Archaic Muslim Extremists Firebomb Christian Churches
Two more churches in Malaysia were firebombed Sunday, bringing the total to six since a court ruled that non-Muslims can use the word "Allah" as a term for God.
No one has been hurt in the attacks, which began Friday. They follow a high court's ruling that Christians can use the word "Allah" in literature printed in the country's official language, Malay.
In Malay, the word for God is "Allah," as it is in Arabic.
But many in the predominantly Muslim country, including the government, believe the word should be exclusive to Islam.
The government has banned the use of the word in Christian literature, saying it is likely to confuse Muslims and draw them to Christianity.
The bombings may be an attempt to intimidate judges to overturn the decision.
Political leaders from a range of parties deplored the attacks on the churches.
Prime Minister Najib Razak visited one of the targeted churches on Saturday and called for calm.
Emphasizing his resolve to maintain ethnic and racial harmony in society, Najib also said the Muslim faith prohibits insulting other religions or destroying their sanctuaries.
In recent months, authorities in Malaysia have seized more than 20,000 Bibles because they refer to God as Allah.
The seizures have fed fears among minority groups, which see signs of encroaching Islamic fundamentalism in the predominantly Muslim but multiracial country.
A Roman Catholic weekly newspaper, The Herald, challenged the ban in court after the government threatened to revoke the newspaper's license for using the word in its Malay edition.
Hearings on the case went on for two years before the high court's ruling last week.
Malaysia has some of the tightest government restrictions on religion in the world, according to a study published last month by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. The country was among the 10 most restrictive countries out of 175 in the survey.
But it had relatively low levels of social tension between religious groups, the report found. The Pew study covered events from mid-2006 to mid-2008. However, my studies going back 56 years to the time of the British Raj can relate to the ongoing tolerance and low level tension between religious groups.
Getting down to the nitty gritty, My wife and I lived in Johore Bahru 53-54 for 20 months,we lived next to Malays at 1B Jalan Storey. Their daughters would stay and sleep in our house when I was on night duty. We attended the social functions - weddings of other races and religions, combo's of R/Cs, Muslims, c/of/E, Chinese and Sikhs were quite common, We had Muslim friends a-plenty, Catholic Malays too. Our great friend Abdul Karim Bin Anang,from the Survey dept in JB wrote to us in his own style of copperplate writing for thirty years until his passing. I met up with him again in 1960 and finally when he was dying aged 72, this was in Aug 1986, when Rosemary and I with Tim our son called into Singapore en route from U/K.
Sadly, we do not communicate with his family since the letter from a Indian person an associate member of the Johore Cricket council confirmed his passing and journey to the great Mosque in the sky Sept 1986.
Pic (1) Rosemary with baby Chris and myself. 1954.
(2) Abdul Karim and I, Bukit Tima road S-pore. 1960.
(3) Rosemary 20 with *Anging,(*anging Malay for dog).1953.
(4) Rosemary, Abdul Karim, baby Chris. 1954.
(5) Me at Abdul Karim's Daughter's wedding. 1960.
(6) Abdul Karim at the Sultans Palace, The guy in front in the civvies and sunnies. 1960.

No one has been hurt in the attacks, which began Friday. They follow a high court's ruling that Christians can use the word "Allah" in literature printed in the country's official language, Malay.
In Malay, the word for God is "Allah," as it is in Arabic.
But many in the predominantly Muslim country, including the government, believe the word should be exclusive to Islam.
The government has banned the use of the word in Christian literature, saying it is likely to confuse Muslims and draw them to Christianity.
The bombings may be an attempt to intimidate judges to overturn the decision.
Political leaders from a range of parties deplored the attacks on the churches.
Prime Minister Najib Razak visited one of the targeted churches on Saturday and called for calm.
Emphasizing his resolve to maintain ethnic and racial harmony in society, Najib also said the Muslim faith prohibits insulting other religions or destroying their sanctuaries.
In recent months, authorities in Malaysia have seized more than 20,000 Bibles because they refer to God as Allah.
The seizures have fed fears among minority groups, which see signs of encroaching Islamic fundamentalism in the predominantly Muslim but multiracial country.
A Roman Catholic weekly newspaper, The Herald, challenged the ban in court after the government threatened to revoke the newspaper's license for using the word in its Malay edition.
Hearings on the case went on for two years before the high court's ruling last week.
Malaysia has some of the tightest government restrictions on religion in the world, according to a study published last month by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. The country was among the 10 most restrictive countries out of 175 in the survey.
But it had relatively low levels of social tension between religious groups, the report found. The Pew study covered events from mid-2006 to mid-2008. However, my studies going back 56 years to the time of the British Raj can relate to the ongoing tolerance and low level tension between religious groups.
Getting down to the nitty gritty, My wife and I lived in Johore Bahru 53-54 for 20 months,we lived next to Malays at 1B Jalan Storey. Their daughters would stay and sleep in our house when I was on night duty. We attended the social functions - weddings of other races and religions, combo's of R/Cs, Muslims, c/of/E, Chinese and Sikhs were quite common, We had Muslim friends a-plenty, Catholic Malays too. Our great friend Abdul Karim Bin Anang,from the Survey dept in JB wrote to us in his own style of copperplate writing for thirty years until his passing. I met up with him again in 1960 and finally when he was dying aged 72, this was in Aug 1986, when Rosemary and I with Tim our son called into Singapore en route from U/K.
