Will Politicians ever learn from the mistakes of the past?

In the last Century The British gave up on the Afghanistan problem as unsolvable.
Then we had the Russians from 1979 in on the act but after a decade pulling out after failing to solve the riddle of why Afghanistanis are so thick in the head to continue their archaic beliefs and dyed in the wool intolerably - dogmatic and non progressive lifestyles.
The Taliban, another ancient religious bunch of loonies specialising in self opinionated uneducated males acquiring the major benefits of living using the entrenched laws of this lavatorial branch of the Faith Industry
whose slogan does not relate to Faith, Hope and Charity but Fear Greed and Cruelty
I am certain most level headed people in our world would agree that a 'Seven year old boy is simply a Seven year old Boy and nothing else.and not a spy and be hanged. The U/S backed Afghan president Hamid Karzai Condemmed the act. ...Vest.Daily Gaggle.

.Taliban executes seven-year-old 'spy' TALIBAN militants in Afghanistan executed a seven-year-old boy on suspicion of spying for the US-allied government, according to local reports today.

The execution, which has not been confirmed by the extremist organisation, was carried out in the southern Helmand province, government spokesman Daoud Ahmadi told The Times of India.
The boy’s relatives brought the incident to the government’s attention, the newspaper said.
Mr Ahmadi told Iranian news agency Press TV the act was “horrendous”.
It was not immediately clear what information the boy was suspected of leaking. The area is mostly controlled by militants, The Times said.
Taliban fighters in the same province shot down a NATO helicopter overnight as it tried to evacuate a British casualty. Four US soldiers were killed.
There are currently 142,000 foreign troops in Afghanistan, by the Pentagon's count, including 94,000 US troops, according to AFP.
US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said earlier this week that 17,000 to 18,000 troops ordered to Afghanistan by President Barack Obama as part of a 30,000 troop surge have arrived in the country.


Richard, Tassie. said…
Hope and charity YES but as you say faith in this day and age is creating the worlds problems its leaders in what you refer to as the Faith Industry are in control of a large percentage of the wealth in the world. but like the ever increasing departures of educated believers from various christian sects knowing most biblical teachings are a pack of lies the aggressive foolishness of the ignorant muslim sects are fuelling world hatred.
C,A. said…
'Lavatorial branch of the Faith Industry' "Where do you get gems like this?" loved it.
Jimmy said…
AFGHANS and IRAQIs and VIET NAMESE and JAPANESE can never be conquered

they will fight till the bitter end
The Americans have not learned their lesson yet
Jimmy said…
Te amo con todo mi corazòn
Jimmy said…
Historical records are available, which state that in 1321, four missionaries were killed in Thane and buried in St Thomas Church, Sopara, whereas Portuguese merchant Vasco Da Gama discovered India in 1498 and came to Bombay in 1534, said Fr Pereira.

Portugal ruled the Mumbai Metropolitan Region only from 1534. The territory was under the control of the Sultan of Gujarat who sought protection from the Portuguese against attack by the Mughals in exchange for the territory.

Under Portuguese rule, missionaries got protection and infrastructure to carry out evangelism. “They built large churches, whose ruins can still be found in Chaul (currently Rev Danda), Thane and other places to project their greatness.
Jimmy said…
The Portuguese could not come to terms with a Christian having a local name. Hence, they started assigning Portuguese names to the newly converted groups.

Names like D’Souza, D’Silva and Pereira were given based on the names of priests or sponsors who carried out the conversions,’’ added Fr Pereira.

The policies of the Portuguese rulers resulted
in the latter’s eviction by the Marathas who won a war against them in 1739.

Fr Pereira does not agree that Catholics got a fillip under the British rule. “In fact, the British were Protestant and therefore anti-Catholic.

Moreover, they took away large tracts of land belonging to local Catholic populations. Importantly, the local Christian population also disliked the Portuguese as they were laid-back rulers.’’

He also touched upon modern history by mentioning how Cardinal Valerian Gracious was the first Indian to head the Bombay Archdiocese in 1950. “After Independence, then prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru decided that no outside power would decide the appointment of a religious head in this country.’’
Jimmy said…
I too want to know more about me before I go

family tree and all
I will be telling it here

better if I tell my story rather than my detractors telling it
Jimmy said…
Threat to destroy Indian N-plant stopped attack on Kahuta
Threat to destroy Indian N-plant stopped attack on Kahuta
By Iftikhar A. Khan
Friday, 28 May, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan had warned India in the early 80s that an attack on nuclear assets in Kahuta would evoke a retaliatory strike on its Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in Trombay.This has been revealed by the then Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal M. Anwar Shamim, in his book “Cutting Edge PAF” launched here on Thursday.
Jimmy said…
According to Air Chief Marshal (retd) Shamim, he was called by the then president Gen Zia Ul haq in 1979 to discuss air defence of the nuclear assets in Kahuta. Gen Zia had reliable information that India was planning to attack and destroy Kahuta.

He says he told the president that Kahuta was an indefensible site because it was at three minutes flying time from the border. The reaction time was about eight minutes and by the time the PAF aircraft would reach the area the enemy would have completed the job and would be safe in their territory.

Gen Zia asked how could the most vital deterrent in the country’s armoury be defended and the answer was to acquire most modern aircraft and advanced weapons and the PAF would destroy India’s advanced nuclear facility at Trombay, if they embarked upon this rash course of action.
Jimmy said…
“We will inflict more damage to them than they can do to us”.

He says he told the president that the multi-role F-16 aircraft with the latest weapons were the best and most suited to meet PAF’s needs.He says that in 1981 the US administration offered F-5Es to be later augmented by F-5Gs, but Pakistan refused to accept any aircraft other than F-16s. This was finally accepted by the United States.

Pakistan received the first batch of F-16 aircraft in January 1983, and he wrote a letter to the president about the task given to him.
Jimmy said…
“I think he did that while he was in New York. I also invited senior editors of newspapers to inform them of the capability that we had acquired and safeguarded our nuclear assets. They asked pertinent questions and I answered them. As expected the news was published in Indian newspapers next day”.

Jimmy said…
“I am now in a position to confirm that Indians will not attack Kahuta because it is amply clear to them that we will retaliate and launch an attack on their atomic station in Trombay, and knowing that they will suffer much more devastation than us, will desist from taking any unwise action”.

He says he told the then secretary of science and technology, Munir Hussain, who was going abroad to attend an international conference on atomic energy, to inform his Indian counterpart of consequences of any adventure to attack the nuclear assets of Pakistan.

When he talked to his Indian counterpart, he said: “No brother, we know your capability and we will not undertake such a mission.”

He says that he also requested Lt-Gen Sahibzada Yaqub Khan, the foreign minister at that time, to declare at an appropriate time the intention of retaliating if any action was taken against the country’s nuclear assets.
Anonymous said…
In the washup the act of pulling out would solve many problems if you took a moment to think about it.

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