New C F & P " Economics 101"

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New CF&P "Economics 101" Video Discusses Monopolies, Competition and School Choice
(Washington, D.C., Tuesday, February 9, 2010) In a new "Economics 101" video released today by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation (CF&P), Izzy Santa of the Cato Institute uses school choice as an example to explain why competition is better than government-created monopolies. The video entitled, "Economics 101: School Choice Example Shows Why Government Monopolies Are Bad," examines the data and notes that private schools produce better academic results at a lower cost than government-run schools.

This new video is part of CF&P's Economics 101 video series, which is designed to explain free market concepts, with particular emphasis on reaching students and young people.

Links to the video: YouTube | Yahoo | Capitol Hub

"As Izzy points out, monopolies rip off consumers with high prices, they offer poor service, and they're bad for overall economic performance because they distort the allocation of resources," said CF&P President Andrew Quinlan. "So there is no surprise that government monopoly schools deliver lower-quality education for our kids."

"School choice is a critical issue, with implications for everything from civil rights to national competitiveness. This video is a great introduction to the issue," added Dan Mitchell, Cato Institute Senior Fellow and Chairman of CF&P.

Executive Summary:

Competition promotes innovation and results in higher quality and lower costs. Government-run schools are a tragic example, by contrast, of why monopolies generate bad results. This video uses the example of school choice to explain why competition is a better approach.

CF&P Foundation has also released more than two-dozen mini-documentaries since 2007. These videos include Tax Competition Primer, VAT-Hidden Tax, Global Flat Tax Revolution, Cutting the U.S. Corporate Income Tax, Promoting Prosperity, Obama's So-Called Stimulus, Obama's Deferral Proposal, Case Against Class-Warfare Tax Policy, President Obama's Dishonest Demagoguery on Tax Havens, a three part series on the Benefits of Tax Havens and a another three-part series on the Laffer Curve.

Web Links to Video:



Capitol Hub are-bad-school-choice-example

For additional comments:
Izzy Santa at 202-842-0200,
Andrew Quinlan can be reached at 202-285-0244,
Dan Mitchell can be reached at 202-218-4615,


Web Link:

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Jimmy said…
Competition promotes innovation and results in higher quality and lower costs. Government-run schools are a tragic example, by contrast, of why monopolies generate bad results. This video uses the example of school choice to explain why competition is a better approach.

I agree bilkul
Jimmy said…
the best goddam college in the WORLD is IIT Kanpur

funded by USA
we had the latest equipment for all our labs
Jimmy said…
IITK adopted the semester system
and promoted all round education

among the courses i did
besides NUCLEAR PHYSICs were

we got to see uncensored movies in this class
Jimmy said…
I had my first look see of Pussy here

it was on child birth
I was turned off
Jimmy said…
we also did PHILOSOPHY 101

i rote a paper on THEOLOGY VS PHILOSOPHY

and had endless debates on is GOD REAL?

with VIVEK and OM PRAKASH both atheists

I won
Jimmy said…
and VIVEK married a woman who is nagging him to death
Anonymous said…
did I reveal all dis shit?

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