Local stuff. Fishy business, and I must be missing the point.
Not a bad weekend, pleasant normal spring weather, feeling a little better I was enticed to the club for a few hours, watched a show which we had seen before; "The Kamis " a New Zealand group, which attracts a following of itinerant, or over stayers from the land of the great White Cloud, I'm talking about Maoris, If you have never seen a Maori in the flesh you must think 'Big', The stern of a Battleship comes to mind, I have been informed it is hereditary and created generations back through eating 'Long Pig.'. Although where we live on the Central Coast is free from the restrictions imposed on fisher-persons in the Sydney Harbour areas, we are offered so called fresh fish in the shops which has an onerous background and in my opinion worse than that restricted by Govt regulations. People are still eating fish caught west of the harbour bridge, despite continuing concerns about highly toxic cancer - causing chemicals. Commercial fishing was banned a ...