The Spring Has Sprung?. Well Nearly. Love is in the air too.

Three days to go before our Aussie Spring. Alternate days of rain wind and sunshine preceded the past two days of what could be described as beautiful English type Summer weather. Everything in the garden is in top form, my vegetable garden of Carrots, Leeks, Herbs, parsnips, turnips, swedes, spring-onions, huge Oriental Radish, R/Beans and three varieties of tomato are coming along fine, it is a pity I am now not as sprightly as my veggies.  Wednesday I have another circulation check and the 7th sees me on the table for more water works poking around, do you ever worry about not waking at these procedures? well I have made it back five times in the past three years.
Most of my school day friends must have passed on as I have no knowledge of any  being around in the UK
We visited the local graveyard in the U/K last year, most of them  pushing up the daises and providing vital nutrients for the ancient Yew Trees. Out living them must be a privilege; although in my case I have considered there is more to life than the joyless pursuit of good health and despite of this one doctor going back a couple of years consoled me by saying I was centenary material, so if that is the case you guys out there who get that feeling someone is crawling up their back when I visit their blog can settle down for I am here for the long haul.
Haven't heard from our P/Son lately; we hope he is well.
There will be a gathering of the clans during the wedding of my No two son's only  daughter of his  second marriage on the 25th of September, Nicole, Suzanne, Coral, Pamela, Rosemary  B....r will be tying the Knot with Mitchell, Lalor, a policeman,
Well unless I have missed something normality is the present state of affairs, nothing unusual, there has been a downturn on the number of callers commenting on this site. so following this post I shall endeavour to produce something more palatable. I'll be off now for my Midday Nod , get back to you later. Vest.
Have a Fruitful week.


Debbie. said…
Dear Uncle Les and Auntie Rose,
Thank you so much for my Birthday card, I really appreciate it. I have been out to lunch with Dad and John to "The George and Falcon" an old country pub in Warnford and am now fit to burst!!! I have been given lots of lovely cards and presents and am grateful to have such a lovely family both near and far.
I hope you are both well, lots of love
Deb xxxxx
Jimmy said…
produce something more palatable

more fotos
Jay said…
Glad to see you're still around. :)
Vest said…
Thanks Debbie.

Debbie is a wonderful person.

Jimmy: G S.

Jay: Welcome back. Been over to your blog many times over the past six months, Will pop over soon,X.
Vest said…
It does not require a major disaster for Elcom to stuff up the lives and working hours for the general public. Today our suburb was without power for over three hours on a perfect day - weather wise, there was no explanation given for this untimely disruption.
Kate...fb. said…
Hi Vesty, the last four days here in Budgewoi on the central coast have been absolutely wonderful havent they, and today our first day of aussie spring a beaut 28d. only the sea temp was 19. do you own a pool , we don't, If you do can I pop around? Luvs Ya, Kate, XXX.
WALLY. said…
Hi Vesty,looks like wer'e back to winter here near the CBD Sydney where its pissing down and a bit blowy.
Vest said…
Kate: Sorry we do not have a pool; at our last five residences yes but no more, I retired from cleaning pools for the benefit of others 15 years back, we will use either the Toukley council pool or that of our ex daughter in law Local.

Hey Guys, Kate wanted a dekko at me wearing my speedo budgie smugglers.

Wally: Tell your Mother it is Womans Weather, "Changeable".
elisabeth. said…
hi uncle les i love the book you wrote i have just finished reading it, its really good i love and you are a really good author lots of love from my heart and soul elisabeth.
Vest said…
Thankyou Elisabeth.
Elisabeth your sweet message will be remembered for always. I love you too.XXX.

Guys, I am Ten year old Elisabeth's Great Uncle, Elisabeth lives near Portsmouth in Merry England, she is quite a charmer, as you can see-is becoming adept in the art of manipulating the male ego.
Vest said…
Aleisha.Happy 13th Birthday Sept 3,
Aleisha is our Grandaughter.
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