hold the ceiling) 6) Whats common between CWG committee and students??? Ans: both start their preparations at the 11th hour..... 7) Prince Charles is actively convincing the Queen to visit dengue hit Delhi , this may be his last chance to become the king! 8) Thanks to Guernsey and Jersey for threatening to pull out of games! We now know these countries existed! 9) Ek waqt aisa aayeg...

Reducing my time allowance for blogging.

Great weather today, woke up to overnight rain and the midday temp peaked at 27 in the shade but blistering in the direct sunlight,. The grass is green  and the garden thriving. Happy birthday to Gr/daughter beautiful Jacinta. Sitting here on my backside has to cease  for a while, or at least more walking and other exercise will be taken up and a healthy eating programme is on the cards, less priority will be given to posting. Our eldest son Chris is now back from hospital, info for those who were informed., but it seems how hard we try, the bloody hospitals seem to be drawing us like a magnet and I am sick to the teeth of miscellaneous check ups, today I had a brain Scan (again) Yes I do have one it seems so no caustic remarks please. the problem relates to the accident of Feb 8, 2008, Read archives post 2-12-08. I am not too happy with the strange throbbing sensation adjacent to the injury scars. the result if any will be known when I collect the result for ...

Hang them High and Lower Costs

    So many businesses going off shore, people complaining about job losses, the catalyst being the result of high wages and high demand for items the hoipoloi cannot afford, theft and drugs meaning  higher insurance premiums more coppers on the beat, and to clean up the mess and hide the problem by incarcerating our crims we need prison officers and blood sucking lawyers to add to the general cost of living, there are other factors which unnecessarily jack up our outgoings but those mentioned can serve the purpose for the moment and here is one job export which would clean up the place.and send a few ambulance chasers broke unless they moved off shore to chase the lower paid jobs, (in this case defence lawyers in Singapore and Malaysia with sod all hope of winning drug related cases My suggestion is that, the Australian Govt reach a bipartisan agreement with the Singaporean Or Malaysian Govt or both and have all drug related offences from A...


The NSW Australia Medical board has cautioned  doctors for making flippant and derogatory comments on various social networking sites. Doctors have been disclosing sensitive medical information and even ridiculing their patients on Face book. One doctor who came to the notice of the Medical Board has been warned that, taking the mickey out of patients and discussing their details is not secure and can cause serious consequences for the perpetrators The usual rules about confidentiality apply. After a disgruntled patient read nasty comments made by one doctor on Face book the board issued a general warning. 'Watch it doc'. .....Having a firm grip on living. It is often seen as a sign of confidence but a firm handshake may also mean you will have a long life, although that is where it stops unless some eccleslastical dispensation has given you your ticket to harp land. Men and women with a strong grip tend to outlive those whose handshakes brush not crush. It is a f...

The Wedding Washup,.... No. Truth Spared.

It took 27 hours from here and back again,, stayed overnight at our son David and his partner Mandys residence and enjoyed a superb breakfast. The remainder of our time included nine hours socialising Wedding - Church - Reception. Driving took up 4.5 hours approx. Two hour breakfast. One hour chatting an old friend the Grandfather of the bride. The rest of the was spent either sleeping or on the toilet. Trying to explain the complex issue of who was related to who would not be less complicated than a centrally isolated Tasmanian rural community register. Inside of the chuch,. In front of me from left to right, stood Tony my 2nd eldest son father of the bride, then Gegory the husband of Tonys 2nd wife Suzanne. Suzanne the mother of the bride was stood next to Tonys third wife Rebecca. the senior matron of honour was Kylie, who is Tony's eldest daughter from his first marriage with Karen. Kylie's partner is paul (in lower case) the father of three of her four children. Woul...


You all remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona , who painted the jail cells pink and made the inmates wear pink prison garb. Well......... Oh, there's MUCH more to know about Sheriff Joe! Maricopa County was spending approx. $18 million dollars a year on stray animals, like cats and dogs. Sheriff Joe offered to take the department over, and the County Supervisors said okay. The animal shelters are now all staffed and operated by prisoners. They feed and care for the strays. Every animal in his care is taken out and walked twice daily. He now has prisoners who are experts in animal nutrition and behavior. They give great classes for anyone who'd like to adopt an animal. He has literally taken stray dog s off the street, given them to the care of prisoners, and had them place in dog shows. The best part? His budget for the entire department is now under $3 million. Teresa and I adopted a Weimaraner from a Maricopa County shelter two years ago. He was neutered and current ...

Another good man bites the dust..... Wedding speeches can be fatal..

After a few days of popping in and out of hospital clashes with the medical profession plus my eldest sons medical dilemma's, waiting long hours at hospitals plus sleep deprivation and to join the confusion RTA (MOT) tests plus rego & insurance on two family cars and renewing banking arrangements , today saw myself yawning and with bleary eyes getting things ready for the trip 180klms down the coast for our number two granddaughters wedding, Nicole Suzanne Coral Pamela Rosemary 24 will marry her long known friend, Mitchel Lalor.. Fortunately I do not have to make a speech and alienate people in doing so, in the past my wedding speeches have failed to impress, particularly the Knowitalls who rarely make it beyond the seven year itch or earlier. Unfortunately my eldest son is too ill to attend this very lavish do, he will be holding the fort here with the help of  other friendly .locals. Rosemary will be taking pics of the wedding etc . Sorry But I am finding ...


