A short serve of imformation
This might serve as an suitable reply to to the minimal traffic arriving from relatives and friends with regard to posts and letters to relatives, sent out over the past few weeks. Last Sunday went off well although I was the sole survivor of my assoc attending the Anzac Commemoration. Unfortunately the tobacco smoke in one area of the club has affected my eyes, hence watery stinging eyes have made the past three days unpleasant, so this post will only be received by those who have requested it. Due to my eye problem driving is out, so our proposed trip to see our sons and families down south is off, an email to Andrew no 4 son who rarely checks his email will surprise him that we didn't turn up!!! This post will serve as a reminder to David who answers his email more regularly. Now here is some real bad news for Smokers. The cost of smokes will shortly increase to recover some of the costs smokers contribute to the poor health of others and to themselv...