Facebook Spies!!!. ASIO hiring via Facebook.

ASIO hiring via Facebook? What are these? AUSTRALIA'S top spy agency has turned to the social networking giant Facebook to find new staff in its latest online recruitment campaign.
Some Facebook users with links to Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra have been seeing ASIO job advertisements in the past two weeks.

ASIO's quietly launched online recruiting drive is part of a broader campaign the agency said was aimed at "both passive and active job-seekers".

"We are seeking candidates from a broad range of backgrounds and social-networking sites provide access to a wide audience who may not otherwise consider ASIO as an employer," an ASIO spokeswoman said.

"We have used demographic filters on the site, simply because these roles are based in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra."

The Facebook ad shows an ASIO logo accompanied by the caption: "What would it take for you to click on this ad? A snap decision? An inquisitive mind? Click for info on becoming a Surveillance Officer.


C>A> said…
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C>A> said…
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C>A> said…
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Vest said…
C.A. Why are you asking that question, just email me your reason.
C.A. said…
so you were aquainted to simon W......l
Vest said…
C A: Are you Barking you goof. End of chat, P O. or else.
Vest said…
No more silly spy stories about me being involved with a middle eastern agency in the sixties.
Vest said…
Had to delete several comments from nutters since my last comment. Got a feeling it was from the bunch of latent terrorists of World united bloggers based in Cairo.
Vest said…
Re Izzy Dave, I received a noreply email from a supposed relative of I D, who frequently travelled between Australia and the PL as he called Israel. The message indicated he had passed on, little else. This was over a year ago.
ID visited my blog quite frequently over a period of three or so years. We had became acquainted through an article(post) I wrote circa 1948, Palestinian illegal immigrants, he at the age of 13 being one of them(read the 'Pans' on Google)I at 22 a member of RN boarding crew, Sort of on opposite sides.
ID had come to realise over the years there was no more meat on the bone to chew on and we became blog friends, we also met occasionally, small talk friendly stuff. he never discussed details about his so called import export dealings, however he had very rigid political opinions, some of which I tended to agree with.
If ID was someone more sinister other than what he portrayed it's a bit too late for any sniffing around and my mind is closed on the matter. Fini.
R.I.P Izzy Dave 1935-2008.
Vest said…
Since my last comment I have had to delete eleven - yes eleven jokers with some of the most outrageous theories concerning my supposed past, some entertaining like comic book stuff. The reason for deletion, simple, there are people out there who might believe it.
Simple people.
Je suis perdu. said…
I reckon it was you vest the izzy agent who nicked PM Malcolm Frasers strides, read in frid tele.
No smoke so they say.
Vest said…
Je suis perdu: It was in today's newspaper the telegraph.
What happened in Memphis stays in Memphis.
Anyhow wasn't Malcolm Fraser staying at the 'Admiral Benbow Inn' in Memphis? shades of R L S's 'Treasure Island. I reckon the geezer who nicked Mal's trousers wuz 'Black Dog' or more likely - Long Johns Silvermann was the Mossad connection; he wuz the first mate on the SS Haifa, a White Star of David flying freighter carrying arms to Suid Afrika and Pantalon Repassers to Canberra.
I wonder if Jim Hawkins still has Mals $10,000 Rolex?
Amy..Swansea. said…
Oh so clever Mr Vest.
Would your frog commenter mean no smoke without fire, if so how did this intrigue if substantiated describe you as one of mossads agents in the sixties.
Vest said…
Amy I am as lost as Napoleon 1815after eating fried onions and potatoes - part of my early dinner this Pm.
It started with an absurd assumption received from unclesamland illicitly descibing me as an agent of a certain levantine govt when in the sixties I was actually with a major insurance group in the U/K who made no bones about not wanting any business with unreliable mediteranean types, my work can only be described as sketchy to most people but I had a consious instinct that my work efforts had some vague overtones which if compromised in any way or form would have resulted in a greater renumeration from my employer.
I was the cold caller for the Firms nominee extracting info the firm could use unbeknown to the Client(truth that is)before the real agent called, who would then know instinctively if the client!was all he or she said they were. what followed was none of my business, OK.

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