SWEET POISON! A MUST READ! ANON Writes. In October 2001 my sister started getting very sick. She had stomach spasms and she was having a hard time getting around.. Walking was a major chore...It took everything she had just to get out of bed; she was in so much pain. By March 2002, she had undergone several tissue and muscle biopsies and was on 24 various prescription medications. The doctors could not determine what was wrong with her. She was in so much pain, and so sick she just knew she was dying. She put her house, bank accounts, life insurance, her oldest daughter's name, and made sure that her younger children were to be taken care of. She also wanted her last hooray, so she planned a trip to Florida (basically in a wheelchair) for March 22nd. On March 19 I called her to ask how her most recent tests went, and she said they didn't find anything on the test, but they believe she had MS. I recalled an article a friend of mine e-mailed to me and I asked my s...

Is Your Doctor Keeping Up With Current Research - or an out of touch Quack?

Is Your Doctor Keeping Up With Current Research? Is Your Doctor Up-to-Date? Many doctors are unaware of the massive amount of recent research that is far beyond anything taught in medical training. The care you receive from your doctor is at least 40 years behind what is being learned in thousands of scientific laboratories around the world. When you come face to face with your doctor in the examining room, you should keep in mind that he or she may be behind the times. There are many important facts based on up-to-date information you should consider Some patients appear to have great difficulty getting over common viral infections, or they have repeated viral infections. The common explanation is that their immunity is low, and if a vaccine is available, they should have regular vaccinations. While it is true that many people, especially the elderly and those with chronic diseases, have poor immune function, one of the hidden causes is an undiagnosed, underlying bacte...

Guanabee | Weird German Calendar Makes Fun Of Micheal J. Fox's Height

Guanabee Weird German Calendar Makes Fun Of Micheal J. Fox's Height


READERS ARE REMINDED THAT THIS IS NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED, IT SHOWS VIVID PICTURES OF ANIMALS BEING SLAUGHTERED IN A INHUMANE MANNER SIMPLY TO PROVIDE FOOD FOR OUR TABLES. Will you ever eat Meat again. google search, (Middle East Hal Al Slaughter houses) Google save OR If not available open, CLICK on To Major campaigns, then middle east investigations then Video downloads

The No. 1 Question Your Doctor Should Always Ask You .

 The No. 1 Question Your Doctor Should Always Ask You . . . "How Much Water Do You Drink on a Daily Basis?" And Why Your Answer Could Mean the Difference Between a Lifetime of Optimal Health — or Chronic Disease. Think about it do you really need some quack or medico to stretch the point you are not drinking enough water? of course most of you don't, however you are not doing your self any favours  by ignoring the fact that your future health is factored in by the amount of water you drink daily. During the past fifteen years my average intake of  inexpensive clean filtered-boiled and refrigerated tap water being around two litres or  over three pints per day, thus counteracting the social sludge I slurp into my body from the stuff I enjoy, such as tea sugar dairy products Johnny Walker C/Cola and a rare coffee. also muck that hangs around In my system from a heap of other miscellaneous additives found in the crap we  call food. Can you ...

The Big Bang. and other News snippets. Plus Old Timers again, and Fidel.

Challenging traditional religious beliefs, the laws of physics were behind the big bang. because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going. This theory opposes Isaac Newtons belief the universe must have been designed by God as it could not have materialised out of chaos. .............Vitamin pill to stop Alzheimer's the Old timer disease. A cheap, simple vitamin pill could stop millions  suffering Alzheimer's disease. The tablet made up of three vit B supplements, cut brain shrinkage linked to memory loss by up to 500 per cent.the vitamin B breaks down homo-cysteine, a body compound linked to memory loss and Alzheimer's. However my concern is the 'Up to ' figure, anything from next to nothing to rebirth. seems pos...

Hidden Dementia. Stop its advance, choice of mental activity? plenty of them.

Communicating regularly with a partner a friend or relative in an active manner  such as playing board games requiring the thought processes  such as Draughts (checkers) Chess, UNO, Scrabble and crosswords are but a few of the activities available for persons old and young with time on their hands, even reading the news papers help you stay on track with what is really or supposedly happening around you and the rest of the world. Older people have their memories and love to converse with the younger set, some of it may be a trifle muddled then again what historical events aren't a a bit askew. History unfolds the main mistakes made by our forbears and that considered taboo in this mod world, although our politicians worldwide continue to  make the same mistakes of the past. It is pitiful to see elderly persons staring out in space while sitting in the old rocking chair or the like, unable to recognize the beautiful flowers in the garden which they planted a couple ...

Cricket Lovely Cricket. Plus a bit of uncomplimentary Stirring.

Cricket lovely Cricket has nothing to do with the 1950 song created by the West Indies team when they thrashed England for the first time, Remember the last line of the song? "Those two very good friends of mine Ramadin and Valentine. In Sonny Ramadin and Alf Valentine's days  cricket was the gentleman's game, sadly it has degenerated due to the fast moving society of today and newcomers to the game bending the multitude of rules & and regs for them to suit their nefarious activities.  Dodgy umpiring was the first to go when the ICC decided  neutral umpires would replace the local  umpires. The sub Continent teams,particularly Pakistan were prone to skulduggery, Example being Javed Miandad only getting out LBW twice In Ten years play within Pakistan but twenty fold elsewhere. Mind you the Australians without the present day technology got away with scores of dodgy Lillee & and Thompson to Marsh caught behinds,  helped by as suggested...