Tomorrow My youngest son Tim and I (NO WOMEN this is a blokey thing) will see who can lose the most dosh at the Wyong race meeting. Tim and other senior management at A. T. F. Mining Electrics and myself plus a few International sporting Icons will discuss nothing of importance at the luncheon except introductions and drinks and good cordial chatting during the afternoon race meeting. The wash up of this day out will be posted soon? For the very Latest News. www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph My favorite newspaper which I have delivered daily. Washup Indeed: Our district has had about four inches of rain overnight and up to about an hour ago. The race course is now under water and all bets are off . Day out cancelled. As I write the rain has just just started again and is teeming down.
Allergic to deceit and political correctness (been there, tried that, doesn't work--too lazy).
Retired from dating. Constantly in a state of improvement. That should give you a hint about where I started from.
Fan of most people except highway slowpokes. And meanies (if you're a bully, I'm your worst nightmare). Otherwise, I'm the world's biggest bleeding heart.
Adore, love, am nuts about dogs and cats. One in particular, The Most Spoiled Cat In The Universe, runs my life.
Slightly reformed black belt shoppper. Katherine Hepburn is my hero(ine). Some folks have blood in their veins, I have music (no talent, just love the stuff).
and I love that nut Saby
where is Bridget ?
she left me without saying bye
no kisses no huggs no nothing
she just disappeared
She ceased blogging some time back. she was a nice person but scared of any backlash from the coven of witches led by the garage builders in Ranier Minesota - their chief tshsmom, who could be seen riding her six cylinder broomstick with her dog 'Haiirry' at night when Macfarlanes lantern was at its brightest.
i tot she panicked coz I was coming on too heavy with her
I still have the hottz for her
tell her
I am real sorry to hear your story
I was in a much bigger mess
but thanks to a pal Pratap Singh, he bailed me out
He paid the guys I owed money and the bankers too
and I paid him back many years later by selling my appartment and shifting to a cheaper locality
Now I am back on my feet and doing good
We all have to go through UPs and DOWNs in life Becky
for some its money probs for others health for some marital probs
and for some a combo of all
but dont DESPAIR
Keep the FAITH
its that JOKER God
He puts u into situations
just for the funn of it seems
but NO
there is a purpose
some day u will see it and PRAISE the Lord
as I am doing now
bcoz of the bad times
I changed my business
divorced my wife
and am now really happy
in LIFE and LOVE too
yes I am free now to love all the beauty full women (and u)
on planet EARTH
More the pity that Stan also a friend turned up with a Royal Navy White Ensign after after someone had draped the coffin with the Australian Navy Ensign. Harry, StanLey myself and others now well in their eighties did the Hard yards for the benefit of Australia with the British Pacific Fleet during WW2. Unlike my forty years some of these men have resided in Australia most of their adult life prior to serving as children in the Royal Navy and despite all and being Astralians by choice were denied the basic award to similar serving Australians.
To me it seemed the draping of the Australian Ensign on Harry's coffin was an admittance at least he deserved a Posthumous Goldcard.
Vale Harry. Les Bowyer of Budgewoi, On behalf of the King George V Association.
I reckon Those Vet Affairs goons and non combatant pollies spend more on the dead than the living.
Them and their bloody memorials. Ill be 83 soon but wheres my bloody gold card.
Chiefy: I believe you have commented here some while ago, Right?
and there are BRAVE men: just IDIOTS who want to be HEROES
thats a WISE brave man
Brown is the color of SHIT for all
it dont matter if u r white black or brown
SHIT is brown for all
Anne Koedt is a United States radical feminist and NY based author of The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm, 1970, the classic feminist work on women's sexuality.
She was connected to the group New York Radical Women and was a founding member in October 3, 1969 of New York Radical Feminists in the group's first consciousness-raising and organizing group, The Stanton-Anthony Brigade, with Shulamith Firestone, Diane Cruthers and Minda Bikman among others.
Koedt's December 1969 Politics of the Ego, A Manifesto for New York Radical Feminists was first published in Notes from the Second Year and later in her anthology Radical Feminism listed below.
A several page excerpt from this manifesto continued to be circulated as part of the 1976 "Introduction to New York Radical Feminists" pamphlet until the NYRF post office box closed in 1989.
Abortion Rally Speech, 24 March 1968
The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm, 1970
Lesbianism and Feminism, 1971 pamphlet distributed by the CWLU
Anne Koedt, Ellen Levine, and Anita Rapone (eds.) Radical Feminism,
Little girl says, "Oh yeah, well I have a Sega and a Nintendo!"
Little boy says, "So, my dad's a doctor!"
Little girls says, "My dad's an astronaut!"
Back and forth they went, each one trying to outdo the other until finally the little boy pulls down his shorts and proclaims, "But I have one of these!!!!" and shows the little girl his penis.
The little girl, not being able to retaliate, gets up and goes home. The next day, the little girl spots the little boy and proudly announces, "My mom said that with one of these (pointing to her's) I can get as many of those as I want!!!!!!
Love and kisses
u dont see it
u see me and Wally and Vest
the OLDIES did not have the benefit of the findings of Shere Hite and Masters and Johnsons
also the new gen our kids and grand kids dont read
So I am trying to educate them
and your kids too
1. It's important to have a woman who helps at home.
2. It's important to have a woman who cooks from time to time.
3. It's important to have a woman who keeps the house clean.
4. It's important to have a woman who has a job.
5. It's important to have a woman who likes you.
6. It's important to have a woman who can be your very best friend.
Yes u need six women WALLY
dont no how VEST managed with just one
dont know how to make u understand my wanting u is but animal desire
and dont u tell me that animals are beasts
An animal will not kill for sport
animal will not hoard food
animals dont go to WAR
animals only go by God given instinct for food love and sex
and they do all this passionately
they dont need docs and shrinks
as we do
- a chat with Sally, the preachers wife
OK Sally baby
u win
u r truly Gods Angel
but u r not just spirit
u have body too
and your body wants love
and u r not getting it from your dear hubby now
and I am not getting any too hon
I want u
I need u
and u too want and need me Sally
FACE it Sally
its true
u cant deny the TRUTH hon