Well I never. Four Jimmies - but one is enough on my Blog.

I Picked up this cry for help in my favourite newspaper 'The Sydney Daily Telegraph', which is delivered daily to my door.

Mike Kelly Quintet.
Seeking members of the Mike Kelly Quintet which played at Chester Hill R S L in NSW, from 1970 to the early 80's,
Jim Breakwell was on piano.
Jim Hemming on bass.
Jim Thompson on trumpet. And,
Jim Hennersey played the clarinet and saxaphone.

Call Mike Kelly on 0425 260 106 or email parakurri@primus

No prank calls please. Thank you.


Vest said…
The advent of the R B T in the early eighties sounded the death knell of the big bands. Clubs were experiencing lower patronage and higher overheads which brought about the duo's and solo artiste's most muso's experienced a downturn in their income although, the courtesy bus idea partially saved the day and created more jobs.
"Don't give up your day job" was a familiar quotation aimed at performers who didn't cut the mustard leads me to wonder if it was one of those aforementioned Jims who created several franchises such as the well known 'Jims Mowing', also 'Jims Cleaning', 'Jims Pool Maintenance', the list goes on.
My rambling mind could seek out endless possibilities to earn a crust using a Jim slogan.
'Just a thought'.
Davoh said…
Ah ..whoever heard of King Crimson . heh
Davoh said…
Don't give me the shits .. worked wiHtin (and without) the "JIMS mOWING" franchise for 6 years or so ..que.
Davoh said…
OH.. good thought - filter comments .. heh. Yup, was a 'Jims Mowing' slave for 4 - 5 years. Am slow learner .. heh.
Davoh said…
Am, of course, gunna provoke you. Not dead yet.
Davoh said…
Yup, got ya "MAILOUT" 'last pics'. One of those is a proven fake.
Vest said…
Davo: Which one? could be the croc and parachutist.
Rosemary said…
I am convinced it is the train.
Anonymous said…
Jim's Mowing - For Sale
Become Part Of Australia's Largest Mowing Franchise. Trust Jim's. NSW.
www.JimsMowing.netJim's Fencing Booming
With more work than they can handle,
WALLY. said…
Vesty. do you have any plumbing problems, i can do them for free for a w/e in sunny budgewoi, and a few beers in the local. I was a late starter but now qualified.
Vest said…
Wally: Plumbing problems are not planned and temporary repairs can be unreliable when you are waiting for the plumber to arrive for a genuine repair. During an emergency we would have to contact-- Oh No!! not Jims Plumbing.
So you will have to consider another job, alternatively mowing 5,000 sq ft of grass.
You could then become a lawn plumber - sort of just for the day.

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