Sadly, we do not communicate with his family since the letter from a Indian person an associate member of the Johore Cricket council confirmed his passing and journey to the great Mosque in the sky Sept 1986.
Pic (1) Rosemary with baby Chris and myself. 1954.
(2) Abdul Karim and I, Bukit Tima road S-pore. 1960.
(3) Rosemary 20 with *Anging,(*anging Malay for dog).1953.
(4) Rosemary, Abdul Karim, baby Chris. 1954.
(5) Me at Abdul Karim's Daughter's wedding. 1960.
(6) Abdul Karim at the Sultans Palace, The guy in front in the civvies and sunnies. 1960.

Only God can shut me down, he has my permission to do so should you find him.
Have a rational day.
Be kind to those who bring you help and succour.
BTW, I will have to delete your above comments due to their derogatory content, try again.
way to go
Rose dont have the no how
Pics in your blog are mostly for the people who cannot read or write.
Rosemary smoking pic 4, naughty Rosemary, xoxox, nice chick.
Rosemary was holding my ciggy while I held camera.
A K smoked and loved a beer too, hardly a Muslim fundamentalist.
> Jonathan Ross has
> been accused of shoplifting a kitchen utensil from Tesco..
> Ross says it was a whisk he was prepared to take.
> Police stop a Pakistani in his transit on the motorway.
> Policeman says "Do you know the limit is 70?"
> The driver leans into the back and says "hear that 3 of you have got
> to get
> out".
> 4 immigrants were
> suffocated in the back of a Tesco lorry last night.
> Every little helps.
> Paddy & Mick stagger out of the
> zoo with blood pouring from them.
> "B*ll**ks to that" said
> Paddy "that's the last time I go lion dancing"
> 63 Pakistanis died in Bradford this
> morning.
> It was not a terrorist attack,a bunk
> bed collapsed.
> The police are blaming AL IKEA .
> Scientists have revealed
> today that they have found a new drug for depressed
> lesbians. It's called Trydixagain.
jimmy my mum says your depraved old git and a wanton wanker.
I'm looking for a rich india woman to marry forever I'm 24 and half australian aboriginal.
u sonovabytch
I love your mom too
tell her
sorry Wally
sorry Vest
received your emails
I dont have the address
Your comment above will be edited then copied, re posted and the original deleted.
copy the address fast and delete it before ROSE gets here
Friday, 15 January 2010 8:36:00 PM AEDT
Jimmy said...
Jimmy said...
It always good to listen to the little voice within us and if we do, we sleep better at night knowing that we are following God's teachings...
conscience is a result of brain washing
the conscience of a Christian is far diff from the conscience of a Muslim and that of a Hindu and that of VEST
I refuse to believe that VEST will go to hell
he is a good bloke faithful to Rose his wife for more than 50 years
He gives lott too charity
He is a better Christian than u or me
I divorced my wife
Jimmy said...
I didnt mean u Mel
EDITED By Rosemary and reposted.
how I hate censors
sensers is not the right word
this is not done by sensible folks
wars are being fought on the Christ - ian banner
Jesus said turn the other cheek
MK Gandhi said 'An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind'
The Church has corrupted the teachings of Christ
Read THE THIRD CHRIST by Deepak Chopra
Just at random typed my late father's name while sufing the internet and what an article about my father and photos !!
Let me introduce myself. My name is Sharina Abdul Karim, 60 years old,widow (married to a Dutchman) living in The Netherlands since 1991.I left Malaysia in 1979 to work for Malaysia tourist promotion board in Paris and was not home when my father past.I am one of his 18 children in which 3 has sadly passed.Two of the 3 children who used to stay with you are still in JB. The oldest is Sarah, the second Fatimah or Baby has passed and Zahorah is the one in the wedding picture.
Please keep in contact with me for my father's memory.
I thank you, your article do justice!!
Sharina. You should be very proud of your dear father, we loved him as a good friend and he has always been revered by us for all time. I still have some of his letters, such beatiful handwriting, and this morning early my wife showed me the broach your father gave her in 1954, her initials RJB in gold letters..
Today we have been busy, Rosemary had day surgery in the local hospital, and all is well.
For the past hour or so my server has been down, so I shall copy and return soon. Thanks, hope to hear from you soon!
So if you are out there Sharina or the youngest daughter of Abdul Karim please get back to me and with your correct contact details. thanks.
Here is Sharina the first AK's daughter that contacted you. I have recieved your personal email to me and will write to you soon. My youngest sister Rina is living in S'pore and would love to contact you through FB so that she can tell her children and grandchildren about our father. Since you don't have an account in FB, I will send you her personal email to you. We would like to have a contact with you and Rosemary through emails from now on. Our family are large and some are also in the US and we will be meeting soon for a family reunion in July. Love you and Rosemary in memory of my father.
defend your nuts unblocked games