Ruddy Hell Our Kev as lost his Job to another incompetent.


Vest said…
Listen Mate. The only thing I am missing is that bloody 'GOLD CARD'. Us Old poms who did it for strayer mate are dying orf like flies and would cost less each day as each of us bites the dust. Anyhow, "How's the Cricket" going? My 4th 21st comes up on July 16 send me my gold card for my birthday , see old skinflint. les.
PO Box 250 Budgewoi, NSW OZ.
Vest said…
Our new Prime Minister will be flying around the world on her first class broom stick just the same as all former PM's did before. "its tradition you know"
Visiting heads of state having all these expensive pissups and political corroborees at the expense of the poor and infirm.
I see the only thing going for her is she is not as ugly as Maggie Thatcher although needing some attention around the edges.
lower deck lawyer. said…
Hi Vest.I see your mate pictured is now the President of the world cricket council and is off to Zimbabwe for talks on how to live a devalued lifestyle. with that arch arsehole Robert Mugabe.
Wasn't Zimbabwe Rodesia or something? Mike.
Vest said…
LDL: There was Northern Rodesia, Capital Livingstone and is now Zambia and capital Lusaka.
I believe. its last white PM Sir Roy Welensky and first Afro PM was
Kenneth Kaunda early 60's.

Also Southern Rhodesia its Capital Salisbury. Last white PM was Ian Smith. about 1965.
And now Zimbabwe, Capital is Harare.
Its P M is Robert Mugabe.
He may have a dislectic relation in Yorkshire. Check this out.

Trebor Ebagum

This was not researched or spell checked.
WALLY. said…
Mr Vest,I had no idea you had friends in govt. and high places.
Vest said…
No Wally I don't really, They are just people I find offensive to whom I vent my wrath, although I do know some nice people in the taxation office to whom I found that 'Civility Pays dividends'.
Jimmy said…
u be nice
and u get nice

it works with women too
its called 4play
relative UK. said…
Vest,I beleve you and I have relatives in relatively high places, as in the Peak District near Sheffield in Yorkshire.
'EBAGUM's you you might say.
Fact is your youngest sibling's daughter has devalued us all since you began communicating with her, It is such a pity she is such disdainful snob. as you remarked she is the one not us who needs a fan in her bathroom.
Vest said…
Dear relative U/K:
In many of B's messages was that overlay indicating she was not of the common herd, little snippets like her middle class G/parentage and other droppings like higher education, retail management and a traveling spouse on business as she put it, in Tokyo at this moment.
Let it be known, my family and I have lived overseas in several exotic places and traveled extensively More so myself in 78 different countries; sometimes more than once.
My first business trip to Tokyo Japan was in the Battle Ship HMS King George V, late August 1945, Traveling those days was tough going, especially where you were going they really didn't want to know you.
Anonymous said…
Saby Da souza, an Indian business person has described your book Waving goodbye to a thousand flies as: porn soft core with humor against the back drop of WWII at sea.
Billy Mcgill said…
Les & Rosemary many thanks for keeping in touch .we have just come back from the canarie islands . We are off to Weymouth July 10th , then August 23rd off to Corfu , Hero's return trip with the minesweepers organisation , some of our lads are buried in the cemetery , one of our sweepers hit amine with a heavy loss of life. Best wishes to you both . Keep drinking the whiskey. Your's Aye Billy & Shirley Mcgill
WALLY said…
Read in the sydney telelegraph yesterday that our new lady Prime minister was not a knee bender, dunno how the parliment will start the parlying each day without an 'ourfarver'
Jimmy said…
I captured all DEVIKAAS blogs too
and KESHIs
and VESTs

VEST is 82
dont no how long he will be here

I am 59 but I wont die of OLD age
BOMB Blasts every other day

VEST may out live me
Rosemary said…
Actually hubby is 83 and will be 84 on Friday July 16 his 4th 21st birthday.
Send gifts of Gold, Frankincence and Murrh?, to Box 250 Budgewoi, NSW Australia 2262, for his favourite Charity.
Jimmy said…
I want to gift a GIFT to your hubby
Give me address and fone no

Jimmy said…
if he is a good reader

and a fast learner
its not too late
Debbie. said…
Many Happy Returns Auntie Rose,
Hope you have a fantastic day and are spoilt deserve it.
Lots of love
Deb xxxxxxx
bunny said…
Ooze that geezer jimmy. whats'se a bible thumper or some fink?
Jimmy said…
u r NOBODY if u dont have a LINKEDIN PROFILE, Rosemary

I have 2
Keshi said…
Girl power! Sorry matey ;-)

Vest said…
Keshi: I am absolutely and totally inspired to return to full time blogging now you have resurrected your blog.
One of my lifes simple pleasures is to read your beautful posts, which must in turn evolve from a beautiful person with a beautiful mind, L Y. welcome back,xxx.
BTW How are the kids?
You can use some HTML tags, such
Vest said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
rosemary said…
Jimmy no need for (linked in) our minds are full as it is, please dont ask again, thank you.

H's address is, Vest,Po Box 250, Budgewoi, NSW, Australia. 2262.
Jimmy said…
If OBAMA has one
u gotta have one

Thanks for the add
Jimmy said…
51, Female, Melbourne, Australia
Interested in Dating, Serious Relationship, Networking

“First you are young; then you are middle-aged; then you are old; then you are wonderful”

View Profile
Jimmy said…
The guy begins, "One ... Two ...Three"
Jimmy said…
Wally goes to his doctor for his physical and gets sent to the
urologist as a precaution. When he gets there, he discovers the
urologist is a very pretty female doctor.

The female doctor says, "I'm going to check your prostate today, but
this new procedure is a little different from
what you are probably used to. I want you to lie on your right side,
bend your knees, then while I check your
prostate, take a deep breath and say, '99' ".

The guy obeys and says,"99".

The doctor says, "Great". Now turn over on your left side and again,
while repeat the check, take a deep breath and say, '99".

Again, the guy says, '99'."

The doctor said,"Very good. Now then, I want you to lie on your back
with your knees raised slightly. I'm going to check your prostate with
this hand, and with the other hand I'm going to hold on to your penis
to keep it out of the way. Now take a deep breath and say, '99'.
Jimmy said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Jimmy said…
DOWN:more:Duck you number 7

Who really cares if I dont accept you as a friend? MOVE ON!!! Dont send me another request or message asking "Whats up with you not adding me?" I dont want you as a friend, thats whats up, Asshole....

Duck you number 8 6th,7th,8th graders who have Tagged and look like sluts, and act like whores; Go somewhere else because nobody wants you here And Parents - Quit blaming Tagged for your kid being a hooker, she was a whore before Tagged, and shed be a whore without it!

What does that say about your parenting skills? Think about it!

more F U:Duck you number 9 If you have decided to read this, you are a true Tagged Friend.
Jimmy said…
there is no such thing as tagged friend ship hon
we are on a cruise liner, a lover's cruise

but as George Benson says
the cruise will come to an end one day

and every thing must change hon
your boobs will soon sag
and your tight ass too will turn to jelly

but u will still make me erect for u
bcoz its not only your body that is sexy for me
u have a sexy mind too

and it gets sexier every day
but your body will age

the YOUNG becomes the OLD
and the OLD die to make room for the YOUNG

Yes hon
our time on planet earth is limited

so dont play coy
dont play hard to get

lets DO IT Now, if u love me
as u say u do
Jimmy said…
sending u a parcel by Courier
is this address right?

Po Box 250, Budgewoi, NSW, Australia. 2262

reply soon

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